Who Knows What Evil Lurks In the Hearts Of Men? Doc Savage!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Website - Mark's PlaceOkay, before you click anything, first note, Mark Butler has placed an important disclaimer on his website, Mark’s Place, about these readings:


For those poor saps who haven’t already got ’em, paperbook or pulpmag copies of both of these out of print beauties can often be found on either eBay or Abebooks.com.

First up is, Doc Savage: Birds Of Death, which was originally published in Doc Savage Magazine‘s October 1941 issue. It follows The Man Of Bronze and his associates as they “battle strange yellow canaries whose mere song can kill a man and then bring him back to life!” This pulpy romp takes you from the streets of New York to the deepest darkest jungles.

Narrator, and Savage enthusiast, Mark Butler sez:

“I read this book into the microphone, trying to give the proper emphasis to the words and convey the feelings being written about. I’m not very good with different voices so the various characters sound a lot alike. But the story shines through my attempts. I’ve also added a lot of sound effects. Its not an ‘audio adaptation’ but I think it really enhances the audio.”

Doc Savage - The Birds Of Death - Pulp AudiobookDoc Savage: The Birds Of Death
By Kenneth Robeson (AKA Lester Dent); Read by Mark Butler
14 MP3 Files – Approx. 3 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Source: Mark’s Place
Posted: 2004
Doc’s musical accomplishments are almost as well known as his scientific genius – but even he can’t match the peculiar talent of the strange yellow canaries whose sweet music is the song of death!

Chapter 01 |MP3| Chapter 02 |MP3| Chapter 03 |MP3|
Chapter 04 |MP3| Chapter 05 |MP3| Chapter 06 |MP3|
Chapter 07 |MP3| Chapter 08 |MP3| Chapter 09 |MP3|
Chapter 10 |MP3| Chapter 11 |MP3| Chapter 12 |MP3|
Chapter 13 |MP3 | Chapter 14 |MP3|

A similar description accompanies, The Living Shadow, this is a single narrator reading that includes sound effects. First published in 1931, in hearing it you’ll be hearing the original Shadow character, in his first ever story! It’s difficult to imagine that this character has spanned more than 75 years of spicy tales that can …”cloud men’s minds”… hmmm, what was I saying?

The Shadow- The Living Shadow - Pulp AudiobookThe Shadow: The Living Shadow
By Maxwell Grant (AKA Walter B. Gibson); Read by Mark Butler
38 MP3 Files – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Source: Mark’s Place
Posted: 2006
The Living Shadow is the first Shadow novel. It sets the tone for all of the stories to follow. The Shadow recruits Harry Vincent and we learn with Harry about the Shadow’s remarkable organization and methods. The story is full of mystery as Harry gradually learns the real truth behind the Laidlow murder and the missing diamonds.”


Thanks so much Mark!

Four H.P. Lovecraft Lectures

SFFaudio Online Audio

Yog RadioSure we point you towards actual recordings of H.P. Lovecraft’s stories – that’s nothing new – but surely you’d like to go deeper. How about some lectures on Lovecraft himself? Ya, we see you nodding that head… POOF! Your wish is our command…

Posted below are a series of four linked lectures titled H.P. Lovecraft and The Occult. These were recorded at Treadwell’s Bookshop in Covent Garden, London, UK. The speaker is Justin Woodman, a Social Anthropology lecturer at Goldsmiths College (University of London).

Lectures - H.P. Lovecraft And The Occult by Justin WoodmanH.P. Lovecraft Lectures
By Dr. Justin Woodman
4 MP3s – 5 Hours 26 Minutes [LECTURES]
Podcaster: Yog Radio / Yog-Sothoth.com
Podcast: May 2007
Lecture #1 – HPL: Fabulist, Myth-Maker & Shaman |MP3|
Lecture #2 – Legends of The Necronomicon |MP3|
Lecture #3 – Chariots of The Dark Gods |MP3|
Lecture #4 – Chaos, Cthulhu & Contemporary Consciousness |MP3|

An alternative to the download is the podcast feed for Yog Radio which is right here:


[via Joseph Remy’s Lost Carcosa blog]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Happy Mother’s Day Fantasy Fiction

SFFaudio Online Audio

Marsha Loftis' Family Of 7 BlogMarsha Loftis’ Family of 7 blog features one of the shortest, and perhaps cutest of podcasts of anthropomorphic fiction ever. It is the story of a kitten named “Sniffles” who needs both an owner and a new name. In Kitten Story our hero Sniffles visits a pet zoo, leaves the city, and goes to the top of a mountain. You’ll dig the surprise ending too!

Morgan's Kitten StoryKitten Story
By Morgan; Read by Morgan
1 MP3 File – 1 Minute 37 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Morgan’s Kitten Story Podcast
Podcast: May 2007

Subscribe to the feed:


Also available, but no longer in the podcast feed is Cinderella Story , also by Morgan, which is a Battlestar Galactica -style re-imagining of the Greco-EgyptianCinderella fairy tale |MP3|.

