LibriVox: Rebels Of The Red Planet by Charles L. Fontenay

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxPaul Campbell writes in to say:

Last year I read Rebels of the Red Planet for the Second Audiobook Challenge. Now Mark Douglas Nelson has just released his own recording of the same title through LibriVox.

Cool! I’m a big fan of Mark Douglas Nelson’s narration.

Check it out folks…

LibriVox Science Fiction - Rebels Of The Red Planet by Charles L. FontenayRebels Of The Red Planet
By Charles L. Fontenay; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
9 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours 9 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 24, 2009
Dark Kensington had been dead for twenty-five years. It was a fact; everyone knew it. Then suddenly he reappeared, youthful, brilliant, ready to take over the Phoenix, the rebel group that worked to overthrow the tyranny that gripped the settlers on Mars. The Phoenix had been destroyed not once, not twice, but three times! But this time the resurrected Dark had new plans, plans which involved dangerous experiments in mutation and psionics. And now the rebels realized they were in double jeopardy. Not only from the government’s desperate hatred of their movement, but also from the growing possibility that the new breed of mutated monsters would get out of hand and bring terrors never before known to man.

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And check out Paul’s original recording too… it’s HERE and over on

[Thanks Paul!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Beetle by Richard Marsh

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxa panel from The League Of Extraordinary GentlemenAttentive readers of Alan Moore’s The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen may have noted this panel…

…according to Jess Nevins, of The Fourth Rail, it depicts a “giant beetle in [a] vacuum tube.” and asserts that it

“is the Beetle, from Richard Marsh’s The Beetle (1897). In that novel, a shapechanging Egyptian princess, who can take the form of a giant, malign beetle, a beautiful androgyne, and an old woman or man, pursues a vendetta against a British M.P.”

Prior to the release of The Beetle as a LibriVox audiobook I hadn’t even heard of it. But a little online research indicates that The Beetle came out the same year as Bram Stoker’s Dracula and initially outsold it! How did I not hear of this book before?

LibriVox Horror Audiobook - The Beetle by Richard MarshThe Beetle
By Richard Marsh; Read by various readers
48 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 11 Hours 56 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 24, 2009
A story about a mysterious oriental figure who pursues a British politician to London, where he wreaks havoc with his powers of hypnosis and shape-shifting, Marsh’s novel is of a piece with other sensational turn-of-the-century fictions such as Stoker’s Dracula, George du Maurier’s Trilby, and Sax Rohmer’s Fu Manchu novels. Like Dracula and many of the sensation novels pioneered by Wilkie Collins and others in the 1860s, The Beetle is narrated from the perspectives of multiple characters, a technique used in many late nineteenth-century novels (those of Wilkie Collins and Stoker, for example) to create suspense.

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Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Victory by Lester del Rey

SFFaudio Online Audio

From LibriVox and the reader of This Crowded Earth (Robert Bloch) and the Deathworld (Harry Harrison) comes…

LibriVox Science Fiction - Victory by Lester del ReyVictory
By Lester del Rey; Read by Gregg Margarite
2 MP3 Files – Approx. 1 Hour 38 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: March 30, 2009
“It seemed Earth was a rich, and undefended planet in a warring, hating galaxy. Things can be deceptive though; children playing can be quite rough—but that ain’t war, friend!” – Victory is the story of an undefended Earth in a warring galaxy. First published in Astounding Science Fiction, August, 1955.
Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3|

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Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Lost Continent by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxHere’s another Edgar Rice Burroughs novel that I hadn’t heard of prior to its release on LibriVox. For fans like me who are daunted by the prospect of trundling through one of the many series books by Burroughs this is a good place to start as this is a standalone novel. First published in the February 1916 issue of “All Around Magazine.”

LibriVox Science Fiction - The Lost Continent by Edgar Rice BurroughsThe Lost Continent
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Lucy Lo Faro
9 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 4.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 2009
Originally published under the title Beyond Thirty. The novel, set in the year 2137, was heavily influenced by the events of World War I. In the future world depicted in the novel, Europe has descended into barbarism while an isolationist Western Hemisphere remains sheltered from the destruction. The title Beyond Thirty refers to the degree of longitude that inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere are forbidden to pass.

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Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Deathworld by Harry Harrison

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxGregg Margarite is an up and coming narrator over on He recorded stories for five of the LibriVox “Short Science Fiction” collections as well as soloing on the Collected Public Domain Works Of Stanley G. Weinbaum! But it is his latest project that I suspect will be his most popular narration. Here’s how he describes it:

Deathworld is the first in a series of novels begun in 1960 and originally serialized in Astounding Science Fiction Magazine. It’s the story of Jason dinAlt a professional gambler with psionic skills who finds himself on Pyrrus the deadliest planet to be colonized by humanity. Violent weather, active tectonics, heavy gravity, abundant predators, and a hostile splinter group of colonists is only the beginning of Jason’s quest to learn the truth about Pyrrus.”

LibriVox Science Fiction - Deathworld by Harry HarrisonDeathworld
By Harry Harrison; Read by Gregg Margarite
28 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours 23 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 2009
Some planet in the galaxy must—by definition—be the toughest, meanest, nastiest of all. If Pyrrus wasn’t it … it was an awfully good approximation! First published in Astounding Science Fiction magazine’s January, February and March 1960 issues.

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Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 009

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxWith 9 volumes of short stories now out there’s no doubt there’s a plethora of SF listening available over on I love these collections, they have a good variety and not too much repetition …. oh wait, I take that last part back. It’s the constant repetition that is impairing these collections. LibriVoxateers, please stop recording Kurt Vonnegut’s 2BR02B. Otherwise, keep up the great work!

Sounding good in this collection are Jerome Lawson’s reading of The Cosmic Express and the quick humor of Frederic Brown’s Earthmen Bearing Gifts. The standout though is Irving E. Cox’s Impact. It is a tale about a deserter from an interstellar trading ship who causes the ship’s captain no end of troubles. It’s a cool old story despite the wretchedly old-fashioned woman teacher character (she’s jealous, blackmailing and shrewish).

LibriVox - Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 009Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 009
By various; Read by various
10 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – Approx. 4 Hours 25 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20th 2009
Science fiction (abbreviated SF or sci-fi with varying punctuation and case) is a broad genre of fiction that often involves sociological and technical speculations based on current or future science and technology. This is a reader-selected collection of short stories that entered the US public domain when their copyright was not renewed.

LibriVox - 2BR02B by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 2BR02B
By Kurt Vonnegut; Read by smokemonkey
1 |MP3| – Approx. 17 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Previous FREE MP3 versions of this story are HERE, HERE, and HERE and HERE. You can stop recording this very mediocre story now people.

LibriVox Science Fiction - The Cosmic Express by Jack WilliamsonThe Cosmic Express
By Jack Williamson; Read by Jerome Lawsen
1 |MP3| – Approx. 26 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20, 2009
Originally published in Amazing Stories in November 1930, later reprinted in the December 1961 Amazing Stories. Unfortunately this reading excludes the 1961 introduction to the tale by Sam Moskowitz. You can read that HERE.

The Day Time Stopped Moving
By Bradner Buckner; Read by Tom Weiss
1 |MP3| – Approx. 43 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

LIBRIVOX Science Fiction - Earthmen Bearing Gifts by Frederic BrownEarthmen Bearing Gifts
By Fredric Brown; Read by Alan Winterrowd
1 |MP3| – Approx. 6 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20, 2009
First published in the June 1960 issue of Galaxy magazine. “Mars had gifts to offer and Earth had much in return—if delivery could be arranged!” Another reading is available HERE.

LibriVox Science Fiction - Impact by Irving E. CoxImpact
By Irving E. Cox; Read by Tom Weiss
1 |MP3| – Approx. 54 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20, 2009
From Amazing Science Fiction Stories, January 1960. They were languorous, anarchic, shameless in their pleasures . . . were they lower than man . . . or higher?

By Therese Windser; Read by Betsie Bush
1 |MP3| – Approx. 4 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
From Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1960. A morality tale—1960 style.

LibriVox Science Fiction Short Story - The Measure Of A Man by Randall Garrett The Measure of a Man
By Randall Garrett; Read by Barbara King Gardner
1 |MP3| – Approx. 25 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20, 2009
From April 1960 Astounding Science Fiction magazine. “What is desirable is not always necessary, while that which is necessary may be most undesirable. Perhaps the measure of a man is the ability to tell one from the other … and act on it.” Another version is available HERE.

LibriVox Science Fiction - No Moving Parts by Murray F. YacoNo Moving Parts
By Murray F. Yaco; Read by Tom Weiss
1 |MP3| – Approx. 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20th 2009
From Amazing Stories May 1960. We call them trouble-shooters. They called ’em Gypsies. Either way, they were hep to that whole bit about….

LibriVox Science Fiction - The Nothing Equation by Tom GodwinThe Nothing Equation
By Tom Godwin; Read by Daniele F.
1 |MP3| – Approx. 22 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20th 2009
From Amazing Stories December 1957. The space ships were miracles of power and precision; the men who manned them, rich in endurance and courage. Every detail had been checked and double checked; every detail except—

LibriVox Science Fiction - The Stoker And The Stars by Algis BudrysThe Stoker and the Stars
By Algis Budrys; Read by Jason Mills
1 |MP3| – Approx. 25 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 20th 2009
From Astounding Science Fiction February 1959. When you’ve had your ears pinned back in a bowknot, it’s sometimes hard to remember that an intelligent people has no respect for a whipped enemy … but does for a fairly beaten enemy.

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Posted by Jesse Willis