Canadia 2056 The Countdown Continues: T Minus 3 Days

SFFaudio News

Canadia 2056Woohoo! I got a preview of the first three episodes of CBC Radio One‘s new Comedy Science Fiction radio drama series Canadia 2056. This show is absolutely hilarious! Its a satirical look at Canada/US politics, the Canadian inferiority complexes, American obliviousness, universal bureaucracy, internet culture, Star Trek, CBC inside jokes, plenty of toilet humor (literally) and Iraq, Iraq, Iraq!

The viewpoint character, Midshipman Max Anderson, is an American (or at least as American as a Canadian stereotype of an American can be). He’s been saddled with the responsibility of being the USA’s liaison aboard the only Canadian ship in an otherwise all American invasion fleet headed towards an alien planet. It seems the planet “Ipampilash” refused to allow some galactic inspectors to land on their planet so the United States and its loyal friends in the Great White North declared war!

You can hear the first episode on Friday! Tune in…

April 20, 2007, 11:30 a.m on CBC Radio One (in Canada) and streaming online – worldwide.

Episode 1: Getting the replacement parts to leave Earth orbit is harder than getting episodes of the hot TV series Foxy Chalet (“the best Canadian show the American’s ever made”).

Episode 2: The stressed out crew of the Canadia has broken the speed of light barrier to catch up with the American fleet. Safe and secure, they’re now high on stress pills and low on brains. There’s a sequence between a homesick Midshipman and his ex-girlfriend that laugh is out loud funny.

Episode 3: A month into deep space and Midshipman Anderson has passport problems. The rest of the crew is also embroiled in a fight for supremacy with another maintenance ship – who gets to clean up the spill? He also learns a thing or two about the Canadian delicacy known as “poutine.”

2 versions of A Pail Of Air up on Zombie Astronaut

Online Audio

MP3 webzine - Zombie AstronautThe Zombie Astronaut has again posted up two adaptations of the same script, this time its Fritz Leiber‘s classic short story A Pail Of Air.

Alfred and Effie live on an Earth that has been knocked off it’s orbit and is drifting without the warmth and light of the Sun. The last radio station went off the air a year before their son, Bud was born. They survive in an apartment building, slowly burning what coal they can find to keep warm and keep the air from freezing. Then one day when Bud went out to get a pail of frozen air, he saw a light moving through the building across the way…

WNBC X-Minus One |MP3|
WMUK Special Projects Future Tense |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox’s latest: Voodoo Planet by Andre Norton

SFFaudio Online Audio

Mark Nelson, that fevered SF fan from San Jose, California has just committed another narration! This time it is Voodoo Planet by Andre Norton, that’s the sequel to his already narrated Plague Ship! This guy’s amazing. Three Cheers for Mark Nelson…

Hip Hip Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah! Hip Hip Huzzah!

Voodoo Planet by Andre NortonVoodoo Planet
By Andre Norton; Read by Mark Nelson
8 Zipped MP3s – 2 Hours 46 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 2007
The sequel to Plague Ship, Voodoo Planet finds the Solar Queen banned from trade and starting her supposed quiet two-year stint as an interstellar mail carrier. But instead her crew accepts a visit to the safari planet of Khatka, where they find themselves caught in a battle between the forces of reason and the powers of Khatka’s mind-controlling wizard.

The Time Traveler Show podcasts a FREE Kurt Vonnegut Tale: 2BR02B

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler will be materializing on April 21st 2007 at PenguiCon in Troy, MI where he will be recording an interview with SF author Tobias Buckell. Buckell will also be reading a story for the show! Can’t wait? Hop in the time machine! Or, pass the time by listening to the latest TTS, which contains an early Kurt Vonnegut story: 2BR02B.

To read the complete show notes for podcast #16 click HERE or download the show in the MP3 format directly by clicking HERE.

2BR02b by Kurt Vonnegut2BR02B
By Kurt Vonnegut; Read by William Coelius
Podcaster: The Time Traveler Show
Podcast: April 14th 2007
In the not so distant future an over-populated planet requires that every birth be balanced by a death. When Edward K. Whelig, Jr.’s wife births triplets he needs to find three people willing to enter a local suicide booth and give him the receipt…

To keep the shows automatically downloading, subscribe to The Time Traveler Show podcast feed:

Escape Pod #101 features Hugo Award winning Mike Resnick: The 43 Antarean Dynasties

SFFaudio Online Audio

Escape PodEscape Pod issue #101 features another excellent Mike Resnick story, with this one being a Hugo winner you can’t go wrong. To make it even more impressive the tale is performed by Steven Burley and Gregg Taylor of Decoder Ring Theatre fame – you won’t want to miss it! The story, The 43 Antarean Dynasties was first published in Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine’s December 1997 issue.

EP101: The 43 Antarean Dynasties
By Mike Resnick; Read by Steven Burley and Gregg Taylor
Podcaster: Escape Pod
Podcast: April 12th 2006
A proud tourist guide, shows the ancient sights of his alien world to a family from Earth.

Also of note is the recent announcement that Escape Pod will spinoff yet another weekly fiction podcast this summer! This as yet unnamed show will feature all FANTASY stories, allowing Escape Pod to specialize in all Science Fiction! There’s a thread on the Escape Pod discussion forums that details all the contest rules and regs but here’s the main stuff briefly:

The Rules:
* E-mail your name ideas to [email protected].
* An eligible name must have the .org domain available.
* Maximum one entry per person per day.
* The contest ends at midnight PST on April 15, 2007 (hey that’s tomorrow!!!!)

The Prize:
A new 2 GB iPod Nano with every Escape Pod episode preloaded on it! COOL!