Zombie Astronaut revisits FRESH BLOOD

SFFaudio Online Audio

Zombie AstronautThe Zombie Astronaut has Fresh Blood! This was a series of 10 horror radio dramas written especially for BBC7. ZA is one of our favorite mp3 webzines and this is precisely why! Any of these treats would make good listening any time of year, but as Halloween approaches you’ll dig them all the more. Before listening to the Zombie’s collection, you can hear about where the idea for the Fresh Blood collection came from. Interview with creative director Kate Rowland in RealAudio format |Part 1| and with Paul Arnold and Colin Guthrie (producers of 8 of the 10 dramas) |Part 2|Part 3|.

BBC7 Fresh Blood

Fresh Blood – A Fare To Remember
1 |MP3| – Approx. 13 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
It’s not always good to chat up your cabbie – especially when you’re talking about having an affair with his wife.

Fresh Blood – Absolute Silence
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
A man has been deaf since he was a boy, since the mysterious disappearance of his family. When his hearing returns immediately following an odd incident, it’s the most wonderful thing that’s happened to him in ages – until one night he hears the sister he lost ten years ago singing…

Fresh Blood – Eat Your Heart Out
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
It’s Tales From The Crypt meets 8 Mile, a tale of a rap battle gone wrong.

Fresh Blood – The Boy Who Cried Woof
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
A boy just wants his workaholic dad to see him in a school play. When he’s stood up and a spacecraft appears while he waits for his dad to pick him up, he opts to go with them instead. He learns the aliens have taken a real shine to dogs, the animal they consider the most affectionate on Earth, learning then they intend to turn him into a dog – their dog.

Fresh Blood – The Blue Room
1 |MP3| – Approx. 13 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
There’s a blue room in the far corner of the girl’s bathroom that most girls find unsettling, but Carol and Pam, the school bullies, don’t fear it – not nearly enough.

Fresh blood – By The Light Of The Moon
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Solomon’s waiting in a restaurant. He’s planned a very special evening but his guest isn’t quite what he expected.

Fresh Blood – Falling To Pieces
1 |MP3| – Approx. 12 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Mel’s got man trouble, and when she literally starts to fall apart, it’s up to big sister Kate to put her back together.

Fresh Blood – Inner Critic
1 |MP3| – 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
There’s a spiteful wee voice in Danni’s ear crushing her spirit. Imaginary or real, can she get rid of her vicious inner critic

Fresh Blood – Meatballs Are Murder
1 |MP3| Approx. 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Sol is used to waking up in strange flats after all night parties. But they’re not usually as well furnished as this one.

Fresh Blood – The Cupboard Beneath The Stairs
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Four friends re-stage a 60’s moon-shot in a Farnborough semi. It’s space travel, Jim, but not as we know it.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4 will air Susan Hill’s The Man In The Picture

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online AudioWe all might want to have a listen to the BBC Radio 4 Book At Bedtime slot for next week. They’ll be airing a tale in five parts, Monday to Friday October, of a reading of a new ghost story from author Susan Hill. This is the author of The Woman In Black, which became a popular West End play (it is still running there, 18 years after it debuted). Thanks to our eagle eyed U.K. contributor, Roy, for the head’s up.

The Man In The Picture by Susan HillThe Man In The Picture
By Susan Hill; Read by Nigel Anthony and Imogen Stubbs
5 Broadcasts – Approx 75 Minutes [ABRIDGED?]
Broadcaster: BBC RADIO 4 / Book At Bedtime
Broadcast: 10:45-11:00pm Monday to Friday October 15th to 19th

This chilling tale centres on a mysterious depiction of masked revellers at theVenice carnival that hangs in the college rooms of an old professor at Cambridge. One cold winter’s night, sipping whisky by the fire, the picture’s eerie secret is revealed by the ageing don. The dark art of the Venetian scene, instead of imitating life, has the power to entrap it. To stare into the painting is to play dangerously with unseen demons and to become a victim of its macabre beauty…

Also, each of the five parts will be available on the BBC R4 Book At Bedtime page the day after they air.

posted by Jesse Willis

Radio Drama Revival’s Month of HORROR AUDIO DRAMA

Online Audio

Radio Drama RevivalThe WMPG radio show (and podcast) Radio Drama Revival airs a series of truly terrifying theater throughout October! If you live in the Portland, Maine area turn your FM dial to 90.9/104.1 Thursdays 1PM EST. If not, have a listen to the podcast feed or download the shows manually from the show’s website. Host Fred Greenhalgh has packed his Halloween month shows “to the gory brim” with a mountain of haunting tales. The broadcasts culminate in a three-part live radio drama event to be held on “All Hallow’s Eve.”

