Gods Of The North by Robert E. Howard

SFFaudio Online Audio

“Anybody ought to be willing to pay a dollar for the privilege of reading, for a whole year, the works of Lovecraft, Smith, and Derleth.”

-Robert E. Howard (from a letter to Fantasy Fan, December 1933)

“I am so happy that we were able to quickly clear up this misunderstanding. We have accepted Orion’s apology without reservation and I thank our lawyers, and Orion’s lawyers, on both sides of the Atlantic for helping us resolve our issues. Orion was a great licensee of ours for many years and we are delighted to have reached an agreement to renew and expand that relationship. We are already brainstorming the many new productive ways we can work together in the future. Those of us who work at Paradox have put a lot of work into protecting and developing our wide array of Robert E. Howard derived brands since we got into the Robert E. Howard business. The new Conan movie will wrap next month, the Age of Conan MMOG recently launched a big expansion, and we are well along in the development of a number of other feature films and licensed products which we will be announcing shortly. Orion is perfectly positioned as a leading science fiction/fiction publisher which can provide the wider audience we want to reach the real thing, REH’s original stories”

-Fredrik Malmberg, President and CEO of Paradox Entertainment, Inc. and its subsidiaries (Conan Properties International) (from a 2010 press release)

Gods Of The North, first published in 1934, is still just one of two Conan stories available on LibriVox.org (the other being Red Nails). Gods Of The North is a 3,500 word vignette, it’s been republished under the titles The Frost Giant’s Daughter and The Frost King’s Daughter. The reason it survives, and is known today, has nothing to do with marketing campaigns, intellectual property protection or lawyers. It survives for one reason alone – it survives because of it’s fans. In fact, it survives despite it being originally written as a piece for sale. It was actually rejected by Weird Tales magazine editor Farnsworth Wright:

The Frost-Giant's Daughter Rejection Letter

Check it out… Gods Of The North was first published in a fan magazine (that had just sixty subscribers) – a fan magazine that counted both H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard among its feature (and letters column) contributors. Neither Lovecraft nor Howard wrote to, or for, THE FANTASY FAN because it was a profitable venture – they wrote to it, and for it, because they were themselves fans of fantasy and the stories and poems they were weaving. You may know the story. It’s a pretty famous one today, but it isn’t famous because it was a well marketed, properly licensed by the right’s holder, or branded. It is, instead, because it’s a good story that fans (another word for readers) appreciate.

Gods Of The North was nearly forgotten. It lay un-reprinted and virtually unknown for more than thirty years until it was re-discovered and reprinted in the December 1956 issue of Fantastic Universe. Here is the editorial introduction for that reprinting:

The publication of this strange story by Robert E. Howard, author of the Conan stories, so much a part of the Living Library of Fantasy, represents a departure for this magazine. Without abandoning our policy of bringing you, month after month, the best in NEW Science Fiction and Fantasy. We will, front time to time, publish material such as this, hitherto known to only a few students of the field! GODS OF THE NORTH was published in 1934, in Charles D. Hornig’s THE FANTASY FAN, which had a circulation of under a hundred! We thank Sam Moskowitz, Editor and SF historian, who showed us this story.

Here’s the |PDF|, it’s also available (with a slightly different text) at |WIKISOURCE|

Here’s my description of the plot:

A winter war in the mountains of Vanaheim, and a bit of gossamer, are all that stand between Conan of Cimmeria and the frosty beauty who spurns him.

And here’s the audiobook:

LibriVox Fantasy - Gods Of The North by Robert E. HowardGods of the North
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Rowdy Delaney
1 |MP3| – Approx. 21 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: September 21, 2008
She drew away from him, dwindling in the witch·fire of the skies, until she was a figure no bigger than a child. First published in the March 1934 issue of The Fantasy Fan.

Here’s the same reading, with additional commentary:

PodcastlePodcastle #162 – Gods Of The North
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Rowdy Delaney
1 |MP3| – Approx. 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Podcastle
Podcast: June 21, 2011

My copy of Conan’s Brethren (a Gollancz collection of Howard stories), edited by Stephen Jones, features this striking image by Les Edwards (aka Edward Miller):

The Frost King's Daughter - illustration by Les Edwards

Comics adaptations:

Savage Tales #1 (May 1971) – The first comics adaptation, adapted by Roy Thomas (writer) and Barry Windsor Smith (artist):

Savage Tales - The Frost Giant's Daughter

Conan the Barbarian #16 (July 1972) – a colorized version of the ST #1 adaptation, except with Comics Code Authority self-censorship and an additional splash page:

Conan The Barbarian - Night Of The Frost Giants

Savage Sword of Conan #1 (August 1974) – an uncoloured and uncensored (full nudity is back) version of the same adaptation from Conan The Barbarian #16 and Savage Tales #1, but featuring the added splash page (in black and white this time) from CTB #16:

The Savage Sword Of Conan - ADDED SPLASH (in black and white) - The Frost Giant's Daughter

Conan #2 (March 2004) adapted by Kurt Busiek (writer) and Cary Nord (artist) – cover art by Joseph Michael Linsner:

Dark Horse - Conan #2 - The Frost Giant's Daughter - COVER

Conan #2 - The Frost Giant's Daughter - INTERIOR

But the fan connection doesn’t end there. The artist most closely associated with the Marvel Comics run of Conan The Barbarian and Savage Sword Of Conan was John Buscema. But, he never illustrated an adaptation of Gods Of The North or The Frost Giant’s Daughter. And so it was up to fan artists, like the impressively talented Benito Gallego, to step in to imagine what a Buscema version of this fan favourite tale might look like. And he did it twice!

Benito Gellago's illustrations of The Frost Giant's Daughter

[Thanks to Robert E. Howard, Charles D. Horning, Sam Moskowitz, Hans Stefan Santesson, Rowdy Delaney, Gorgon776 and many other fans]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: Philip K. Dick’s PUBLIC DOMAIN short stories, novelettes, and novellas

SFFaudio Commentary

Philip K. DickPHILIP K. DICK (1928 -1982) explored personal, religious, sociological, political and philosophical themes in his Science Fiction and Fantasy short stories.

This post is a complete listing of every known Philip K. Dick short story published between 1952 and 1963. Many of them are in the public domain. The known PD titles are all listed. The unknown ones and the ones we aren’t sure about are listed too. My hope is that this list will help bring more of the public domain PHILIP K. DICK stories out into the open (and thus be turned into audiobooks).

Beside each story title I have made a series of notes and links:

First up is the original publication (mostly magazines, but there are a few anthologies). Next is the public domain status (if known). Then there is a link to the Wikipedia entry for the story (indicated by the “W”) when available. If the story is PD then I’ve provided a link to either the Project Gutenberg etext or the SickMyDuck equivalent (if PG doesn’t have it). Those links are represented as either “PG” or “SD”. If SFFaudio has posted about the story or podcast a discussion about it I’ve added a link and represented it as “SFF”. Finally, if there is a LibriVox audiobook version available I have added the links to the MP3 (or MP3s).

-I have added Internet Science Fiction Database links using the abbreviation ISFDB.
-I have added Copyright Office scans (when available) using the abbreviation COS.
-I have added Copyright Office data (when available) using the abbreviation COD.
-I have added scans of the original table of contents for each story using the abbreviation OTOC.

Update II:


Compilation Copyright Renewed<-COMPILATION COPYRIGHT RENEWED

Update III:
Checked, Details Match<-checked - DETAILS MATCH

If you have any information about any of these stories that you think might help please comment or send me an email with the subject line “Philip K. Dick’s PUBLIC DOMAIN short stories, novelettes and novellas”.

Short stories, novelettes and novellas by Philip K. Dick (1952-1963):

Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINBeyond Lies The Wub – Planet Stories, July 1952 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SFF|PG|MP3|ISFDB|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Gun – Planet Stories, September 1952 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SFF|PG|W|SFF|MP3|ISFDB|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Skull – If, September 1952 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|PG|SFF|MP3|ISFDB|OTOC|PDF|


NEED MORE DATACompilation Copyright RenewedThe Little Movement – Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1952 |W|ISFDB|COS1|COS2|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Defenders – Galaxy Science Fiction, January 1953 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SFF|ISFDB|PG|MP3|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINMr. Spaceship – Imagination, January 1953 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|PG|MP3|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINPiper In The Woods – Imagination, February 1953 –PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|PG|SFF|MP3|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


NEED MORE DATACompilation Copyright RenewedRoog – Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1953 – LIKELY PUBLIC DOMAIN – |W|SFF|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINSecond Variety – Space Science Fiction, May 1953 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|PG|SFF|MP3 Pt.1|MP3 Pt.2|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked, Details MatchThe Infinites – Planet Stories, May 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|


Checked, Details MatchThe World She Wanted – Science Fiction Quarterly, May 1953 |ISFDB|COS|


Checked, Details MatchCompilation Copyright RenewedThe Preserving Machine – Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchColony – Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchImpostor – Astounding Science Fiction, June 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Cookie Lady – Fantasy Fiction, June 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Eyes Have It – Science Fiction Stories, #1 (1953) – PUBLIC DOMAIN |PG|SFF|MP3|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked, Details MatchMartians Come In Clouds – Fantastic Universe, June-July 1953 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchPaycheck – Imagination, June 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Indefatigable Frog – Fantastic Story Magazine, July 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Cosmic Poachers – Imagination, July 1953 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchExpendable – Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Commuter – Amazing Stories, August-September 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchOut In The Garden – Fantasy Fiction, August 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Great C – Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine, September 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe King Of The Elves – Beyond Fantasy Fiction, September 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Trouble With Bubbles – If, September 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Variable Man – Space Science Fiction, July/Sept. 1953 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|PG|SFF|MP3 Pt.1|MP3 Pt.2|MP3 Pt.3|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked, Details MatchThe Impossible Planet – Imagination, October 1953 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchPlanet For Transients – Fantastic Universe, October-November 1953 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchSome Kinds Of Life [as by Richard Phillipps] – Fantastic Universe, October-November 1953 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Hanging Stranger – Science Fiction Adventures, December 1953 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |SFF|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked, Details MatchThe Builder – Amazing Stories, December 1953-January 1954 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchProject: Earth – Imagination, December 1953 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINTony And The Beetles – Orbit, No. 2 (1953) – PUBLIC DOMAIN |SFF|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


NEED MORE DATACompilation Copyright RenewedJon’s WorldTime To Come edited by August Dereleth (1954) |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|*other stories in this anthology were renewed [A00000135732]


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINBeyond The Door – Fantastic Universe, January 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |PG|SFF|MP3|ISFDB|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Crystal Crypt – Planet Stories, January 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|PG|SFF|MP3|ISFDB|OTOC|PDF|


NEED MORE DATACompilation Copyright RenewedPrize Ship – Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1954 |W|ISFDB|OTOC|


NEED MORE DATA*Compilation Copyright RenewedA Present For Pat – Startling Stories, January 1954 |ISFDB|OTOC|*other stories in Startling Stories, January 1954 were renewed separately [B00000449219] but not A Present For Pat


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Golden Man – If, April 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINJames P. Crow – Planet Stories, May 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINProminent Author – If, May 1954 PUBLIC DOMAIN |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINSmall Town – Amazing Stories, May 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |SFF|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINSurvey Team – Fantastic Universe, May 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |ISFDB|COS|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINSales Pitch – Future Science Fiction, June 1954 |W|ISFDB|COS|TOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Turning Wheel – Science Fiction Stories, #2 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


NEED MORE DATACompilation Copyright RenewedTime Pawn – Thrilling Wonder Stories, Summer 1954 – LIKELY PUBLIC DOMAIN – NEVER REPRINTED |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINBreakfast At Twilight – Amazing Stories, July 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Crawlers – Imagination, July 1954 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINOf Withered Apples – Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine, July 1954 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|




Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINShell Game – Galaxy Science Fiction, September 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINAdjustment Team – Orbit, No. 4, September-October 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|SFF1|SFF2|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|WIKISOURCE|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINA World Of Talent – Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1954 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINMeddler – Future Science Fiction, October 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINSouvenir – Fantastic Universe, October 1954 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Last Of The Masters – Orbit, No. 5, November-December 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SD|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|




Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINUpon The Dull Earth – Beyond Fantasy Fiction (#9) 1954 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|SFF|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


NEED MORE DATACompilation Copyright RenewedThe Father-Thing – Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1954 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINStrange Eden – Imagination, December 1954 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINFoster, You’re Dead – Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3 (1955) – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINHuman Is – Startling Stories, Winter 1955 – PUBLIC DOMAIN |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|SFF|PDF|


Checked, Details MatchWar Veteran – If, March 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchCaptive Market – If, April 1955 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchNanny – Startling Stories, Spring 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Hood Maker – Imagination, June 1955 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Chromium Fence – Imagination, July 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchService Call – Science Fiction Stories, July 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|


Checked, Details MatchA Surface Raid – Fantastic Universe, July 1955 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Mold Of Yancy – If, August 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchAutofac – Galaxy Science Fiction, November 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchPsi-Man Heal My Child! – Imaginative Tales, November 1955 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Minority Report – Fantastic Universe, January 1956 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchTo Serve The Master – Imagination, February 1956 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


NEED MORE DATAVulcan’s Hammer – Future Science Fiction, #29 (April 1956) – |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchPay For The Printer – Satellite Science Fiction, October 1956 |W|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchGlass Of Darkness – Satellite Science Fiction, December 1956 |ISFDB|ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked - PUBLIC DOMAINThe Unreconstructed M – Science Fiction Stories, January 1957 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|PDF|


Checked, Details MatchMisadjustment – Science Fiction Quarterly, February 1957 |ISFDB|COS|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchNull-O – If, December 1958 |W|ISFDB|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchExplorers We – Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1959 |W|ISFDB|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchRecall Mechanism – If, July 1959 |W|ISFDB|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchFair Game – If, September 1959 |W|SFF|ISFDB|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchWar Game – Galaxy Magazine, December 1959 |ISFDB|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchStand-By – Amazing Stories, October 1963 |ISFDB|COD|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchWhat’ll We Do With Ragland Park? – Amazing Stories, November 1963 |W|ISFDB|COD|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchIf There Were No Benny Cemoli – Galaxy Magazine, December 1963 |W|ISFDB|COD|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchThe Days of Perky Pat – Amazing Stories, December 1963 |W|ISFDB|COD|


Checked, Details MatchAll We Marsmen – Worlds of Tomorrow, August, October and December 1963 |ISFDB1|ISFDB2|ISFDB3|COD|OTOC1|OTOC2|OTOC3|


Checked, Details MatchWaterspider – If, January 1964 |ISFDB|COD|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchOh To Be A Blobel – Galaxy, February 1964 |ISFDB|COD|OTOC|


Checked, Details MatchNovelty Act – Fantastic, February 1964 (copyright 1963) |ISFDB|COD|OTOC|


NEED MORE DATAOrpheus With Feet Of Clay – unknown issue of Escapade 1963? 1964? under the pseudonym Jack Dowland |ISFDB|



Here are some scans of various tables of contents and acknowledgement pages that will verify the true first publication dates of some of the works above:

Table of contents for Imagination, July 1954 (includes The Crawlers by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for Imagination, July 1954 (includes The Crawlers by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for Science Fiction Stories No. 2 1954 (includes Turning Wheel by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for Science Fiction Stories No. 2 1954  (includes Turning Wheel by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents and copyright page for Orbit Science Fiction No.4 (Sept-Oct 1954) (containing Adjustment Team):
Orbit Science Fiction No.4 Sept-Oct 1954 Table Of Contents

Table of contents for Cosmos Science Fiction And Fantasy, September 1953 (includes The Great C by Philip K. Dick):
Cosmos Science Fiction And Fantasy - September 1953 (includes The Great C by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for Cosmos Science Fiction And Fantasy – July 1954 (includes Of Withered Apples by Philip K. Dick):
Cosmos Science Fiction And Fantasy - July 1954 (includes Of Withered Apples by Philip K. Dick)

Acknowledgements page from I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon:
Acknowledgements page from I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon

Acknowledgements page from Invasion Of The Robots:
 Acknowledgements page from Invasion Of The Robots

Acknowledgements page from The Best Of Philip K. Dick:
Acknowledgements page from The Best Of Philip K. Dick

Acknowledgements page from The Golden Man:
Acknowledgements page from The Golden Man

Acknowledgements page from The Preserving Machine:
Acknowledgements page from The Preserving Machine

Acknowledgements page from The Variable Man And Other Stories:
Acknowledgements page from The Variable Man And Other Stories

Acknowledgments page from Other Worlds, Other Times:
Acknowledgments page from Other Worlds, Other Times

Table of contents from Amazing Stories May 1954 (includes Small Town by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents from Amazing Stories May 1954

Table of contents from Fantastic Universe May 1954 (includes Survey Team by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents from Fantastic Universe May 1954

Table of contents from Fantastic Universe June – July 1953:
Table of Contents - Fantastic Universe, June - July 1953 - Martians Come In Clouds by Philip K. Dick

Table of contents from Future Science Fiction October 1954:
Table of contents from Future Science Fiction October 1954

Table of contents from Amazing Stories, August September 1953 (includes The Commuter by Philip K. Dick):
 Table of contents from Amazing Stories, August September 1953 (includes The Commuter by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents from Galaxy Science Fiction January 1953:
Table of contents from Galaxy Science Fiction January 1953

Table of contents from Galaxy Science Fiction October 1954:
Table of contents from Galaxy Science Fiction October 1954

Table of contents from Galaxy Science Fiction September 1954:
Table of contents from Galaxy Science Fiction September 1954

United States Copyright Catalog Entry for Registration Number RE0000190631:
United States Copyright Catalog Entry for Registration Number RE0000190631

Table of contents for IF, September 1952 (includes The Skull):
Table of contents from If September 1952 (includes The Skull)

Table of contents for IF, March 1955 (includes War Veteran):
Table of contents from IF - March 1955

Table of contents for Imagination July 1953 (includes The Cosmic Poachers):
Table of contents for Imagination July 1953 - including The Cosmic Poachers by Philip K. Dick

Table of contents for Science Fiction Adventures Magazine December 1953 (includes The Hanging Stranger):

Table of contents for Science Fiction Adventures Magazine December 1953

Table of contents for Fantastic Universe’s June-July 1953 issue (includes Martians Come In Clouds by Philip K. Dick):

Table of contents for Fantastic Universe's June-July 1953 issue (includes Martians Come In Clouds by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for Future Science Fiction’s October 1954 issue (includes Meddler by Philip K. Dick):

Future Science Fiction October 1954 - table of Contents - includes Meddler by Philip K. Dick

Table of contents for the August 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow (includes All We Marsmen by Philip K. Dick – Part 1 of 3):

Worlds Of Tomorrow - August 1963 - Table Of Contents  (All We Marsmen by Philip K. Dick - Part 1)

Table of contents for the October 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow (includes All We Marsmen by Philip K. Dick – Part 2 of 3):

Table of contents for the October 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow (includes All We Marsmen by Philip K. Dick - Part 2 of 3):

Table of contents for the December 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow (includes All We Marsmen by Philip K. Dick – Part 3 of 3):

Table of contents for the December 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow (includes All We Marsmen by Philip K. Dick - Part 3 of 3):

Table of contents for the December 1958 issue of Worlds Of If (includes Null-O by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for the December 1958 issue of Worlds Of If (includes Null-O by Philip K. Dick):

Table of contents for Worlds Of If April 1954 (includes The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for Worlds Of If April 1954 (includes The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for Worlds Of If – November 1954 (includes Progeny by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for Worlds Of If - November 1954 (includes Progeny by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for If: Worlds Of Science Fiction – September 1953 (includes The Trouble With Bubbles by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for If: Worlds Of Science Fiction - September 1953 (includes The Trouble With Bubbles by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for IF: Worlds Of Science Fiction – May 1954 (includes Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for IF: Worlds Of Science Fiction - May 1954 (includes Prominent Author by Philip K. Dick)

Table of contents for Starling Stories Winter 1955 (includes Human Is by Philip K. Dick):
Table of contents for Starling Stories Winter 1955 (includes Human Is by Philip K. Dick)

If Worlds Of Science Fiction, April 1955 – Table Of Contents (includes Captive Market by Philip K. Dick):
If Worlds Of Science Fiction, April 1955 - Table Of Contents (includes Captive Market by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic Story Magazine, July 1953 – Table Of Contents (includes The Indefatigable Frog by Philip K. Dick):
Fantastic Story Magazine, July 1953 - Table Of Contents (includes The Indefatigable Frog by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic Universe October-November 1953 – Table Of Contents (includes Planet For Transients by Philip K. Dick and Some Kinds Of Life by Richard Phillipps [aka Philip K. Dick]):
Fantastic Universe October 1953 - Table Of Contents (includes Planet For Transients by Philip K. Dick)

Galaxy Science Fiction, December 1959 – Table Of Contents (Includes War Game by Philip K. Dick):
Galaxy Science Fiction, December 1959 - Table Of Contents (Includes War Game by Philip K. Dick)

IF Worlds Of SF August 1954 Table Of Contents (includes Exhibit Piece by Philip K. Dick):
IF Worlds Of SF August 1954 Table Of Contents (includes Exhibit Piece by Philip K. Dick)

Galaxy Science Fiction November 1955 Table Of Contents (includes Autofac by Philip K. Dick):
Galaxy November 1955 - Table Of Contents - includes Autofac by Philip K. Dick

Galaxy Science Fiction December 1963 (includes If There Were No Benny Cemoli by Philip K. Dick):
Galaxy Science Fiction December 1963 (includes IF There Were No Benny Cemoli by Philip K. Dick)

Beyond Fantasy Fiction – Table Of Contents – September 1953 (includes The King Of The Elves by Philip K. Dick):
Beyond Fantasy Fiction - Table Of Contents - September 1953 (includes King Of The Elves)

Beyond Fiction Volume 2, Number 3, Issue #9 (1954) – Table Of Contents (includes Upon The Dull Earth by Philip K. Dick):
Beyond Fiction Volume 2 Number 3 Issue 9 - Table Of Contents (includes Upon The Dull Earth)

IF Worlds Of Science Fiction July 1959 – Table Of Contents (includes Recall Mechanism by Philip K. Dick):
IF Worlds Of Science Fiction July 1959 - Table Of Contents (includes Recall Mechanism by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic, February 1964 table of contents (includes Novelty Act by Philip K. Dick):
Fantastic, February 1964 table of contents (includes Novelty Act by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy Fiction, August 1953 – Table of contents (includes Out In The Garden by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy Fiction, August 1953 - Table of contents (includes Out In The Garden by Philip K. Dick)

Startling Stories, Spring 1955 – Table of contents (includes Nanny by Philip K. Dick):
Startling Stories, Spring 1955 Table Of Contents (includes Nanny by Philip K. Dick)

Planet Stories, January 1954 – Table of contents (includes The Crystal Crypt by Philip K. Dick):
Planet Stories, January 1954 - Table of contents (includes The Crystal Crypt by Philip K. Dick)

Planet Stories, September 1952 – Table of contents (includes The Gun by Philip K. Dick):
Planet Stories, September 1952 - Table of contents (includes The Gun by Philip K. Dick)

Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3 (includes Foster You’re Dead by Philip K. Dick):
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 3 – copyright and table of contents (includes Foster, You’re Dead by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1953 -Table of contents (includes Roog by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1953 -Table of contents (includes Roog by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, December 1953 – Table of contents (includes Project: EARTH by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, December 1953 - Table of contents (includes Project: EARTH by Philip K. Dick)

Amazing Stories, July 1954 – Table of contents (includes Breakfast At Twilight by Philip K. Dick):
Amazing July 1954 - Table of contents (includes Breakfast At Twilight by Philip K. Dick)

Galaxy, February 1964 – Table of contents (includes Oh To Be A Blobel by Philip K. Dick):
Galaxy, February 1964 - Table of contents (Oh To Be A Blobel by Philip K. Dick)

Orbit, No.2 – Table of contents (includes Tony And The Beetles by Philip K. Dick):
Orbit, No.2, Table of contents (includes Tony And The Beetles by Philip K. Dick)

Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1954 – Table of contents (includes A World Of Talent by Philip K. Dick):
Galaxy Science Fiction, October 1954 - Table of contents (includes A World Of Talent by Philip K. Dick)

Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1953 – Table of contents (includes Colony by Philip K. Dick):
Galaxy Science Fiction, June 1953 - Table of contents (includes Colony by Philip K. Dick)

RE0000562527 – renewals of All We Marsmen, Stand By, What’ll We Do With Ragland Park?, The Days Of Perky Pat, If There Were No Benny Cemoli, Oh To Be A Blobel, Waterspider, and Novelty Act:
RE0000562527 - renewals of All We Marsmen, Stand By, What'll We Do With Ragland Park?, The Days Of Perky Pat, If There Were No Benny Cemoli, Oh To Be A Blobel, Waterspider, and Novelty Act

Planet Stories, July 1952 – Table Of Contents (includes Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick):
Planet Stories, July 1952 - Table Of Contents (includes Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, February 1953 – Table Of Contents (includes Piper In The Woods by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, February 1953 - table of contents (includes Piper In The Woods by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1959 – Table Of Contents (includes Explorers We by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy & Science Fiction, January 1959 - table of contents (includes Explorers We by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1954 – table of contents (includes The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1954 - table of contents (includes The Father-Thing by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1952 – table of contents (includes The Little Movement by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy & Science Fiction, November 1952 - table of contents (includes The Little Movement by Philip K. Dick)

Thrilling Wonder Stories, Summer 1954 – table of contents (includes Time Pawn by Philip K. Dick):
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Summer 1954 - table of contents (includes Time Pawn by Philip K. Dick)

Imaginative Tales, November 1955 – table of contents (includes Psi-Man Heal My Child! by Philip K. Dick):
Imaginative Tales, November 1955 - table of contents (includes Psi-Man Heal My Child! by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1953 – table of contents (includes The Preserving Machine by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1953 - table of contents (includes The Preserving Machine by Philip K. Dick)

If, August 1955 – table of contents (includes The Mold Of Yancy by Philip K. Dick):
If, August 1955 - Table Of Contents - (includes The Mold Of Yancy by Philip K. Dick)

If, September 1959 – table of contents (includes Fair Game by Philip K. Dick):
If, September 1959 - table of contents (includes Fair Game by Philip K. Dick)

If, January 1954 – table of contents (includes Waterspider by Philip K. Dick):
If, January 1954 - table of contents (includes Waterspider by Philip K. Dick)

Amazing Stories, November 1963 – table of contents (includes What’ll We Do With Ragland Park? by Philip K. Dick)
Amazing Stories, November 1963 - table of contents (includes What'll We Do With Ragland Park? by Philip K. Dick)

Amazing Stories, October 1963 – table of contents (includes Stand-By by Philip K. Dick):
Amazing Stories, October 1963 - table of contents (includes Stand-By by Philip K. Dick)

Science Fiction Stories, #1 (1953) – table of contents (includes The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick):
Science Fiction Stories, #1 (1953) - table of contents (includes The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick)

Science Fiction Quarterly, February 1957 – table of contents (includes Misadjustment by Philip K. Dick):
Science Fiction Quarterly, February 1957 - table of contents (includes Misadjustment by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 1953 – table of contents (includes Expendable by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 1953 - table of contents (includes Expendable by Philip K. Dick)

Startling Stories, January 1954 – table of contents (includes A Present For Pat by Philip K. Dick):
Startling Stories, January 1954 - table of contents (includes A Present For Pat by Philip K. Dick)

Space Science Fiction, May 1953 – table of contents (includes Second Variety by Philip K. Dick):
Space Science Fiction, May 1953 - table of contents (includes Second Variety by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic Universe, January 1954 – table of contents (includes Beyond The Door by Philip K. Dick):
Fantastic Universe, January 1954 - table of contents (includes Beyond The Door by Philip K. Dick)

ORBIT Science Fiction No. 5 – Table of contents (includes The Last Of The Masters by Philip K. Dick):
ORBIT Science Fiction No. 5 - Table of contents (includes The Last Of The Masters by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, January 1953 – table of contents (includes Mr. Spaceship by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, January 1953 - table of contents (includes Mr. Spaceship by Philip K. Dick)

Space Science Fiction, September 1953 – table of contents (includes The Variable Man by Philip K. Dick):
Space Science Fiction, September 1953 - table of contents (includes The Variable Man by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, June 1953 – table of contents (includes Paycheck by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, June 1953 - table of contents (includes Paycheck by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, December 1954 – table of contents (includes Strange Eden by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, December 1954 - table of contents (includes Strange Eden by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, February 1956 – table of contents (includes To Serve The Master by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, February 1956 - table of contents (includes To Serve The Master by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, July 1955 – table of contents (includes The Chromium Fence by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, July 1955 - table of contents (includes The Chromium Fence by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, June 1955 – table of contents (includes The Hood Maker by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, June 1955 - table of contents (includes The Hood Maker by Philip K. Dick)

Science Fiction Stories, January 1957 – table of contents (includes The Unreconstructed M by Philip K. Dick):
Science Fiction Stories, January 1957 - table of contents (includes The Unreconstructed M by Philip K. Dick)

Imagination, October 1953 – table of contents (includes The Impossible Planet by Philip K. Dick):
Imagination, October 1953 - table of contents (includes The Impossible Planet by Philip K. Dick)

Fantasy Fiction, June 1953 – table of contents (includes The Cookie Lady by Philip K. Dick):
Fantasy Fiction, June 1953 - table of contents (includes The Cookie Lady by Philip K. Dick)

Astounding, June 1953 – table of contents (includes Impostor by Philip K. Dick):
Astounding, June 1953 - table of contents (includes Impostor by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic Universe, October 1954 – table of contents (includes Souvenir by Philip K. Dick):
Fantastic Universe, October 1954 - table of contents (includes Souvenir by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic Universe, July 1955 – table of contents (includes A Surface Raid by Philip K. Dick):
Fantastic Universe, July 1955 - table of contents (includes A Surface Raid by Philip K. Dick)

Fantastic Universe, January 1956 – table of contents (includes The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick):
Fantastic Universe, January 1956 - table of contents (includes The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick)

Amazing, December 1953 – January 1954 – table of contents (includes The Builder by Philip K. Dick):
Amazing, December 1953 - January 1954 - table of contents (includes The Builder by Philip K. Dick)

Time To Come edited by August Dereleth (1954) (includes Jon’s World by Philip K. Dick):
Time To Come (1954) - includes Jon's World by Philip K. Dick

Future Science Fiction No. 29 (1956) – table of contents (includes Vulcan’s Hammer by Philip K. Dick):
Future Science Fiction No. 29 (1956) - table of contents (includes Vulcan's Hammer by Philip K. Dick)

Satellite Science Fiction, October 1956 – table of contents (includes Pay For The Printer by Philip K. Dick):
Satellite Science Fiction, October 1956 - table of contents (includes Pay For The Printer by Philip K. Dick)

Satellite Science Fiction, December 1956 – table of contents (includes A Glass Of Darkness by Philip K. Dick):
Satellite Science Fiction, December 1956 - table of contents (includes A Glass Of Darkness by Philip K. Dick)

Future Science Fiction, June 1954 – table of contents (includes Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick):
Future Science Fiction, June 1954 - table of contents (includes Sales Pitch by Philip K. Dick)

Planet Stories, May 1954 – table of contents (includes James P. Crow by Philip K. Dick):
Planet Stories, May 1954 - table of contents (includes James P. Crow by Philip K. Dick)

Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1954 – table of contents (includes Prize Ship by Philip K. Dick):
Thrilling Wonder Stories, Winter 1954 - Table of Contents

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Eyes Have It by Philip K. Dick

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxOne of the shortest, if not the shortest, of all of Philip K. Dick’s many short stories. First published in 1953, in Science Fiction Stories #1, The Eyes Have It, is just a simple story about a literal man and the ridiculous alien invasion he imagines. It’s a silly little piece of fluff. A mere lighthearted thought experiment. Just a fun little story of no real account or import. In fact it’s barely …. wait one second … could it … ? …. what if … ? … HEY! That’s that just what they want you to think!!!

LIBRIVOX - The Eyes Have It by Philip K. DickThe Eyes Have It
By Philip K. Dick; Read by Gregg Margarite
1 |MP3| – Approx. 8 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: March 20, 2010
A little whimsy, now and then, makes for good balance. Theoretically, you could find this type of humor anywhere. But only a topflight science-fictionist, we thought, could have written this story, in just this way….

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #122 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: Beyond The Door by Philip K. Dick


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #122 – a complete and unabridged reading of Beyond The Door by Philip K. Dick, followed by a discussion of it with Scott, Jesse, Tamahome and Gregg Margarite (who narrated the story).

Talked about on today’s show:
Beyond The Door is a story about a very angry bird, is it a puff-piece or a potboiler?, Rod Serling, Twilight Zone, “My name is Talky Tina and I’m going to kill you.”, Living Doll, Telly Savalas, Clown Without Pity (from Treehouse of Horror III), Night Gallery, Chucky, were clowns always scary?, automaton, fantasy, is it a haunted cuckoo clock?, what does that mean?, why is that in there?, who is Pete?, Pete has to be her dead brother, did Pete die in the same way?, the Black Forest, what’s wrong with this woman?, “it was written in the fifties!”, she’s happy and she’s sad, Umberto Eco and the role of the reader, Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Eric S. Rabkin, Warehouse 13, is the first line a moral lesson (or merely a magazine call out)?, Project Gutenberg’s etext edition of Beyond The Door, Fantastic Universe Science Fiction, this story is not about a cuckoo clock, it’s about the cuckoo bird and the cuckoo egg, and the egg’s name is Pete, Perky Pat, Gregg has read Philip K. Dick’s Exegesis, James Joyce, what am I thinking?, what am I feeling?, “keep thinking about that”, “it’s wholesale baby”, this is sex, Bob is her lover (in the 1950s sense), anthropomorphizing cuckoo clock’s bird is not that uncommon, “you’ll love it Bobby”, this is a really strange clock, it would keep you up all night, the cuckoo clock fad (they were ubiquitous), “like a new member of the family”, what is the symbol of?, the cuckoo is a brood parasite, the characteristics of cuckoo eggs and chicks, “some important special accounts” sounds like a story, “how nice you look today”, “Mrs. Peters across the street you know…”, “oh oh oh”, Pete was only her half brother, “it’s 3 o’clock in the morning and you need 5,000 words by ten a.m.”, Clans Of The Alphane Moon, Dick’s many marriages, Tessa Dick, structuralism vs. post structuralism, writer’s intent vs. the text standing alone, does the author’s intent matter?, a bastard child, “she’s seen this thing in action before”, the great depression -> WWII -> many impulsive marriages, Bob isn’t gay, “no guy is interested in buttons!”, “does he realize he is next in line?”, “monogamy is designed to makes sure the male gets a genetic heir”, the cuckoo is her champion, “I like a good deal”, “he’s rude, he doesn’t deserve to die”, there’s no magic, no science fiction, folklore, mythology, proto-story, Scott read Beyond The Door aloud to his daughter, James Thurber’s The Princess And The Tin Box, Anthony Boucher, three or four princes, reverse-dowry, “red charger” vs. plow horse, mica and hornblende, she’s not an idiot, anyone who thought she was going to…, this is an overturning of that, it’s a fractured fairy tale, a noir fairy tale, Frank R. Stockton, The Griffin and the Minor Canon, Snow White as a horror story, Rocky And Bullwinkle, June Foray, William Conrad, Jake And The Fatman, “finish before it burns”, the Marx Bros., the self-deprecating stuff we like today, Forever Peace, we got it sorted, anecdotal proof.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Music Of Erich Zann by H.P. Lovecraft

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Music Of Erich Zann is one of H.P. Lovecraft’s most popular short stories (it runs just 3,450 words).

The Music Of Erich Zann - illustration by Andrew Brosnatch

Here are the opening lines:

“I have examined maps of the city with the greatest care, yet have never again found the Rue d’Auseil. These maps have not been modern maps alone, for I know that names change. I have, on the contrary, delved deeply into all the antiquities of the place, and have personally explored every region, of whatever name, which could possibly answer to the street I knew as the Rue d’Auseil. But despite all I have done, it remains an humiliating fact that I cannot find the house, the street, or even the locality, where, during the last months of my impoverished life as a student of metaphysics at the university, I heard the music of Erich Zann.

That my memory is broken, I do not wonder; for my health, physical and mental, was gravely disturbed throughout the period of my residence in the Rue d’Auseil, and I recall that I took none of my few acquaintances there. But that I cannot find the place again is both singular and perplexing; for it was within a half-hour’s walk of the university and was distinguished by peculiarities which could hardly be forgotten by any one who had been there. I have never met a person who has seen the Rue d’Auseil.

The Rue d’Auseil lay across a dark river bordered by precipitous brick blear-windowed warehouses and spanned by a ponderous bridge of dark stone. It was always shadowy along that river, as if the smoke of neighboring factories shut out the sun perpetually. The river was also odorous with evil stenches which I have never smelled elsewhere, and which may some day help me to find it, since I should recognize them at once. Beyond the bridge were narrow cobbled streets with rails; and then came the ascent, at first gradual, but incredibly steep as the Rue d’Auseil was reached.”

And the Rue d’Auseil, by the way, translates to “street of the threshold” – most appropriate.

Public domain:

LibriVoxThe Music Of Erich Zann
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Cameron Halket
1 |MP3| – Approx. 19 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: October 19, 2008
A student of philosophy is forced, by lack of funds, to to take lodgings in a run down rooming house in a strange part of Paris. First published in National Amateur (March 1922), then later in the May 1925 issue of Weird Tales.

Creative Commons:

PseudopodEpisode #100 – The Music Of Erich Zann
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by B.J. Harrison
1 |MP3| – Approx. 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Pseudopod
Podcast: July 25th, 2008

Commercial audiobook:

Horror Audiobooks - The Dark Worlds Of H.P. Lovecraft Volume 4 - The Rats In The Walls, The Shunned House, The Music Of Eric ZahnThe Dark Worlds Of H.P. Lovecraft, Volume 4: The Rats In The Walls, The Shunned House, The Music Of Eric Zann
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Wayne June
3 CDs – 2 Hours 41 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
Published: 2006
ISBN: 1897304242


H.P. Lovecraft Literary PodcastEpisode #23 – The Music Of Erich Zann
Participants Chris Lackey, Chad Fifer and Andrew Leman
1 |MP3| – Approx. 29 Minutes [DISCUSSION]
Podcaster: H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast
Podcast: September 12, 2010


The Music Of Erich Zann

There is a very good comics adaptation, by writer Roy Thomas and artist Johnny Craig, done for issue #5 (June 1970) of Marvel Comics’ Chamber Of Darkness (the title was changed to The Music From Beyond).

Here’s a disturbingly wordless stop motion animation adaptation:

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Point Of Honor by Joseph Conrad

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxFirst published in Pall Mall Magazine, along with an H.G. Wells novel and a Jack London short story, The Point Of Honor is a Joseph Conrad novella that had its genesis in the real duels that two French Hussar officers fought in the Napoleonic era. Their names were Dupont and Fournier, which Conrad disguised slightly, changing Dupont into D’Hubert and Fournier into Feraud.

LIBRIVOX - The Point Of Honor by Joseph ConradThe Point Of Honor (aka The Duel)
By Joseph Conrad; Read by Mark F. Smith
4 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 3 Hours 29 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: May 18, 2008
Two French Hussar officers, D’Hubert and Feraud, quarrel over an initially minor incident that eventually turns into a bitter, long-drawn out struggle over the following fifteen years, interwoven with the larger conflict that provides its backdrop. At the beginning, Feraud is the one who jealously guards his honor and repeatedly demands satisfaction anew when a duelling encounter ends inconclusively; he aggressively pursues every opportunity to locate and duel his foe. As the story progresses, D’Hubert also finds himself caught up in the contest, unable to back down or walk away. Pall Mall Magazine’s January, February, March, April and May 1908 issues.

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3| Part 4 |MP3|

Podcast feed: http://librivox.org/bookfeeds/the-point-of-honor-by-joseph-conrad.xml

iTunes 1-click |SUBSCRIBE|

Here’s are the William Russell Flint illustrations from the original magazine serialization:

The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint

Here’s the trailer for The Duellists (1977) :

[Thanks also to ConradFirst.net and Live At The Heartbreak Lounge]

Posted by Jesse Willis