Recent Arrivals: Happy Catholic by Julie Davis

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

I’ve known Julie Davis since at least 2007. I think I found her through her wonderful Forgotten Classics blog and podcast. Although, perhaps, I first heard her recordings for StarShipSofa. It’s kind of odd that we’re friends. We’re completely different kinds of people. Julie’s totally Catholic, I’m completely heathen. She’s a happy wife and mother. I’m a cynical childless bachelor. Yet we are friends because we both have very small-c catholic tastes in books. We’ve traded more than five hundred emails over the years. She’s been a frequent and valued guest on the SFFaudio Podcast (with at least ten appearances in 100 episodes). She’s recorded stories for me and for the world. She even started a wonderful podcast with my SFFaudio buddy Scott. So, I was happy to hear that my catholic Catholic book loving friend had written a book on her catholic Catholic tastes. Now I’m doubly happy, she sent me a signed copy. Thanks Julie!

Happy Catholic by Julie DavisHappy Catholic: Glimpses Of God In Everyday Life
By Julie Davis
Publisher: Servant Books
Puiblished: April 15, 2011
ISBN: 9780867169744
As she does in her blog, Happy Catholic, Julie Davis taps into quotes not only from Scripture and John Paul II but from The Simpsons and The Princess Bride, and doing so she discovers that all around her are glimpses of God. Her reflections on pithy quotes such as the one by famed rocker, Alice Cooper (“Trashing your hotel room is easy, but being a Christian – that’s rebellion”) draw back the veil, letting you connect with God in unexpected ways . With unique and inventive perspective Davis’s reflections will help you: – reflect on the strange economy of suffering – live with gusto – see the big picture – explore the value of quirkiness – learn the truth about happy and unhappy families

Now where’s the audiobook?

Posted by Jesse Willis