The Time Traveler has… ConFusion 2008 – Convention Panels

SFFaudio Online Audio

ConFusion 2008The Time Traveler, of The Time Traveler Show podcast, attended an SF con (Confusion 2008) in January. Because he recorded so many panels he’s not podcasting them all, have a look, pick and choose on his site or below…

Teh Awesome Duo – Revealed!
Convention: ConFusion 2008
Recorded: Jan. 19th, Sat, 12:00-13:00
An interview with Guests of Honor Justine Larbalestier, Scott Westerfeld conducted by John Scalzi

Piracy of Fiction on the Internet
Panelists Patrick Nielsen Hayden, John Scalzi (M), Merry Haskell, Patrick Rothfuss, and Paul Melko
Convention: ConFusion 2008
Recorded: Jan. 19th, Sat, 12:00-13:00
What is fair use versus exploitation without compensation?

The Short Sell
John Scalzi (M), Mike Resnick, William Schafer, David Klecha
Convention: ConFusion 2008
Recorded: Jan. 19th, Sat, 14:00-15:00
Where are the current markets for short sf? Are some better than others? What is the place for short fiction in the science fiction field today?

The Internet as Career Tool
By Tobias Buckell (M), The Ferrett, Catherynne Valente, Suzanne Church
Convention: ConFusion 2008
Recorded: Jan. 20th, Sun, 11:00-12:00
What are the best ways to use the internet to promote your career? From webpages to blogs to other ideas.

The Art and Science of Evolving as a Writer
Panelists John Scalzi, Paul Melko (m), Sarah Zettel, Jim Hines
Convention: ConFusion 2008
Recorded: Jan. 20th, Sun, 12:00-1:00
In order to improve as a writer you have to practice. What are some of the ways to do this? How can you tell if there is improvement?

Also, The Time Traveler Show #23 |MP3| contains two recordings from ConFusion with Jim Hines that are not listed above. Also the next Time Traveler Show will feature a reading by Mike Resnick! If you haven’t already, subscribe to the podcast using this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Beam Me Up podcasts Mike Resnick

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Beam Me UpThis week on the Beam Me Up podcast, a Hugo nominee up for your listening pleasure… Host Paul Cole sez: “This week I jump start the Hugo season by reading a great story from author Mike Resnick. His story, Distant Replay, has been nominated for a Hugo in the short story category.” and “I have some very exclusive observations by Mr. Resnick referring to this great story. That alone is worth the cost of admission!” Check it out…

Distant Replay
By Mike Resnick; Read by Paul Cole
Podcaster: Beam Me Up
Podcast: March 29th 2008

And here’s the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Sci Phi Show Interviews Mike Resnick on Atheism

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Sci Phi Show interviews Mike Resnick on atheism and his writing. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

God and Mr Slatterman at the Sci Phi Show


The Sci Phi Show has another Mike Resnick’s short story available. This time it’s “God and Mr. Slatterman”. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Dark Pods – Two Audiostories


Here are a couple of dark treats before the holiday spirit consumes us all. Not for younger listeners!

From Escape Pod,
“Me and My Shadow” by Mike Resnick.
Read by Stephen Eley.
First appeared in Unauthorized Autobiographies and Other Curiosities, 1984.

Of course, even if we had met before, they couldn’t recognize me now. I know. I’ve spent almost three years trying to find out who I was before I got Erased — but along with what they did to my brain, they gave me a new face and wiped my fingerprints clean. I’m a brand new man: two years, eleven months, and seventeen days old. I am (fanfare and trumpets, please!) William Jordan. Not a real catchy name, I’ll admit, but it’s the only one I’ve got these days.

A dark story about a personality better left buried.

Available in [mp3] format hereYou can subscribe to the podcast feed via this url:

From Pseudopod,
“Finding Allison” by Glen Krish
Read by Alasdair Stuart

Disarming and cruel. Two words could sum up Allison’s smile, and that’s all he had left of her. Her smile hid right behind his eyes, pushing at his brain like a tumor — that angled, curt, and thick-lipped smile. Even the day before she left, they seemed collectively twined together, a seamless mass of flesh, two shadows of one body. Now he was alone with a gun in his lap.

Another dark story about personality, but in a very different way.
Available in [mp3] format here You can subscribe to the podcast feed via this url:

Posted by David Tackett