Review of Ash City Stomp by Richard Butner

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Ash City Stomp by Richard ButnerAsh City Stomp
By Richard Butner; Read by Richard Butner
1 MP3 File – 32 Minutes 17 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Small Beer Press
Published: 2004
Themes: / Fantasy / The Devil / Drugs /

“The Devil was rail thin, wearing a too-large red union suit that had long since faded to pink. It draped over his caved-in chest in front and bagged down almost to his knees in the seat. A tattered red bath towel was tied around his neck, serving as a cape. He wore muddy red suede shoes that looked like they’d been part of a Christmas elf costume.”

The Small Beer Press website has posted an author- read downloadable MP3 of Richard Butner’s short story Ash City Stomp, taken from the anthology entitled Trampoline. You’ve likely read stories like this before. I’m not sure if it has a name (maybe slacker-zen would be a good one), but it is some kind of amalgam of the gen-x aesthetic with the fantastic element. Something like Neil Gaiman’s American Gods as written by Douglas Coupland. It’s not designed to leave you fully satisfied. Instead, its purpose is to show you the post-modern human dilemma for the educated class and their relationship to traditional fantasy elements. Butner’s stripped-down dialogue is rhythmically punctuated with curly-cues of ornate hyper-description. As a reader Butner doesn’t have much luck playing the female voice, but his crazy devil voice is loads of fun. The recording itself is clean, and includes an introductory hard rocking electric guitar riff. The free downloadable MP3 be found HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Elric of Melniboné by Michael Moorcock

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Elric of Melnibone by Michael MoorcockElric of Melniboné
By Michael Moorcock, Read By Jeffrey West and Michael Moorcock
5 CD’s – 5.5 Hour [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
Published: 2003
ISBN: 097315960X
Themes: / Fantasy / Epic Fantasy / Magic / War / Gods /

If SFFAudio gave 5-star ratings, then Elric of Melniboné would definitely garner all five. I was so impressed with this audiobook that I wrote and thanked the director.

This audiobook reminded me that I need to be very careful with absolutes. In the past I’ve said that I dislike unabridged audio with music and sound in the background, but here one is that does it so perfectly that I have to amend my statement. The music here was carefully placed, and is an extremely effective soundtrack for the book. It is played at a sound level that was never distracting, yet had the same effect for me as a soundtrack has in a movie – it increased my emotional involvement. The audio sounded as good in the car as it did my headphones.

Elric, whose skin is the color of bleached bones, is the Emperor of Melniboné, but is not without rivals. In his manner, he is not quite what Melnibonéans expect. Though he’s smart and contemplative, the average citizen wants action. The brother of the woman he loves wants to rule, and Elric himself often wonders if Melniboné would be better off without him, but fights to keep the throne all the same.

Michael Moorcock wrote this story in a unique mythic style that makes it truly epic. There were times in the book where it felt like he was talking of the entire world as a whole, and other times when we see things from Elric’s point of view as he deals with gods and demons in scenes of real power.

Jeffrey West did a wonderful job reading this novel. He’s a fine reader, without question, and I can’t help but to think that an epic (though short) piece like this posed some challenges for him. He was first-rate, as was the entire production. This one goes in my permanent collection.

One further note: Michael Moorcock himself reads the introduction, which runs about ten minutes. It is not an “author’s introduction”, but is part of the story.

You can find this audiobook at Audio Realms, and they’ve got a sample you can listen to. (Real Audio required to hear the sample.)

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

Review of Morevi: The Chronicles of Rafe and Askana by Tee Morris

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Morevi by Tee MorrisMorevi: The Chronicles Of Rafe and Askana
By Lisa Lee and Tee Morris; Read by Tee Morris
22 MP3 Files – Approx. 16 Hours [ABRIDGED]
Publisher: /
Published: 2005
Themes: / Fantasy / Sailing / Magic / Court Intrigue / Alternate Worlds /

Across a mysterious rift in the space-time continuum exists a world called Naruihm. In this world is a realm called Morevi, a landlocked kingdom ruled by Askana Moldarin, crowned “First Queen” following a swift and bloody rise to the Throne of a Thousand Suns. Yet hidden traitors are already at work to destroy everything that she has won. Enter Rafe Rafton, privateer captain of the Defiant. Arrogant. Overconfident. Dangerous and cunning enough to pillage the Queen’s own ships and survive. As a man, he is the embodiment of everything she has fought against, and the perfect instrument in a last desperate bid to save her kingdom. With the sum agreed upon, Rafe and Askana embark on an epic adventure spanning the kingdoms of
Naruihm and King Henry VIII’s England. Two souls, drawn together in the battle for a kingdom.

On January 21st 2005 Tee Morris started podcasting the fantasy novel Morevi: The Chronicles Of Rafe and Askana which he previously co-authored as a published paperbook. Given away free as a promotion of the sequel Morevi was one of the very first podcast novels serialized and is the very first to be completed (22 MP3 files made up of a prologue, twenty chapters and an epilogue). The final installment was completed on schedule and posted June 17th 2005 timed to coincide with the gala premier of the paperbook sequel Legacy of Morevi at Westercon 58 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on July 1st – 4th 2005.

Morevi is a richly imagined whirlwind adventure which plays out like a cross between an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign in the Oriental Adventures world and James Clavell’s historical novel Shogun. Swashbuckling action takes the main and heart-rending romance builds slowly culminating right at the end. Exotic spices pepper the scenes like the a complex and subtle poison, labyrinthine court intrigue and black magic thrown in to enrich the flavour all the more. But though it might sound it Morevi: The Chronicles Of Rafe and Askana isn’t a traditional fantasy novel, it is daring-do adventure set in a world that would fit well on a shelf next to Eric Flint’s “1632verse” alternate history series. High fantasy purists hearing this may have some difficulty with the occasional clichéd line of dialogue, anachronistic phrasing or they may be tempted to reject the novel out of hand because it balances both an historical setting and an alternate universe. This would be a mistake. Lisa Lee and Tee Morris’ words flow easily and I was never confused as to what was going on or as to who was speaking. My only real regret is that this is an abridged version of the novel. What we miss can of course be found in the print version, and I know that many listeners to the podcast couldn’t wait for the serialization to finish before snapping up the paperbook, but I would have preferred a complete unabridged reading. Tee Morris reads the book himself, and though he has no previous audiobook narration under his belt his professional acting background explains why he does such a good job. Morris does accents, voice changes and has edited the production himself. The editing is particularly interesting too as Morris has cut the reading in such a way as to talk over himself – when the
characters talk over each other. The use of punctuating music, voice effects and the occasional sound effect fully illustrates the recording. I’m not sure that all the sound effects were necessary, I’m happy enough with straight readings, but it certainly didn’t hurt the podcasts. As it is I plan on burning a CD-R MP3 for my own use as I’m sure I will want to listen to it again! Click here to find all the files.

Highly recommended!

*Also, Tee Morris has recorded the prologue for the sequel, Legacy Of Morevi and that’s available now HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Hunting For Robin Hood by Seth Feldman

Fantasy Audiobooks - Robin HoodHunting For Robin Hood
By Seth Feldman; with readings by Penelope Reed Doob
and Barry MacGregor
1 CD – Approx 1 Hour [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: CBC AUDIO Published: 2003
ISBN: 0660189143
Themes: / Non-Fiction / History / Mythology / Fantasy / Magic / England /

“Ballads, plays and movies tell of Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. But did he really exist? Seth Feldman cavorts with a merry band of scholars searching for the still elusive outlaw.”

Hunting For Robin Hood was first produced for broadcast on CBC Radio’s long running Ideas program. Ideas has been the standard-bearer for the intellectual and scholarly radio programming for decades. One would be hard pressed in Canada, or anywhere else in the English speaking world to find a consistently more enlightening program presenting scholarly lectures and documentaries in the fields of sociology, culture, arts, geopolitics, history, biography, science, technology or the humanities in a more accessible or entertaining way. If Ideas hasn’t covered it at some point, it probably doesn’t matter. With the wide commercial release of this and other CBC Audio CDs and cassettes the ephemeral radio broadcasts are preserved, marking the beginning of some of the very best audio non-fiction programs previously available only through costly direct order from the CBC. I’ve been an avid listener to Ideas since the 1980s. The program runs weeknights between 9PM and 10PM throughout most of Canada.

