The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams – Live! TODAY!

SFFaudio News

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the GalaxyToday at 7:30 pm, a 30th anniversary live performance of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will be performed by the surviving members of the original cast. The original program first aired on BBC Radio 4 on March 8th 1978. The new performance takes place at the Royal Geographical Society, South Kensington, London. The performance will follow the “Sixth Douglas Adams Memorial Lecture” which is being given by Steven Pinker. His lecture is titled “The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature”.

Those in the audience for a new edition to the cast, Roger Gregg, from Crazy Dog Audio Theatre!

Royal Geographical Society
South Kensington, London.
Wednesday 12 March 2008
7:30 pm

[via Lit Between The Ears]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Space Casey – Q&A podcast & the Audio Drama goes Radio Drama!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Space Casey audio dramaI missed it! I missed my chance to throw a few questions at Christiana Ellis during her Q&A session for Space Casey. [sigh] The good news, the whole event was recorded and you can still listen to it |MP3|. OR get it through the podcast feed:

Online Audio - Radio Show - Sound Affects A Radio PlaygroundMore Casey news! Sound Affects: A Radio Playground will be airing ON THE RADIO beginning March 16th 2008. The host, Jerry Stearns sez, “We have new high quality versions for the air. One a week through April and May.” Is this the first podcast audio drama to be broadcast on radio? I think it could be! Sound Affects can be heard via live streaming on Sundays and is also broadcast on the radio in the Minneapolis/St. Paul. region – 90.3 FM Minneapolis, 106.7 FM St. Paul. Not in the Twin Cities region? Check out the show via the archives on the KFAI website for two weeks after each broadcast.

Posted by Jesse Willis

ClonePod offers Jim C. Hines and Brian Stableford

SFFaudio Online Audio

Clone Pod Podcast - ClonePod.orgClonePod, as we mentioned recently, is a new short fiction podcast that has modeled itself on the successful Escape Pod model. Hosted by middle schoolers the stories are geared towards that audience, filling a niche that has been only rarely serviced. Evidence for their commitment to entertainment comes from their latest two shows which take two tales from two pro-writers with established audiences….

First up is Brian Stableford’s The Poisoned Chalice, which originally appeared in the 2006 anthology Fantasy Gone Wrong. The idea behind which was to take “traditional fantasy premises and color them ironic.”

The Poisoned Chalice by Brian Stableford
The Poisoned Chalice
By Brian Stableford; Read by Bruce McDonald
1 |MP3| – Approx. 42 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: ClonePod
Podcast: February 10th 2008
“WORLD’S EDGE 4 MILES” said the relevant arm of the signpost. At least, that’s what it said now. The 4 replaced a scratched-out 5, which had replaced a scratched-out six, and so on to 10. There had been other numbers before that, but someone had repainted the sign some years ago to make way for a new set….

Sez Jim C. Hines on his blog:

“If you’re looking for something to put you in a goblin mood, head on over to the new Podcasting site ClonePod. My story “Goblin Hunter” is the latest release, showing how Jig met his faithful fire-spider Smudge. “Goblin Hunter” was originally published as “Goblin Hero” in Bash Down the Door And Slice Open the Badguy [an anthology of humorous sword and sorcery). (I named the story and sold it before settling on the title for the second goblin book. So the story has now been renamed.) They’ve got a fun illustration of Ropak the goblin, too.”

Goblin Hunter by Jim C. Hines
Goblin Hunter
By Jim C. Hines; Read by Bruce McDonald
1 |MP3| – Approx. 29 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: ClonePod
Podcast: February 28th 2008
Jig had muck duty again. His shoulder ached from hauling the muck pot around as he scooped gobs of green sludge into shallow indentations in the stone floor. So far, he had made it through his duties without splashing himself. Even the unlit muck blistered skin in a matter of seconds. When burning, the yellow and green flames were almost impossible to extinguish, which was why the goblins used the stuff in the first place. Unlike most muck-workers, Jig had survived several years with his skin and lungs intact.

Check it out via their podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Dick Dynamo Episode 4 (Part 1) rolls out

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dick DynamoThat dynamic darer of daring-do from the 5th dimension is back! Yes Dick Dynamo – The 5th Dimensional Man Episode 4 (part 1) rolled out yesterday, just in time for some hot Valentine’s Day audio action. What lies in store for Dick and his tricked-out briefcase this episode? Muwhahaha! Nobody knows …. at least until they start listening. No direct link to the MP3 is available yet, you fools, but a clever minion may at least subscribe to get all the Dick they can:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia: 2056 now has an official website

SFFaudio News

Canadia: 2056CBC Radio engineer, producer and director (The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al, Afghanada) Greg DeClute tells me that Canadia: 2056 now has a full fledged website!

Amongst the info already found there are an Episode Guide, a Cast List, and a Photo Gallery. DeClute says that later in January we can expect to see a “Canadia: 2056 contest” and a “behind the scenes video of the making of the show”!

And here’s a link back to our listening guide for U.S. listeners.

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al!

CBC Radio One has Canadia: 2056 Season 1, Episode 1 Today!

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Canadia: 2056 by Matt WattsCBC Radio One is re-broadcasting the first episode of the first season of its Science Fiction / Comedy radio drama series Canadia: 2056 today! Tune in Wednesday, January 2nd 2008 at 11:05PM (this episode will repeat on Friday January 4th at 11:30AM). Don’t know how to hear the show? If you’re in Canada, tune your radio to the appointed station at the appointed time. If you’re outside of Canada or just want to time shift a bit, click on over to the Streaming Radio Map for CBC Radio One.

If you didn’t hear Canadia: 2056‘s first season the first time around do please tune in, you’ll be glad you did. Still a bit skeptical? Check out the Wikipedia entry for the show. Or have a listen to the three promos HERE.

Here’s my intro to show #1:

Episode 1: Getting the replacement parts to leave Earth orbit is harder than getting episodes of the hot TV series Foxy Chalet (”the best Canadian show the Americans ever made”).

UPDATE: Someone asked how to “time-shift listen”, if we ignore Newfoundland (sorry Newfoundland) time zones are pretty easy to figure out across Canada. Just subtract 1 hour as you head West across Canada from the East coast. If you are in New York, NY you’re in the same Time Zone as Toronto, ONT (EST). If you’re in Los Angeles, CA, you’re in the same time zone as Vancouver, BC (PTZ). And of course you need to pick the city appropriate to your time-shifted choice on the Streaming Radio Map to hear it…

Listening Times And Places For The Eastern Time Zone (Ex. NEW YORK, NY):
11:05PM on the Toronto CBC RADIO ONE station (EASTERN TIME ZONE)
10:05PM on the Winnipeg CBC Radio ONE station (CENTRAL TIME ZONE)
9:05PM on the Calgary CBC RADIO ONE station (MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE)
8:05PM on the Vancouver CBC RADIO ONE station (PACIFIC TIME ZONE)

Listening Times And Places For The Central Time Zone (Ex. MINNEAPOLIS, MN):
10:05PM on the Toronto CBC RADIO ONE station (EASTERN TIME ZONE)
11:05PM on the Winnipeg CBC Radio ONE station (CENTRAL TIME ZONE)
12:05PM on the Calgary CBC RADIO ONE station (MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE)
1:05PM on the Vancouver CBC RADIO ONE station (PACIFIC TIME ZONE)

Listening Times And Places For The Mountain Time Zone (Ex. SALT LAKE CITY, UT):
9:05PM on the Toronto CBC RADIO ONE station (EASTERN TIME ZONE)
10:05PM on the Winnipeg CBC Radio ONE station (CENTRAL TIME ZONE)
11:05PM on the Calgary CBC RADIO ONE station (MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE)
12:05PM on the Vancouver CBC RADIO ONE station (PACIFIC TIME ZONE)

Listening Times And Places For The Pacific Time Zone (Ex. LOS ANGELES, CA):
8:05PM on the Toronto CBC RADIO ONE station (EASTERN TIME ZONE)
9:05PM on the Winnipeg CBC Radio ONE station (CENTRAL TIME ZONE)
10:05PM on the Calgary CBC RADIO ONE station (MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE)
11:05PM on the Vancouver CBC RADIO ONE station (PACIFIC TIME ZONE)

North American Time Zones

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al!