LibriVox has classic Fantasy: The Princess And The Goblin by George MacDonald

SFFaudio Online Audio

Standing tall and proud in the history Fantasy fiction is George MacDonald’s much loved The Princess And The Goblin. First published in 1872, the story of Princess Irene, her myserious grandmother, her unbelieving nurse, and her loyal friend Curdie weaves magic and monsters together into a delightfull Victorian children’s novel. The influence of The Princess And The Goblin upon subsequent fantasy fiction can be felt in the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. All thanks for this, the first known unabridged FREE reading of this classic, go to narrator Lizzie Driver. Thanks Lizzie!

The Princess And The Goblin by George MacDonald;The Princess And The Goblin
By George MacDonald; Read by Lizzie Driver
18 Zipped MP3 Files – Approx. 5 Hours 32 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: April 2007
The Princess and the Goblin is an enthralling fantasy tale written by George MacDonald. Her nurse Lootie raises the princess Irene in a house on a mountain, it is here that she meets her mysterious great-great-grandmother, and her friend the minor boy Curdie. Things are peaceful for Irene until the hideous race of goblins that live beneath the mountain start planning something big.

FREE Robert E. Howard Novellete Red Shadows

SFFaudio Online Audio

The latest FREE Fantasy audiobook on LibriVox.org is “Red Shadows” a fantasy novelette first published in Weird Tales’ August 1928 issue. This story, also known as “Solomon Kane,” was the first Solomon Kane story ever published. I’m a big fan of Solomon Kane and was pleased to hear that the narrator, Paul Siegel, is going to continue voicing more Kane stories.

Solomon Kane AKA Red Shadows by Robert E. HowardRed Shadows (AKA “Solomon Kane”)
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Paul Siegel
5 Zipped MP3s – Approx. 63 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox
Published: April 2007
Red Shadows is the first of a series of stories featuring Howard’s puritan avenger, Solomon Kane. Kane tracks his prey over land and sea, enters the jungles of Africa, and even faces dark Gods and evil magic — all to avenge a woman he’d never met before.

Review of Storm Front by Jim Butcher

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

Editor’s Note: Let’s give a big hand to our newest reviewer, Michael Bekemeyer. When Michael isn’t writing screenplays and shooting pictures, he writes and reads his own stories on his podcast, Scatterpod.

Science Fiction Audiobook - Storm Front by Jim ButcherStorm Front: Book 1 of the Dresden Files
By Jim Butcher; Read by James Marsters
1 MP3 Disc or 8 CDs – Approx. 10.5 hrs [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Buzzy Multimedia
Published: 2004
ISBN: 0965725561(MP3 disc); 0965725502(CDs)
Themes: / Fantasy / Mystery / Magic / Private Detective / Wizard / Noir /

Fans of the Dresden series of books will probably recognize this title as the first in the widely successful series authored by Jim Butcher. Those of you who have been living under a rock somewhere, like I have, might only have known this as a TV series on the Sci-Fi Channel. Either way, once introduced to the world of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, you are most likely to find yourself under his spell and wanting more.

If first impressions count the most, you might not think much of Harry Dresden. He is the classic underdog; a private investigator complete with a sagaciously dry sense of humor, a cat called Mr., a car that breaks down more than it runs and oh, yes, magical powers. That’s right, he’s a wizard and a P.I. and therein lies the charm of this series.

The story starts like a lot of detective stories. The unlikely hero is hired by a seemingly normal client, who is trying to find her missing husband and the mystery that is woven is tight and spellbinding, as well as thoughtful and told in first person. So we, the reader (or listener) find things out as Dresden does and are never allowed the luxury of knowing what’s going on before he does.

Sounds pretty cut and dry, I know, but as the mystery unfolds we are introduced to a holistically inventive cast of characters that includes vampires, demons, giant scorpions, a dark wizard, prostitutes, fairies, drug dealers, gangsters, a nymphomaniac and even a peeping-pizza-delivery-guy-Tom. Each of these characters adds to the story and texture of the Dresden universe with richly orchestrated layers of darkness, humor and a never-ending sense of impending doom. And, since being underestimated is part of Dresden’s charm, we find that he has more than just a few card tricks up his sleeve.

The story is narrated by James Marsters, who you will most certainly know as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series. His dry reading of the text does an excellent job of expressing the internal monologue of Harry Dresden. Since the story in first person, from the perspective of the main character, Marsters does not do a lot of voices, or interpretation of the characters. I think, as an actor, he may have been more inclined to capture the dramatic truth of the moment as opposed to using animated voices to tell the tale. So, it feels like we are gathered around a campfire while Dresden is personally recounting the details of the story for us.

The production value of this audio book is high, with rich sound that is full and easy to listen to. However, there were a few minor things that stood out to me. At times the reading sounded rushed. For instance, there are several times when the narrator almost flubs a line and doesn’t stop to correct himself. Also, there were several times when the background noise and page turns really jumped out at me. I know it may sound a bit picky to mention such things, but the beauty of listening to a story in audio form, is that the listener can enter the audible world of the story. Even the slightest glitch can instantly kill the mood.

All in all, I highly recommend this audiobook. I am happy to say that the hiccups in the production do not deteriorate the stellar performance and storytelling that you will find in Storm Front, Dresden Book 1. So, if you haven’t already found yourself under Dresden’s spell, this audio presentation by Buzzy Multimedia is a fine place to start.