Hunting For Robin Hood interviews several Robin Hood scholars who trace the origins of the popular English hero. They touch on his roots in the “Green Man” mythology, something which ties Robin Hood to the fantasy realm, why he’s such a popular hero, his outlaw mystique, and even his ties to Morris dancing! Other surprising revelations include Maid Marian’s roots as a fertility goddess and the scattered origins of the rogues’ gallery of Robin Hood villains. Production values and sound quality are of course absolutely top notch, and the CD comes in an attractive DVD style Amaray case. Highly recommended to Robin Hood fans.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster Bujold

Fantasy Audiobooks - Paladin of Souls by Lois McMaster BujoldPaladin of Souls
By Lois McMaster Bujold; Read by Kate Reading
13 CDs – Approx. 15 hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2005
ISBN: 0786181397
Themes: / Fantasy / Religion / Magic / Demons /

Paladin of Souls is the second book in Bujold’s series involving the country of Chalion. A minor, troubled character in the first book, The Curse of Chalion, is the heroine, or the champion of souls, in this remarkable tale. Lady Ista is an intriguing forty-something lead character and is best described by her own words: “I have always been a drab sort of thing; the only thing that has improved is my wits.” She is intelligent and witty and uses these talents to deal with devastating events from her past.

The setting for this story is a medieval-style world with a polytheistic religion in which men and women choose one of five Gods, each with unique callings and characteristics, to worship. In addition to this, there are demons and demon magic creating opposition for the plot. The story centers around Ista and her relationship with the Gods. She is disillusioned with them as a result of her past involvement that had deadly and heartbreaking consequences, but is dragged kicking and screaming back into their service. She is given the tasks of rescuing souls being destroyed by demons and sorting out a deadly triangle of demon magic and deception.

As the story unfolds Ista not only finds a calling that gives her life meaning, she finds devoted friends, forgiveness, and love. Within the story are several very moving interactions between her and the Gods wherein she comes to have a deeper understanding of their plans and their love for the men and women who serve them. Bujold has composed a beautiful novel that is at once compelling, humorous, and touching. Her characters are not only heroic, but fantastically multidimensional. They are by turns noble, compassionate, selfish, stubborn… human.

The audio version of Paladin of Souls is a wonderful example of the perfect pairing of story and voice. Kate Reading sounds like royalty in every book she narrates. Some may recognize her performances with Michael Kramer in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. She also has been the primary voice of Dr. Kay Scarpetta in Patricia Cornwell’s murder mysteries. Ms. Reading’s ability to enunciate without sounding like she is working at it lends itself beautifully to Lady Ista, whom we can assume would behave and sound like a person of the ruling class. With all this said, Paladin of Souls is a step above the ordinary in fantasy literature and audiobooks. It is a delight to experience.

Review of Unicorn Variation By Roger Zelazny

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Unicorn Variation by Roger ZelaznyUnicorn Variation
By Roger Zelazny; Read by Rene Auberjonois
1 Cassette – 83 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Durkin Hayes
Published: 1995
ISBN: 0886467365
Themes: / Fantasy / Unicorns / Mythical Creatures / Chess / Angels /

Roger Zelazny wrote some of my favorite fantasies. I view him now as one of Neil Gaiman’s primary influences, as they both cover the same mythical territory in their fiction. (In fact, Neil Gaiman would be a perfect choice to pen scripts for Zelazny’s Amber novels – hint hint nudge nudge).

“Unicorn Variations” is a story from later in Zelazny’s career. In it, a man finds himself playing a chess game with a unicorn, the result of which could determine the fate of the human race. The unicorn talks quite a bit and has a sharp tongue with a dry sense of humor. The man in the story meets several mythical beasts, and they all know how to play chess, including Sasquatches, who are particularly good at it. A thoroughly enjoyable story.

“Angel, Dark Angel” is also included. It is much shorter than the cover story, and begins with a man who receives a phone call giving him the identity of a person he’s got to go meet. No more on this one – let Zelazny unfold it for you.

Rene Auberjonois is absolutely first-rate. I really enjoy his cadence and his personable tone. In the first story, he has the opportunity to use several different voices, which he does with wonderful skill, bringing the story to life as a great narrator can.

This one’s out of print – check eBay!

Posted by Scott D. Danielson