The Crawlers by Philip K. Dick is PUBLIC DOMAIN.
As you can see in a scan of the renewal form RE0000190631, pictured above, the renewer has stated that the story was published in the July 1955 issue of Imagination. This is completely false. A listing of the table of contents for Imagination, July 1955 is HERE. And there is indeed a Philip K. Dick short story in that issue. That story is entitled The Chromium Fence, but it is a completely different story. Ironically, it was renewed on the same document containing the deliberate fraud (see the scan below):
Because it was not renewed in its 28th year.The Crawlers by Philip K. Dick is PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Here is a |PDF| of it.
Posted by Jesse Willis
Is there an article that covers the history of all these fraudulent PKD extensions?
Sure is, it’s right here: