LibriVox: The Shadows by George MacDonald

SFFaudio Online Audio

shadowsfin2.jpgThe Shadows
By George MacDonald; Read by Catherine Eastman
2 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – Approx. 1.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: November 27, 2007

Though no longer well known, his works (particularly his fairy tales and fantasy novels) have inspired admiration in such notables as W. H. Auden, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L’Engle. The Shadows is one such fairy tale. The strange Shadows spend their existence casting themselves upon the walls and forming pictures of various sorts: mimicking evil actions of those who have done wrong in the hopes of causing their repentance, playing a comic dumb-show to inspire a playwright and dancing to inspire a musician, nudging a little girl to comfort her grandfather, and playing with a sick little boy as he waits for his mother to return home. For all that their forms are black, their hearts are of the whitest.

This fantasy for younger readers/listeners has a couple of things in its favor for adults other than just the historical interest in its author.  The reader here, Catherine Eastman, does an outstanding job and the story is quite imaginative. Highly recommended for younger listeners and not too bad for adults either.

Complete Audiobook [zip], individual MP3s here.

And here’s the podcast feed:

Posted by Dave Tackett

LibriVox: Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 001


Librivox Audiobook - Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 001Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 001
By various; Read by various
10 Zipped MP3s – 5.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: November 17, 2007
“Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological and technical speculations based on current or future science or technology. This is a reader-selected collection of short stories originally published between 1931 and 1963, that entered the US public domain when their copyright was not renewed.”

Get the individual stories:

1 . The 4D Doodler
By Graph Waldeyer; Read by Elanor
1 |MP3| – Approx 34 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
First published in the July 1941 issue of Comet magazine

2. Bread Overhead*
By Fritz Leiber; Read by Mark F. Smith
1 |MP3| – Approx. 38 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
*There is also a variant reading of the same story by another LibriVox reader HERE.

3. Image Of The Gods
By Alan E. Nourse; Read by Jodi Krangle
1 |MP3| – Approx. 36 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
First published in Orbit magazine’s September 1954 issue.

4. Martian V. F. W.
By G. L. Vandenburg; Read by Qhali
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
From Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1959.

5. One Shot
By James Blish; Read by Reynard T. Fox
1 |MP3| – Approx. 33 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
“You can do a great deal if you have enough data, and enough time to compute on it, by logical methods. But given the situation that neither data nor time is adequate, and an answer must be produced… what do you do?”

Science Fiction Short Story - Out Around Rigel by Robert H. WilsonOut Around Rigel
By Robert H. Wilson; Read by Anton
1 |MP3| – Approx. 43 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
“An astounding chronicle of two Lunarians’ conquest of time and interstellar space.”

7. Pygmalion’s Spectacles
By Stanley G. Weinbaum; Read by Chrystal Layton
1 |MP3| – Approx. 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

8. The Repairman*
By Harry Harrison; Read by Anton
1 |MP3| – 29 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
*There is another reading of this tale HERE.

9. Toy Shop
By Harry Harrison; Read by Cori Samuel
1 |MP3| -12 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

Science Fiction Short Story - Warning From The Stars by Ron CockingWarning From The Stars
By Ron Cocking; Read by Rowdy Delany
1 |MP3| – Approx. 42 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
The box read: TO BE OPENED ONLY BY: Dr. Richard Forster, Assistant Director, Air Force Special Research Center, Petersport, Md. CAUTION: Open not later than 24 hours after receipt. DO NOT OPEN in atmosphere less than equivalent of 65,000 feet
above M.S.L.

Or get the whole collection via the unique podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox Short Horror Story Collection #2 – out now

sffaudio online audio

With two stories by H. P. Lovecraft and a Solomon Kane story by Robert Howard, there was no way that I could resist this latest LibriVox offering. Tales of horror and stories of the weird by the masters at the bargain price of $0.00.

Horror Story Collection 2
10 MP3 files – 2 hours 39 minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: November 15th, 2007

“An occasional collection of 10 horror stories by various readers. We aim to unsettle you a little, to cut through the pink cushion of illusion that shields you from the horrible realities of life. Here are the walking dead, the fetid pools of slime, the howls in the night that you thought you had confined to your more unpleasant dreams.”

1. A Ghoul’s Accountant
By Stephen Crane; Read by Julie Bynum
1 |MP3| Approx. 6 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

2. Ex Oblivione
By Howard Phillips Lovecraft; Read by Maxim Lenyadin
1 |MP3| – Approx. 7 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

3. The Picture In The House
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by: Glen Hallstrom
1 |MP3| – Approx. 20.5 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

4. Rattle of Bones
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Paul Siegel
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14.5 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

5. The Raven
By Edgar Allen Poe; Read by: Zoe Earley
1 |MP3| – Approx. 8 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

6. The Soul of the Great Bell
By Lafcadio Hearn; Read by Paul Sze
1 |MP3| – Approx. 16 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

7. The Story of Mimi Nashi Hoichi
By Lafcadio Hearne; Read by Mark Nelson
1 |MP3| – Approx. 24 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

8. The Tell-Tale Heart
By Edgar Allen Poe; Read by Sharontzu
1 |MP3| – Approx. 17 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

9. The Spider
By Hans Heinz Ewers; Read by DrWombat
1 |MP3| – Approx. 42 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

10. The Thing at Ghent
By Honore de Balzac; Read by Julie Bynum
1 |MP3| – Approx 4 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

Get the complete audiobook in a big zipped file [zip], or use the
podcast feed:

Posted by Dave Tackett.

The First Men in the Moon

SFFaudio Online Audio

One of the great early space adventure stories, Wells’ novel is, like the rest of his SF, a timeless classic that still evokes a sense of wonder. Now thanks to LibriVox, there is now a free, unabridged audiobook available. Having very recently read an e-book of the story, I was hesitant about listening but was quickly drawn in again and had finished the first chapter before I knew it. This is a well read version of a wonderful classic.

menmoon.jpgThe First Men in the Moon
By H. G. Wells; Read by Mark F. Smith.
26 MP3 Files – 8 Hour 03 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: November 6th 2007

Britain won the Moon Race! Decades before Neal Armstrong took his “giant leap for mankind” two intrepid adventurers from Lympne, England, journeyed there using not a rocket, but an antigravity coating.Mr. Bedford, who narrates the tale, tells of how he fell in with eccentric inventor Mr. Cavor, grew to believe in his researches, helped him build a sphere for traveling in space, and then partnered with him in an expedition to the Moon.

What they found was fantastic! There was not only air and water, but the Moon was honeycombed with caverns and tunnels in which lived an advanced civilization of insect-like beings. While Bedford is frightened by them and bolts home, Cavor stays and is treated with great respect.

So why didn’t Armstrong and later astronauts find the evidence of all this? Well, according to broadcasts by Cavor over the newly-discovered radio technology, he told the Selenites too much about mankind, and apparently, they removed the welcome mat! (Summary by Mark)

Complete Audiobook [zip], individual MP3s here.

Podcast feed:

Posted by Dave Tackett.

Librivoxateers talk about Science Fiction and its impact on their lives (and narrations)


LibriVoxCori hosts the latest LibriVox community podcast wich talks about science fiction and talks to science fiction narrators. Mark Nelson, Kaffen (AKA Mark F. Smith), AntonEpp, wondermidget (AKA Chrystal Layton), Starlite (AKA Esther), thistlechick (AKA Betsty) and Jazbees all talk about their fondness for reading and narrating Science Fiction. Have a listen |MP3|. You wont find a more friendly community of vocal SF aficionados.

To subscribe to the LibriVox community podcast plug this url into your podcatcher:

Posted by Jesse Willis

New from Librivox: The Return by H. Beam Piper & John J. McGuire

SFFaudio Online Audio

We love LibriVox and all of their amazing volunteers! Today’s specific love goes out to the shadowy admins that make it possible and to Reynard T. Fox for narrating this 1960 novella! Hip hip huzzah!

Here’s the teaser:

“The isolated little group they found were doing fine— but their religion was most strange—and yet quite logical!”

LibriVox audiobook - Science Fiction Mystery - The Return by H. Beam Piper & John J. McGuireThe Return
By H. Beam Piper and John J. McGuire; Read by Reynard T. Fox
2 MP3 Files – 1 Hour 21 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: November 4th 2007
Two-hundred years after a global nuclear war, two explorers from a research outpost, that largely survived the cataclysm, discover a settlement of humans who have managed to maintain their civilization despite ferocious cannibal neighbours, the Scowrers. However, the explorers must turn detective in order to understand the mystery of their hosts philosophy and religion.

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3|

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis