Power Records Plaza is a blog with affectionate memories of an obscure 1970s and 1980s record company called, you guessed it… “Power Records.” The site is run by Shawn, a Canadian with nostalgia for the story LPs he and his brother grew up listening to. On PRP blog you’ll find images and sound files that will please any Power Records fan. If you want to suddenly find yourself awash in memories of listening to these records in your basement and wasting away a Saturday afternoon then this is the blog for you. There’s way too much to list in one post but I’ll give you a couple of representative samples…
The Amazing Spider-Man: Invasion Of The Dragon Men
Power Records; Performed by a Full Cast
7″ 45-rpm record & Book – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: Power Records
Published: 1974
Product #: PR-24
Spider-Man must stop an invasion of New York by hideous fire breathing aliens.
An MP3 download for this record can be found on the right hand side of the PRP blog. And for this title a hardcore Power Records fan has combined the book with the audio into a movie that you can find on youtube:
Video |PART 1|
Video |PART 2|
Star Trek: Dinosaur Planet
Power Records; Performed by a Full Cast
7″ 45-rpm record & Book – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: Power Records
Published: 1979
Product #: PR-45
The Enterprise encounters a race of intelligent dinosaurs.
An MP3 download for this record can be found on the right hand side of the PRP blog. And a hardcore Power Records fan has combined the book with the audio into a 2 part movie that you can find on youtube:
Video |PART 1|
Video |PART 2|
Other Power Records characters listed on the PRP blog include: The Six Million Dollar Man, Man-Thing, Wonder Woman, G.I. Joe, Batman, Superman, The Justice League Of America, Space 1999, Planet Of The Apes, Captain America, Conan The Barbarian and MUCH MORE!
posted by Jesse Willis