Review of The Communion Of The Saint by Alan David Justice

SFFaudio Review

The Communion of the Saint by Alan David JusticeThe Communion of the Saint
By Alan David Justice; Read by Alan David Justice
17 MP3 Files – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Podiobooks
Published: 2008
Themes: / Fantasy / Magical Realism / Catholicism / Ghosts / Time Travel / Paranormal /

Justice has given us an excellent novel that tells the story of historian, Clio Griffin, who begins to fear that she has inherited her mother’s insanity when she arrives in England for a job interview and begins hearing voices and having visions. Clio is being spoken to by St. Alban who was martyred nearby. As the story unfolds, Clio begins to experience the past and present in dizzying succession. She experiences the past through the eyes of people who lived through history that is not as sanitized as one might think from the history books. In the present Clio comes across a wide variety of reactions from such diverse people as the local mystic who sees nothing out of the ordinary in hearing from a saint, the priest who is envious of her visions, the newspaperman who just wants a good story, and the sexton who has possibly made a literal deal with the devil. The sexton’s seeming obsession with Clio provides the mystery and threat and is the one real thing about which we do not have to wonder. He is out to get her.

Justice has an excellent grip on the portrayal of the modern mind when faith is brought up and he shows the gamut of reactions while also giving us a gripping story. We are pulled through the story by our own involvement and questions. Is Clio really time traveling or is she losing her reason? Where did the plague victim come from who appears suddenly in her home? Will the sexton take his revenge upon her or will he be thwarted? This is a fascinating story about a thoroughly modern person who must come to grips with an ancient saint who is telling her that faith is real and she has a role in both receiving that faith and passing it on to others.

Author Alan David Justice reads the book with just the right amount of detachment to reflect Clio’s disbelief in her experiences. Justice’s wry inflections acquaint us quickly with Clio’s cynicism almost before we hear the words and yet he also manages to keep the pace quick enough that we are left hanging on each episode of the book. Hopefully, this is not the last we will hear (or read) from this author.

Listen to the author read it on Podiobooks.

Posted by Julie D. to offer audiobooks

SFFaudio News Podiobooker PodcastJason Penney of the All The Billion Other Moments blog, has written in to say:

“I thought it might be of interest to the readers of SFFAudio that is looking to add “Audiobook” versions of some titles (for a fee) at some time this year. Currently it seems this will consist of large file downloads with the in between stuff edited out (so it will be more like getting something from than a bunch of podcasts). Since the site is run primarily by podcasters who are not primarily Audiobook listeners they are looking for input into what people want out of this service. Currently there don’t seem to be too many audiobook listeners taking part, so this is a good chance for those who do to let themselves be heard. Also, I’ve started a group in the Community for folks who are primarily audiobook listeners as opposed to podcast listeners.”

Indeed, I’ve been asking Evo Terra, my friend at Podiobooks, to make this happen for a while now. I’m one of those audiobook people. I love podcasts, but I’m an audiobook person too. I’m glad to hear that its is under serious consideration and that the consultations have begun. The audiobook listenership really doesn’t seem to have crossed over into the podcast serialized novel format – and this means that if successful, Podiobooks will be offering just that hook for the many audiobook only folks out there. If you’re an audiobook person who just hasn’t got what a podiobook is (podcast novel), why not add your input to the discussion?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Star Sugeon by Alan E. Nourse

SFFaudio Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - Star Surgeon by Alan E. NourseStar Surgeon
By Alan E. Nourse; Read by Scott D. Farquhar
14 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – 5 Hours 25 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: /
Published: June 2007 / October 2007
Themes: / Science Fiction / Medicine / First Contact / Galactic Civilization / Symbiosis / Space Travel / Juvenile /

Dal Tigmar is an alien, he’s also a red braid, that’s a “Red Doctor” in the “Red Service of Surgery.” As a recent graduate of the Galaxy’s most prestigious medical school he’s the only non-human doctor to ever train on “Hospital Earth.” Earth became “Hospital Earth” shortly after humans discovered a faster than light technology. It seems that Earth’s doctors are the best in the entire galaxy, and that fact may soon gain humanity a permanent membership in the Galactic Federation. Earth is currently only a trial member – and some of medical brass of Hospital Earth think that Dal’s graduation may threaten permanent membership. So Dal’s been isolated by his alienness, and was pushed around during his training. But little more stands in his way, as his final test is about to begin. For it, Dal must join two other doctors in a series of planetary housecalls, providing service for Earth’s medical contracts, proving his skills to Hospital Earth. During the voyage Dal is accompanied by his symbiotic pet “fuzzy” a pink blob of protein that is more than it appears, his one pal from Medical School “Tiger” Martin, and a hostile young blue braid named Jack Alvarez, from the diagnostic services. Their ship is “The Lancet” a small patrol ship packed to the rafters with medical supplies. They’ll command the ship jointly.

