LibriVox: The People That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxHot on the heels of the first book in the series, and read by the same narrator, comes The People That Time Forgot. This is another of the short Edgar Rice Burroughs novels that are more and more frequently being added to the LibriVox catalogue of public domain audiobooks.

I’m thinking that it’s about time that LibriVox’s founder, Hugh McGuire, was appointed to the senate. If there is no immediate opening in the senate, we should at least get the nomination papers in for his well deserved appointment to the Order of Canada. Who’s with me on this?

LibriVox Science fiction Audiobook - The People That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice BurroughsThe People That Time Forgot
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Ralph Snelson
7 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – 3 Hours 49 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 2008
The People that Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the second of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Caspak” trilogy. The first novel ended with the hero writing a manuscript of his adventures and casting it out to sea in his thermos bottle. The second novel begins with the finding of the manuscript and the organization of a rescue expedition. (summary adapted from Wikipedia)

Get this free audiobook with this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Review

LibriVox Science Fiction Audiobook - Pellucidar by Edgar Rice BurroughsPellucidar (2nd in the Pellucidar series)
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Ralph Snelson
16 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: August 2008
Themes: / Science Fiction / Hollow Earth / Adventure / Prehistoric Beasts / Exploration / Nautical /

Pellucidar is a difficult audiobook to review because it is quite dependent on the listener being reasonably familiar with its predecessor, At the Earth’s Core. Unfortunately, the LibriVox version of At the Earth’s Core is still in its very early stages, though there is a nice looking commercial version by Tantor available.

Taking the above into account, the LibriVox Pellucidar is an enjoyable listen with plenty of adventure, a grand odyssey, new characters, and one of the coolest “dogs” (hyenadons) ever imagined. Its only flaw, a rather minor one, is its rather abrupt/summarized ending.

Pellucidar continues the adventures of David Innes, and too a lesser extent Abner Perry, in the Hollow Earth land of Pellucidar, after the surprise, cliffhanger ending of its precursor. David treks across much of Pellucidar in search of his lost love, Dian the Beautiful (It must be such a burden going through life with that epithet). Overall a fun adventure story with a few clever twists.

Ralph Snelson does a very straight, non-interpretive, reading of the story with little excess of emotion or dramatization. It is a simple, pleasant reading without bells and whistles. This is another good reading that proves the value of LibriVox’s free audiobooks.

An enjoyable audiobook, but only for those who have heard or read its predecessor (The movie would help a little, but not as much)

Posted by David Tackett

LibriVox: The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxReleased just yesterday, there’s a brand new audiobook in the ever expanding LibriVox catalogue that should draw many a happy ear. Edgar Rice Burrough’s The Land That Time Forgot follows in the long tradition of literature about myserious/lost/previously unknown areas of the Earth visited by regular folks who then write about it, put it in a bottle and then cast it into the sea. In reading The Land That Time Forgot you’ll feel its roots in Conan Doyle’s The Lost World, Poe’s The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym and De Mille’s A Strange Manuscript Found In A Copper Cylinder.

LibriVox Science Fiction Audiobook - The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice BurroughsThe Land That Time Forgot
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Ralph Snelson
10 Zipped MP3s or Podcast -3 Hours 50 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: August 2008
The Land That Time Forgot is a science fiction novel, the first of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Caspak” trilogy. His working title for the story was “The Lost U-Boat.” Starting out as a harrowing wartime sea adventure, the story ultimately develops into that of a fantastical lost world.

Podcast feed:

And, be sure to check out ore new EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS author page, which details as many Edgar Rice Burroughs audiobooks, audio dramas and podcasts as we could find.

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Pellucidar by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxThe Quasar Dragon blogmeister Wolfkahn is excited about the newest SF novel to be catalgoued at LibriVox:

“Yes!!! LibriVox has just finished a free audiobook version of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ adventure masterpiece Pellucidar, the first sequel to At the Earth’s Core.”

Meanwhile, that preceding novel in the series (At The Earth’s Core) is still listed as“in progress” and is set to be a multi-voiced production as opposed to this single narratored one. Check it out…

LibriVox Science Fiction Audiobook - Pellucidar by Edgar Rice BurroughsPellucidar
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Ralph Snelson
16 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: August 2008
Pellucidar is a fictional “Hollow Earth” milieu invented by Edgar Rice Burroughs for a series of action adventure stories. The stories initially involve the adventures of mining heir David Innes and his inventor friend Abner Perry after they use an “iron mole” to burrow 500 miles into the earth’s crust. This is the second book in the series.

Podcast feed:

[via Quasar Dragon]

Posted by Jesse Willis

AUDIO REALMS: Dagon by H.P. Lovecraft

SFFaudio Online Audio

Audio RealmsBy all the demons of the sea, I have stupendously wondrous news!

Audio Realms has begun its long awaited podcast!