The fright fest kicked off earlier this week (October 4th) during WMPG’s “Begathon” pledge drive with…

Based on a story by William Hope Hodgson
Broadcaster & Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Broadcast & Podcast: October 4th 2007
Produced by: Mind’s Eye Productions
An unsettling tale of a ghost ship found afloat deep in the ocean.

In the coming two weeks:

(Oct 11, Oct 18) will feature an adaptation of Mary Shelley’s

Based on the novel by Mary Shelley
2 Broadcasts – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster & Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Broadcast & Podcast: October 4th 2007
Produced by Quicksilver Radio Theater

October 25th:

If You Take My Hand My Son
By Mort Castle
1 Broadcast – [RADIO DRAMA]

Halloween night (airing between 8:30 and 10PM EST):

The Statement of Randolph Carter
Based on the story by H.P. Lovecraft

God of the Razor
By Joe Lansdale

Dark Passenger
By Frederick Greenhalgh

Keep radio drama revived by subscribing to the podcast’s feed:


Broken Sea Audio UPDATE: Edgar Allen Poe’s Raven & a NEW Jonny Quest

Online Audio

Broken Sea AudioBroken Sea Audio, has started Halloween early with productions both familiar and un. Here’s the official line:

“Pride they say comes before The Fall. Well Fall is upon us, and pride we have in abundance. Pride in that since March of this year we have grown from an idea into a thriving audio drama production group. October is now here, and to celebrate this most special month BrokenSea Audio Productions presents a Halloween Season to thrill, disturb shock and entertain. We have dead things, serial killers, murder, monsters, strange visages and poems. We have original works and classics. We have some of the best voice acting talent out there and we have you, our dear listeners… So come with us now… down these stone steps… into the damp nitre infested darkness… there are some audio shows that we would like you to listen to……”

And, here are the first few releases…

All Hallows Eve by P.S. Gifford |MP3|

Permanent Beauty by P.S. Gifford |MP3|

Abattoir by P.S. Gifford |MP3|

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe |MP3|

Also new in the BSAP lineup is…

Jonny Quest – The Audio Drama

Subscribe to it via this feed:


William Hope Hodgson’s The House On The Borderland on BBC7

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th Dimension BBC7’s The Seventh Dimension is airing a new commission of The House On The Borderland from their North Ireland producers this week. No word on whether it is unabridged or not, but you can hear it via the Listen Again service. Not sure who Hodgson is or what The House On The Borderland is about? Here’s a take one author’s opinion upon this work:

“A classic of the first water.” – H.P. Lovecraft

Wikipedia sez of it:

“[The House On The Borderland] is a milestone that signals the leaving of the realistic nature of supernatural fiction of the late 19th century. Hodgson follows out of the ghost story and the gothic to create a newer cosmic horror that leaves a great impression on the people who would become the great writers of the weird tales of the middle of the 20th century.”

BBC7 - The House On The Borderland by William Hope HodgsonThe House On The Borderland
By William Hope Hodgson; Read by Jim Norton
4 Broadcasts – Approx. 2 Hours [ABRIDGED]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Tues. – Fri. at 6.30pm and 00.30am starting Sept. 4
Two friends camp near the ruins of an old house in a remote area in the west of Ireland, there they discover a manuscript which describes the terrifying experiences of the last owner of the house of the title.

Radio Drama Revival revives radio drama and podcasts Afterhell

Online Audio

Radio Drama RevivalRadio Drama Revival is a weekly podcast that also airs as a radio show on Thursdays, between 1pm and 1:30PM EST in Portland, Maine. The WMPG proram is produced by Frederick Greenhalgh of FinalRune Productions, but Fred also has many guest on the show including audio dramatist Joe Medina of the Afterhell horror series. A recent show featured a revealing interview with Joe and a complete episode of Afterhell episode from series 2. Here’s that |MP3|.

Fantasy Audio Drama - The Last Harbinger by Roger GreggCurrently being podcast is the complete run of Crazy Dog Audio Theatre‘s The Last Harbinger, a show you won’t want to miss (read our glowing review of it HERE).

Here are all three parts released so far:

Part 1 |MP3|
Part 2 |MP3|
Part 3 |MP3|

More will come in the weeks ahead, as well as an interview with Roger Gregg, the writer, producer, actor, and Crazy Dog who’s responsible for The Last Harbinger.

Keep radio drama revived by subscribing to the podcast’s feed:
