Four reasons to listen to District of Wonders this week!
StarShipSofa No 254 Allen Steele |mp3|
Short Story: War Memorial by Allen Steele 06:40
Main Fiction: The Emancipation of the Knowledge Robots by Carl Frederick 37:20
Crime City Central No 8 John R. Corrigan |mp3|
Main Fiction: Shooter by John R. Corrigan
Tales To Terrify No 35 John Everson, Laurel Winter |mp3|
Fiction: Run, Run, Run by Laurel Winter 0:07:30
Fiction: The White House by John Everson 0:24:50
Protecting Project Pulp No. 8: Captain S. P. Meek |mp3|
Main Fiction: “When Caverns Yawned” by Captain S.P. Meek, first published in Astounding Stories, May 1931.
Posted by Tony C. Smith