Alan E. Nourse sure knew how to write! This is a peppy little novel, that though first published nearly 50 years ago, still crackles with energy. It plays out like a typical Heinleinian juvenile, minus the lectures. Especially interesting is the Pre-Star Trek galactic federation angle, with all those colour coded uniforms. Red Service of Surgery, Blue Service of Diagnosis, Green Service of Medicine. Black Service of Pathology, White Service of Radiology. It makes for a very visual audiobook. There aren’t that many characters, and curiously enough, not one female is even mentioned – someone forgot about the Pink Service of Gynecology I guess. And while were at it, what of the Brown Service of Proctology? But seriously, this is one of those rare novels that tells its story from the perspective of an alien. It deals with solid juvenile SF material, prejudices, core values and science, all to good effect. I’m pleased to be able to recommend it as a listen to just about anyone.

Scott Farquhar reads the novel with a clinical precision, he enunciates each word loud and clear. This is important as there is usual slathering of SF technospeak atop the real and futurized medical jargon. Amateur narrators looking for a role model, should look towards Farquhar!

You can subscribe to the LibriVox podcast feed via this URL:

Alternatively, there is a slightly enhanced version available now too. This version has the addition of musical cues at the start each chapter, there’s a brief biographical note about Dr. Alan Nourse in the final chapter as well as some outtakes from the recording. A portion of all proceeds donated through goes to AIDS Research or Safe Sex Education programs (two subjects important to Nourse).

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Releases

SFFaudio New Releases

Five new titles have been released recently – we haven’t heard any of these in yet, but if you have, let us know what you think of them!

Infinivox Science Fiction Audiobook - Second SkinSecond Skin
By Paul J. McAuley; Read by Jared Doreck
MP3 Download or 1 CD – 64 minutes
Publisher: Infinivox
Published: March 2007
ISBN: 1884612555
The spy fell toward Proteus in a thin transparent bubble of carbon, wearing a paper suit and trussed up in a cradle of smart cabling like an early Christian martyr. Somewhere down there was Ben Lo’s wife. But he musn’t think of that. If he did…No, he couldn’t remember. Something bad, though. This space opera is part of the author’s Quiet War series.

Terra NovaTerra Nova
By Tom Williams; Read by ????
MP3 Download- Approx. 13.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED?]
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books /
Published: March 2007
ISBN: 1587491338
Humanity is all but annihilated by a mysterious, alien race, known as the Enemy. Military pilot Mikael Svensson narrowly escapes destruction, only to land on the paradise planet Terra Nova. He seeks to do the impossible: oust the enemy from Terra Nova.

Fictionwise - True CaderiTrue Caderi
By Michelle Levigne; Read by ????
MP3 Download – Approx. 9 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books /
Published: March 2007
ISBN: 1584293098
A ruthless pirate of space, Adlan Caderi, searches for his long lost daughter, Qinda, and seeks to use her special mind talents, unique to a race of female pilots known as Leapers, to dominate the universe. However, Qinda, unaware of her Leaper talents, and her husband and infant son are fleeing their own enemy, Haynash, who also wants Qinda for her special genetics. To escape Haynash, Qinda seperates from her husband and son only to become Caderi’s unwilling guest. Qinda must find a way to reunite her family, escape Haynash and decide if she will aid in her father’s quest for domination by becoming a true Caderi.

Over Flat MountainOver Flat Mountain
By Terry Bisson; Read by Alec Rowell
1 MP3 Download – 34 Minutes 4 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: /
Published: February 2007
“CD” is one of those few bold truckers who make the run over Flat Mountain, a gigantic peak that thrusts beyond the atmosphere in what had once been the Appalachians.

