Podiobooks.com’s TOP 20 for 2007

SFFaudio News

The Podiobooker Blog, the blog for Podiobooks.com, has posted the 20 most popular podiobooks of 2007. They are, in alphabetical order:

7th Son: Book 2 – Deceit
J.C. Hutchins

The Arwen
Timothy Callahan

Badge Of Infamy

Lester Del Rey

Billibub Baddings
Tee Morris

Phil Rossi

Eastern Standard Tribe
Cory Doctorow

The Failed Cities Monologues
Matt Wallace

Forever Fifteen
Kimberly Steele

Full Share
Nathan Lowell

Half Share
Nathan Lowell

Heaven – Season 2: Hell
Mur Lafferty

Heaven – Season 3: Earth
Mur Lafferty

How to Disappear Completely
Myke Bartlett

The Immortals
Tracy Hickman

In The Service of Samurai
Gloria Oliver

Jack Wakes Up

Seth Harwood

Number One with a Bullet
Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff

Quarter Share
Nathan Lowell

Shadow Falls: Season One
Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff

The Silk Code
Paul Levinson

As you can see there’s quite a few podiobooks that still need our attention. Which of these have you enjoyed? Which have you loved? Which have you hated?

Personally, I’ve got my eye on those Nathan Lowell titles.

Posted by Jesse Willis

New superhero podcast novel Black Shadow by Steve Saylor


Half of the This Week In Geek team, Steve Saylor, has starting podcasting his superhero podiobook:

Black Shadow - PodiobookBlack Shadow
By Steve Saylor; Read by Steve Saylor
“In a world where evil walks the earth, where super villains are taken over by demonic beings . They all want one thing, and one thing only. To take over the world. There is only one man who can stop them. One man with the powers and abilities to kick some serious demon ass. In a race against time to stop a portal that opens to Hell itself. One man, one hero, one sonofabitch you don’t want to mess with. He is faceless, he is fearless, he is Black Shadow.”

The podcast promo for Black Shadow is here |MP3| and in the feed you’ll also find the first two episodes/issues too. Here’s the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio’s Make An Audiobook Win An Audiobook Challenge (#1) NEWS!

SFFaudio Update

Meta SFFaudio - SFFaudio Contest - Make audiobook win an audiobookWhoa… retro! Yes we’d almsot completely forgot about our First SFFaudio Challenge.

When I first thought up the idea I didn’t think it’d generate much interest – it was just an idea – maybe somebody would do one or two. Boy, was I wrong! Wonderfully wrong!

Six audiobooks from the first challenge were completed within a year of the announcement. And since we’ve long since run out of prizes I figured we’d run out of challengers too, especially considering we’ve got the All New 2nd Annual SFFaudio Challenge to consider. But, I’m pleased to say I was wrong.

Scott D. Farquhar from Prometheus Radio Theatre (and Star Surgeon fame) has written in to claim The Black Star Passes by John W. Campbell. This is one of the titles from in our first SFFaudio Challenge!

Scott released Star Surgeon through both LibriVox.org and Podiobooks.com. This time, Scott thinks he’s going to release The Black Star Passes through Podiobooks.com alone. Which I think is absolutely terrific. Podiobooks.com’s system will allow people who appreciate Scott’s narration to drop a dime or three in his virtual hat, as it were. 3/4’ths of every dime will end up in Scott’s hands, which means that he might be inclined to make even more audiobooks for us! Woot!

The Black Star Passes by John W. Campbell

Look for the first few chapters of The Black Star Passes to show up on Podiobooks.com in the near future.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of the The Secret World Chronicle by Mercedes Lackey and Steve Libbey

SFFaudio Review

Fantasy Superheroes Podiobook -The Secret World Chronicle Book One Invasion by Mercedes Lackey and Steve LibbeyThe Secret World Chronicle – Book One – Invasion
By Mercedes Lackey and Steve Libbey; Read by Veronica Giguere
8 MP3 Files (podcast) – Approx. 10 Hours 16 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: SecretWorldChronicle.com / Podiobooks.com
Podcast: 2006 – 2007
Themes: / Fantasy / Superheroes / Supervillains / Nazis / Communism / Invasion /

