The L.A. Times Fesitval Of Books

SFFaudio Online Audio

L.A. Times Festival Of BooksThe L.A. Times Festival Of Books had a panel that SF author Cory Doctorow got permission to post as an MP3. It’s called “Science Fiction: The Road From Here to There.” The panel featured John Scalzi, Cory Doctorow and Kage Baker and Harry Turtledove. Snag the entire |MP3|. If this panel piques your interest browse through the previous Festival Of Books catalogues. I’ve selected a number of SF & Fantasy related recordings and detailed them below. Item numbers are in either square brackets “[]” to indicate cassette only options, numbers with round brackets “()” indicate a CD edition.

2006 PDF Catalogue:
(1064) Young Adult Fantasy Writing
(2092) Fantasy & Time Travel

2005 PDF Catalogue:
(1061) Science Fiction – Worlds Of The Future

2004 PDF Catalogue:
(1136) William Gibson (A Barnes & Noble Stage Presentation)
(2033) William Gibson & Bruce Wagner
(2074) Clive Barker & Brien Lopez
[2111] Fables & Fantasies
(2132) Dean Koontz (A Barnes & Noble Stage Presentation)
(2133) Neal Stephenson (A Barnes & Noble Stage Presentation)

2002 Catlaogue:
[1112] Utopias, Hysterics and the Great Con
[2021] Science Fiction Writing

2001 Catalogue:

[1121] The Face of the Frantastic: Fantasy Writing

2000 Catalogue:
[1061] Terry Brooks
[1082] Michael Crichton
[2082] Ray Bradbury
[1013] Clive Barker
[2063] Harlan Ellison
[2064] Ursula Le Guin
[2082] Ray Bradbury

posted by Jesse Willis

The Time Traveler Show #13 The Night He Cried by Fritz Leiber PLUS MORE!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #13 is out today. Along with the customary unabridged classic Science Fiction story (this one by none other than Fritz Leiber) the also show includes snippets from The Time Traveler’s recent visit to the ConFusion 2007 Science Fiction convention. While there TT recorded panels consisting of: John Scalzi, Karl Schroeder, Steven Harper Piziks, Toby Buckell, Tor editor Jim Frenkel, Elizabeth Moon, Howard Waldrop, Karl Schroeder, and Jim C. Hines!

You can also listen to the complete files for each panel on The Time Traveler’s site.

The Night He Cried
By Fritz Leiber; Read by Clarissa der Nederlanden
Podcaster: The Time Traveler Show
Podcast: February 19th 2007

Attentive listeners should recognize the narrator of this story as Flying Squirrel from The Red Panda Adventures Audio Drama podcast!

To read the complete show notes for podcast #13 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE. Alternatively, automatically downloading can be ensured by plugging this podcast feed into your podcatcher:

FREE MP3 NOVELETTE: The Sagan Diairy by John Scalzi

Online Audio - Free Science Fiction Audiobook

Blog - John Scalzi's WhateverJohn W. Campbell Award winning author John Scalzi writes:

“I have something special for you today, and something I am extraordinarily proud of. To celebrate the release of [The Sagan Diary] I and Subterranean Press have arranged for a reading of the book — the entire novelette — here on the Whatever. But it’s not me who will be reading the book. The Sagan Diary is meant to be the thoughts of Jane Sagan, as she looks over her life after the events of The Ghost Brigades and prepares for the life which will be detailed in The Last Colony. I wanted voices closer to hers than my own. So I asked some friends if they would speak for Jane Sagan: I asked Elizabeth Bear, Mary Robinette Kowal, Ellen Kushner, Karen Meisner, Cherie Priest and Helen Smith. Happily for me (and for you) they said yes. Each of them recorded a chapter (or more, in the case of Mary Robinette Kowal), and took the words I wrote for Jane and gave them extra dimensions — made more of them than I would be able to make of them myself. If you’ve wondered what Jane Sagan sounds like, she sounds like this. I was delighted to hear her voice coming through these readings, and deeply humbled by the efforts these women provided in letting Jane speak with them and through them. Without prejudicing your own hearing, let me say that I found myself getting emotional listening to these words given voice.”

The novelette in question is set in the same universe as Scalzi’s novels Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades

The Sagan Diary
By John Scalzi; Read by various readers
9 MP3 Files – Approx. 81 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Subterranean Press /
Published: February 2007

Download the entire audiobook:
Preface |MP3| Chapter 1 |MP3| Chapter 2 |MP3| Chapter 3 |MP3| Chapter 4 |MP3| Chapter 5 |MP3| Chapter 6 |MP3| Chapter 7 |MP3| Chapter 8 |MP3|

And as a point of interest you can click on over to SFFaudio’s own Mary Robinette Kowal’s blog to read and hear about her reading of The Sagan Diary – in that post Mary shows how just a few stumbling words can make a relatively short audiobook much longer.

The Time Traveler Show Podcast # 7 : With a FREE Andre Norton short story!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #7 is available for download now. The featured tale is a short story by Andre Norton entitled The Mousetrap. The reader is Rick Stringer from Variant Frequencies. Mousetrap was first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction’s June 1954 issue. Also included in this episode is a panel discussion with Sarah Zettel, Anne Harris, John Scalzi and Tobias Buckell that was recorded earlier this month at the Kerrytown Bookfest in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The Time Traveler Show #7: Mousetrap by Andre NortonThe Mousetrap
By Andre Norton; Read by Rick Stringer
Podcaster: September 2006

To read the complete show notes for podcast #7 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE.

And if you haven’t already subscribed do so by placing this feed into your podcatcher:

The Coode Street Podcast

SFFaudio Online Audio

Australian SF publisher and editor Jonathan Strahan has a podcast that is currently 2 shows in. The first contains a story by Deborah Biancotti entitled “Stealing Free”. Deborah has “published her first story in 2000 and has won the Aurealis Award for Best Horror Story, the Ditmar Award for Best New Talent, and the Ditmar for Best Short Story.” The second show contains “The Third-Quarter King” by Nebula nominee and Campbell finalist Tim Pratt.

Click here for The Coode Street Podcast site.

[via John Scalzi]

Check out this great 10 minute long documentary on…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Check out this great 10 minute long documentary on Science Fiction and SF fandom done by Joe Mahoney for broadcast on CBC Radio One‘s The Current. Authors interviewed include: John Scalzi, Cory Doctorow, John Clute, Robert J. Sawyer, and Margaret Atwood.

Listen to the Documentary here:

Joe Mahoney’s Documentary

Note: To hear the documentary, click and drag the time bar to about the fifteen minute mark.

Posted by Jesse Willis