Review of Master Of Space And Time by Rudy Rucker

SFFaudio Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - Master of Space and Time by Rudy RuckerMaster of Space and Time
By Rudy V. B. Rucker; Read by Scott Grunden
5 CDs – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2007
ISBN: 9781433207709
Themes: / Science Fiction / Humor / Physics / Quantum Mechanics / Alternate Universe / Time Travel / Robots /

“Madcap inventor Harry Gerber is hopeless when it comes to surviving in the real world. So he uses his genius to twist the laws of science and create his own tailor-made universe.”

Joe Fletcher has a 9-to-precisely-5 job at Softtech, a crappy software company in New Jersey. He hates his job, so much so he’s programmed a piece of software to alert him to the precise nano-second of the completion of his requisite 40 hours a week. On one particular Friday in the futuristic 1990s Joe hoofs it out to the company parking lot for the commute home only to find his former partner, Harry Gerber, an “out-of-it” genius inventor waiting for him. Joe hadn’t seen Gerber, his former partner in their bankrupt engineering firm, in more than a year so he’s rather surprised to see a two-inch tall Harry sitting on the steering wheel of his 1956 Buick. In fact, after closer inspection there are a whole swarm of tiny Harrys in the Buick. Some are standing on the gearshift, others are running around on the dashboard, each is smaller than the next. The Harrys tell Joe about the machine that they will assemble on Saturday that will make them both masters of space and time by Sunday afternoon. Most important for Joe, Harry and his girlfriend, the improbably named Sondra Tupperware, they’ll need to get some red gluons – a kind of subatomic particle found only below the “Planck threshold.” The “blunzer” – the device in question, will grant them the ability to do absolutely anything by just mentally manipulating the very nature of reality – and they know it will work since it already has!

Rudy Rucker is playing with old Heinleinian tropes to good comic effect in Master Of Space And Time. On offer is an homage to The Puppet Masters and I Will Fear No Evil, the former being an alien invasion by brain slugs, the latter being about a man who gets the ultimate in transgendered wishes. There’s lots of original material here too, the writing is Hard SF-lite with lots of physics for undergraduates. It comes off as a comic version of the ultimate power fantasy, or as an SF take on the old “three wishes” tales. One other bit of fun, the chapter names are all either self-referential or jokey. On the net there seems to be quite a bit of controversy about the religious and sexual aspects of the book. I found it hard to understand why that would be – the accusations of ‘homophobia’ and a ‘high-handed, anti-christian’ attitude seem pretty insubstantial, at least based on the content of the novel I was listening to. The whole caper is fun, unpredictable and fast moving. It makes for a breezy listen – it won’t blow your mind, but it will entertain.

In Master Of Space And Time narrator Scott Grunden has some of the funniest lines ever read in an audiobook. At one point early in the novel he’s performing the sounds of a ginormous iguana-cum-Godzilla, (WHEEEENK-WHEEEENK- WHEEEENK! GUH-ROOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO!) the scene goes on an on. Another treat, at the point at which Joe is switched bodily into his idea of the most sexy woman in the world Grunden changes his voice even when his cadence doesn’t. It pleases the heck out of me that Blackstone is venturing a little farther back in time for many of its new Science Fiction additions. Master Of Space And Time was first published in the 1984, I had no clue it even existed until this audiobook edition came out. Look for a film version of Master Of Space And Time sometime in 2009 with a screenplay by Daniel Clowes of Ghost World fame.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency RADIO DRAMA

SFFaudio Review

Radio Drama - Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective AgencyDirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
By Douglas Adams; Performed by a full cast
3 CDs – 3 hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Publisher: BBC AUDIO
Published: 2007
ISBN: 1405677430
Themes: / Science Fiction / Fantasy / Comedy / Mystery / Physics / Music /

Most people think of the more famous The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy when they think of Douglas Adams, but in some ways I prefer his Dirk Gently series because of its more coherent plot and wide-ranging discussions. Of course it is still mainly a rather absurd (but still clever) comedy with a number of sci-fi/fantasy elements and still finds time to explore such diverse subjects as quantum physics, Coleridge’s poetry, computing and Bach. In fact it is described on the book cover as a “thumping good detective-ghost-horror-whodunnit-time-travel-romantic-musical-comedy-epic”.

The story revolves around Richard McDuff who finds himself accused of murdering his boss and seeks help from his old friend Dirk Gently who runs what he calls a “holistic detective” agency. As the investigation unravels events become increasingly strange with ghosts, time travel and an electric monk, but Dirk is convinced of the “fundamental interconnectedness of all things” and is therefore confident of finding the answer.

This drama is directed by the talented Dirk Maggs (who also directed many of the Hitch-Hiker’s radio dramas) and has many well-known British actors. I was a little unsure about the casting of Harry Enfield as Dirk, but he was very good in the part, as was the rest of the cast. For those who are familiar with the novel be warned, there have been a number of changes made, both structurally and in various details – I thought that it was all in keeping with the spirit of the book, but purists may be disappointed. The ending does feel rather rushed and not fully explained (maybe because of time restraints), which may be a bit may be a bit confusing for those who don’t know the story. On the whole though, this is an enjoyable adaptation of a great and much missed author.

Posted by Laura

[editor’s note – This is the first post by our new reviewer Laura, a British expat living in the USA. She comes to us from her Audio Drama Blog, a visit to which will find you returning to again and again, like a moth to a very yummy flame. Moths do like the taste of flames right?]

Subterranean Press’ Winter 2008 mag is Trunk And Disorderly thanks to Charles Stross

SFFaudio Online Audio

Subterranean PressSubterranean Press, which produces the “Subterranean Online” magazine, is proving itself a reliable source for excellent (and FREE) audiobooks. The latest proof of this comes from the Winter 2008 issue which includes a Charlie Stross novelette in audiobook form. Trunk And Disorderly was first published in textual form in the January 2007 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine.

Subterranean Magazine - Winter 2008Trunk And Disorderly
By Charles Stross; Read by Sam Mowry
13 MP3s – Approx. 1.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Subterranean Press
Published: December 2007
|Part 1 MP3|Part 2 MP3|Part 3 MP3|Part 4 MP3|Part 5 MP3|Part 6 MP3|
|Part 7 MP3|Part 8 MP3|Part 9 MP3|Part 10 MP3|Part 11 MP3|Part 12 MP3|Part 13 MP3|
“In some distant future, a socialite with the most tenuous of relationships bounces from activity to activity with only the slimmest idea of what is going on. Bringing along his sister’s mini-elephant and his butler, he consumes prodigious amounts of alcohol and still manages to survive a coup masquerading as a wild party.”
[Summary by Jeff of FILLING MY MIND WITH GEH]

Posted by Jesse Willis

KFAI’s Xmas Schedule: Paul Levinson, Jeff Green, Tom Lopez, Roger Gregg

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio - Radio Show - Sound Affects A Radio PlaygroundOn its next broadcast Sound Affects: A Radio Playground will be airing Paul Levinson’s The Chronology Protection Case. This is the live version as performed at the Museum of Radio and TV in New York. The show can be heard via live streaming on Sundays and is also broadcast on the radio in the Minneapolis/St. Paul. region – 90.3 FM Minneapolis, 106.7 FM St. Paul. Programs are archived on the KFAI website for two weeks after the broadcast.

Radio Drama - The Chronology Protection CaseThe Chronology Protection Case
By Paul Levinson; Performed by a full cast
Radio Broadcast – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: KFAI / Sound Affects
Broadcast: December 16th 2007 @ 9:30-10:30 PM (Central Time)
The Chronology Protection Case radio play, a science fiction murder mystery, features Shanahan in the role of Dr. Phil D’Amato, the forensic detective who appears in Levinson’s acclaimed novels, “The Silk Code,” “The Consciousness Plague” and “The Pixel Eye.” When D’Amato is approached by the distraught wife of a missing scientist whose work is embroiled in secrecy, he is plunged into an adventure with a terrifying and powerful force of nature at the heart of a series of mysterious deaths.

The week after, Sunday the 23rd, Sound Affects will air Jeff Green’s Christmas Is Coming to the District of Drudge, one of the “Soundings” stories. Then in 2008 we’ll be hearing a few more of the “Soundings” pieces, interspersed with Roger Gregg’s Big Big Space stories, and a profile of Tom Lopez from ZBS-fame. Lopez is the creator of the extremely popular Ruby the Galactic Gumshoe series! Cool!

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Time Traveler has FREE STORIES by Alfred Bester, James H. Schmidtz and Mack Reynolds!

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Time Traveler Show PodcastOur favorite Time Traveler is back from a forced hiatus (those darned time blisters) but he’s doing us right with the dispensation of three early Christmas gifts! As he himself puts it:

Three big stories for the price of none. Makin’ up for lost time. Read by three excellent narrators.

Now would be the perfect time to subscribe to the The Time Traveler Show podcast via this feed:

Or if you’re still in the downloading by the digital stone-age route:

The Time Traveler show Podcast #21: An SF TrilogyAn SF Trilogy
By various; Read by various
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: The Time Traveler Show
Podcast: December 4th 2007

By Mack Reynolds; Read by Corey Redekop
If Ringworld‘s Teela Brown was on the extreme right of the bell curve of luckiness who was on the extreme left? This story will tell ya.

An Incident on Route 12
By James H. Schmidtz; Read by Mark Nelson
A gangster makes good, with the goods, only to get car trouble along the way.

Will You Wait?
By Alfred Bester; Read by Pat Bottino
Deals with the devil may be hard to get in the modern era, but they’re harder to enforce in the modern business climate.

Subscribe to the Time Traveler Show via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC WS: The Internet Wants A Chat – A Radio Drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC World ServiceA BBC World Service play that just aired is available throught their “listen again” feature until the weekend…

Strange goings on in the world wide web is a matter of national security. When the virtual world gets a mind of its own, there are those in the real world who are not happy. Control of the internet is at stake and I.T. experts are forced to contain – and eradicate – a bloke called Binge, who wakes up in the virtual world, and just wants to get a life.

The Internet Wants A Chat
By Thomas Crowe; Performed by a full cast
1 Broadcast – 1 Hour [AUDIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC World Service / World Drama
Broadcast: Nov 24th 2007 @ 20:01 GMT

Posted by Jesse Willis