The Secret World Chronicle opens with a metahuman named Eisenfaust (“Iron Fist”) warning of an imminent Nazi invasion. Of course the invasion occurs (from another spacetime) and this forms the backdrop for the story, in which heroic deeds are done – if at the high cost of both civilian and metahuman lives. Echo is an organisation of ‘metahumans’ (a word which you can freely translate into ‘superheros’ for our purposes). There are Echo offices and campuses around the world, from which private individuals, non-governmental orginizations and governments can hire superheroes to do good deeds. The Echo mandate is “To support security and peace through intervention by and collaboration between metahumans and international law enforcement.” Comprising over forty separate bases of operation across six continents. This plot may remind some of Jeffrey R. DeRego Union Dues stories that have been heard on Escape Pod. Like DeRego’s tales, The Secret World Chronicle superhumans all have comic book names and costumes, Handsome Devil, Red Saviour, Shahkti, and Yankee Pride. At the end of “book one” there are unresolved story threads around the whys and wherefores of the Nazi invasion, but it just feels like more to look forward to. It may have improved the telling to get inside the lives of the ordinary people, to understand just how the phenomena of the metahumans impacts the regular folks – perhaps that will happen in later books. I can’t say I’m very familiar with either Mercedes Lackey or Steve Libbey individually, but together they tell a good story. Characters are reasonably well drawn and sufficiently believable, but don’t expect any in-depth character analysis. Don’t listen to The Secret World Chronicle to learn about yourself, or the human condition, listen for fun.

People have different ways of classifying the content they put onto their MP3 players. I typically use either ‘drama’ or ‘books’ – the latter consisting of anything that’s read by one person. I break this rule for The Secret World Chronicle. Narrator Veronica Giguere does mostly a solo act in telling the story, the result though is that of discrete characters with whom we can really identify. It is an immersive experience. Veronica Giguere’s pacing is flawless, the variety of intonations and accents sufficient for the story. She gets the story straight into the brain’s pleasure zone with her terrific performance.

You can subscribe to the podcast feed for the series via this URL:


You can also get the complete book one via this feed:


Posted by Nick Gassman

New podiobooks from Lafferty and Sigler

SFFaudio Online Audio

Two of the original podiobook stars have brand new podcast novels out today!

Fantasy podiobook - Playing For Keeps by Mur LaffertyPlaying For Keeps
By Mur Lafferty; Read by Mur Lafferty
PODCASTER: PlayingForKeepsNovel.com
STATUS: Begun November 1st 2007
Keepsie Branson owns a bar in the shining metropolis of Seventh City. This is an urban landscape overflowing with egotistical heroes and manipulative villains. In a world like this, where there are lots of ‘supers’, there are a few folks with superpowers that just don’t measure up.
Listen to the promo HERE.

Horror podiobook - Nocturnal by Scott Sigler
By Scott Sigler; Read by Scott Sigler
PODCASTER: ScottSigler.com
STATUS: Begun November 1st 2007
Something lives deep beneath the streets of San Francsico. Something that has been there for centuries, something that comes out at night … to feed on the dregs of society. A sub-culture, with its own myths, its own legends of leader named The King that will lead them out of bondage, and their own demon, a hunting shadow known only as Savior.
Listen to the promo HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Podcast novel: Steve Libbey’s The Bloodbaths

SFFaudio Online Audio

One of our scouts in the U.K., codenamed Nick, points us towards a new podcast novel. Nick sez:

“Steve Libbey, the co-author of the excellent Secret World Chronicle is podcasting his book, The Bloodbaths. It’s also available in other formats, which the publishers are hoping will encourage people to buy a commercial copy.”

The Bloodbaths is the first book in a new creative commons series called “The Aqua Pura trilogy”, it takes place in a fictional world similar to that of the ancient Roman Empire. New chapters are being added every weekday until it is complete!

Fantasy audiobook - The Bloodbaths by Steve LibbeyThe Bloodbaths
By Steve Libbey; Read by Veronica Giguere
Podcast novel – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Subatomic Books
Podcast: Oct. 2007 – ???

Subscribe to the podcast feed with this url:


Thanks Nick!

Posted by Jesse Willis