I don’t think there has ever been a podcast I’ve been more excited about. Each week the AR podcast will present tales from their truly awesome audiobook catalogue. Future releases, all in unabridged form, will also include “interviews, related news and preview clips of upcoming productions.” Expect to hear short stories and “full length productions in serialized segments.” Authors in the Audio Realms catalog include: H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, Michael Moorcock, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Andre Norton and Lin Carter! Check out the first podcast, taken from The Dark Worlds Of H. P. Lovecraft, Volume 2. I’m of the opinion that it will forever be the DEFINITIVE reading of…

The Dark Worlds Of H.P. Lovecraft Volume 2Dagon
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Wayne June
1 |MP3| – Approx. 16 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Audio Realms Podcast
Podcast: August 12th 2008
The testament of a tortured, morphine-addicted man who plans to commit suicide over an incident that occurred early on in World War I when he was a merchant marine officer.

Subscribe to the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Recent Arrivals – More from Audio Realms

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Little Fuzzy by H. Beam PiperLittle Fuzzy
By H. Beam Piper; Read by Brian Holsopple
5 CDs – 5 hours, 53 minutes – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
ISBN: 9781897304617
The chartered Zarathustra Company had it all their way. Their charter was for a Class III uninhabited planet, which Zarathustra was, and it meant they owned the planet lock stock and barrel. They exploited it, developed it, and reaped the huge profits from it without interference from the Colonial Government. Then Jack Holloway, a sunstone prospector, appeared on the scene with his family of Fuzzies and the passionate conviction that they were not cute animals but little people…

Fantasy Audiobooks - Shadow Kingdoms: The Weird Works of Robert E. Howard, Volume 1Shadow Kingdoms: The Weird Works of Robert E. Howard, Volume 1
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Brian Holsopple, Bob Souer, Bob Barnes, and Charles McKibben
5 CDs – 5.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
ISBN: 9781897304129
The first volume of the Weird Works of Robert E. Howard, presenting much of Howard’s work for the pulp magazine Weird Tales meticulously restored to its original magazine texts featuring stories with King Kull and Solomon Kane.

This volume contains:
“The Lost Race”, read by Charles McKibben
“The Dream Snake”, read by Bob Souer
“The Hyena”, read by Bob Souer
“Red Shadows”, read by Brian Holsopple
“Skulls in the Stars”, read by Brian Holsopple
“Rattle of Bones”, read by Bob Barnes
“The Shadow Kingdom”, read by Brian Holsopple
“The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune”, read by Brian Holsopple
“The Voice of El-Lil”, read by Bob Barnes

Science Fiction Audiobooks - Voodoo Planet by Andre NortonVoodoo Planet
By Andre Norton; Read by Chuck McKibben
3 CDs – 3 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
ISBN: 9781897304372
The sequel to Plague Ship, Voodoo Planet finds the Solar Queen banned from trade and starting her supposed quiet two-year stint as an interstellar mail carrier. But instead her crew accepts a visit to the safari planet of Khatka, where they find themselves caught in a battle between the forces of reason and the powers of Khatka’s mind-controlling wizard.
Science Fiction Audiobooks - The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice BurroughsThe Land That Time Forgot
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Brian Holsopple
3 CDs – 3.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
ISBN: 9781897304334
Edgar Rice Burroughs, best known for his Tarzan and Mars series of books, also created the lost island of Caprona, where American Tyler Bowen is stranded in a lost world where prehistoric animals and people have flourished unchanged since the beginning of time.
Fantasy Audiobooks - The Sailor on the Seas of Fate by Michael MoorcockThe Sailor on the Seas of Fate
By Michael Moorcock; Read by Jeffrey West
5 CDs – 5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
ISBN: 9781897304020

The Second Book in the Elric Saga
… and leaving his cousin Yrkoon sitting as regent upon the Ruby Throne of Melnibone, leaving his cousin Cymoril weeping for him and despairing of his ever returning, Elric sailed from Imrryr, the Dreaming City, and went to seek an unknown goal in the world of the Young Kingdoms where Melniboneans were at best, disliked.
Horror Audiobooks - Hide and Seek by Jack KetchumHide and Seek
By Jack Ketchum; Read by Wayne June
5 CDs – 5.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Realms
ISBN: 9781897304402
Hide and Seek is a book about games. Reckless, dangerous games. Games you might even want to play yourself if you’re with the right people. But shouldn’t. Not ever… Dead River’s a sleepy little town on the coast of Maine without much going for it. The Great Depression hit hard and never let go. Even now, sixty-odd years later, there’s not much to do, not much going on. So that when a trio of friends, rich college kids, arrive there on a forced march with their parents for summer vacation they have to make their own amusements. And they do, in spades. Dan’s a local and didn’t get a chance to go to college. There was never the money. He works in a lumberyard hauling two-by-fours and furring around all day with a forklift. He’s even more bored than he knows. When the college kids arrive, that changes.
The most daring of the three is a beautiful, troubled girl name Casey. She’s not opposed to stealing caviar or cars or running around naked in graveyards. For Casey the thrill’s the thing and the riskier the better. Dan falls for her, hard. And gradually becomes the fourth member of the group–the poor relation. But the games need escalation. It’s a need that finds them at last in an old abandoned house at night, a house reputed to be haunted, where phantom lights burn in broken windows. Where something lurks waiting in the dark…

Posted by Scott D. Danielson