Heaven - Season Two: HellHeaven – Season Two: Hell
By Mur Lafferty; Read by Mur Lafferty
Completed: March 2007
Kate and Daniel are reunited at last, but they have to return to their
duties in traveling the afterlife. There are stolen souls suffering
without cause in Hell, and only they can help. Kate is back in her
corporeal body, but keeping memories of her time as pure soul energy,
recently touched by the divine. Daniel carries the magic of an old god
and the sword of a death goddess, as well a grudge against the deity
who tricked him into losing nearly everything. As they search for the
missing souls, Kate and Daniel have to come to terms with themselves
and see if their friendship – not to mention the cosmos – can handle
everything they’ve been through thus far.

Review of Ida by Tim Callahan

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

ed.’s note: New reviewer Stephen Uitti and his review come to us via his blog, predelusional.

Ida by Tim CallahanIda
By Tim Callahan; Read by Tim Callahan
32 MP3 Files – Approx. 12 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: 2006
Themes: / Science Fiction / Hard SF / Space Travel / Asteroid Mining / Economics / Politics / Sex /

Each of the 32 mp3 audio files of this podcast novel has an introduction and epilogue. There are few introductions and epilogues that I’ll actually listen to. But Timothy’s is particularly annoying. He apologizes for his Philadelphia accent before you even get to hear him read. Guys – if you’re presenting a show, let the audience decide if they like it themselves. Don’t make us pity you for being too stupid to get someone else to read your book. Don’t go the other way either. Don’t hype it up. It is OK to promote some other work.

After the first chapter, the introductions also have a summary of what has gone on before. Maybe some people couldn’t remember what happened last month in the original serial. But now the entire book is available. I don’t have patience for the repetition so I skipped most of the introductions and epilogues. The guts of the each new chapter starts after a bit of music, and my iPod Shuffle was able to get me there via fast forward most of the time. Skipping epilogues is easy enough, since Callahan says that’s the end. Just skip to the next track. Since I skipped all that material, there was much less than twelve hours of material. There’s a bonus. After the novel is finished, Callahan offers in a short story entitled Balance. Balance takes place well after the events in Ida. Really, Ida is a prequel. It’s the backing story to Balance. Like his introduction to Ida, Timothy apologizes for his short story. Jeez. For the record, I liked Balance more. As a short story it has much faster pacing. Remember that reading a book to yourself is something like three times faster than hearing it aloud. So, short stories with very fast pacing work better in audio format. And yet, Balance is long enough to give you the idea that several events take place. The events in the story are believable. And no laws of physics are broken in the building of the plot.

That reminds me. The worst parts of Ida have to do with laws of physics. They aren’t broken like faster than light travel. It’s more like having a character survive an acceleration of ten or twenty thousand miles per hour in a few seconds time. That’s a minimum of 50 gravities. Ouch. A little more explanation could salvage the suspension of disbelief, and therefore the plot. This means a lot to me. But maybe you don’t care. Ida is real hard Science Fiction. It’d be nice to have someone check the science and do some math here and here. It wouldn’t take much. Really.

The work had sufficient interest to make it worthwhile. Rich characters, character growth, character interaction, believable responses and plot development. You can identify with the characters. Pick favorites and root for them. Suspense. And the end of the story is not simply telegraphed. There are plenty of surprises in the middle. And the flaws – mostly physics gaffs – are not nearly as bad as those in typical Hollywood movies. And they’re all fixable.

Is there sex? Yes. Is there violence? Yes. Is there swearing? Yes. Is the swearing pointless? Yes. This story would have been consumable by my ten year old, but because of pointless swearing, it isn’t. Will you like it? It depends on how much you like the good parts, and how tolerant you are to the flaws. It has lots of both.

Paul Levinson’s The Silk Code as a podcast novel

SFFaudio Online Audio

Shaun Farrell host of the Adventures In SciFi Publishing podcast has taken on narrating responsibilities for fellow podcaster Paul Levinson’s first novel; The Silk Code. The first five MP3 files have just debuted on, you can subscribe and get the complete and unabridged reading by signing up with Podiobooks – rest assured it is all 100% free – any donations you make will be split 75-25 with the author and the service.

Science Fiction Podiobook - The Silk Code by Paul LevinsonThe Silk Code
By Paul Levinson; Read by Shaun Farrell
Podcast Novel – [UNABRIDGED]
Phil D’Amato, a forensic scientist working for the NYPD, is visiting an old friend in rural Pennsylvania–home of the Amish. When the friend with no known allergies drops dead of a sudden allergic reaction, D’Amato decides to investigate. He finds himself at the center of a 30,000 year-old biowar being waged with genetically engineered weapons. As he probes deeper, it becomes apparent that the Amish are not the technophobes they appear to be.