Recent Arrival – ParaWorld Zero by Matthew Peterson

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

Paraworld Zero by Matthew PetersonParaWorld Zero
By Matthew Peterson; Read by Matthew and Alicia Peterson
1 MP3-CD or 10CDs – 12.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Published: 2008

In the first book of the Parallel Worlds series, Simon Kent, a 12-year-old orphan boy from Earth, meets an odd girl named Tonya who strands them on a parallel world called Pudo. There, Simon befriends a teenager from each of the conflicting groups who live on the strange planet.

He soon learns that the Lisardians, an ancient enemy who nearly exterminated the Pudo race a thousand years ago, are coming back. But this time the citizens of Pudo have Simon and his friends to help them overcome the evil.

Parallel to Simon’s adventures is a story of Tonya’s people and their battle with the Raiders and a group of zealots who want to use the magical energy that streams throughout the paraworlds for their scientific purposes. Griffen and Tabatha, magical warriors sent by the High King, fight desperately to ensure peace in the paraverse once more.

In the end, each character will play a role in saving not only Pudo, but the governing body of the paraverse itself.

Check out the website for all kinds of content, including a trailer and audiobook samples – find it all |HERE|

Posted by Scott D. Danielson