Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Episode #32 Those Rapacious Europeans

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcastDan Carlin’s Hardcore History, my favourite history podcast, has a new episode (#32) in its feed.

Carlin talks about the Magellan circumnavigation expedition and asks the question:

“Are white people special?”

More specifically, was there something special about the Europeans and their drive for conquest? What made them conquer and dominate the Earth in a kind of Globalization 1.0? Were the ages of exploration and colonization a result of a specific kind of European human cruelty? Was it cultural? Religious?

It’s a fascinating topic. Have a listen |MP3|

Podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast – absolute must listen episode

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Dan Carlin's Hardcore HistoryDan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcast is awesome – Carlin literally puts awe into his performances. His podcast is all about the things he finds interesting in history. Thankfully, with his latest show, “Steppe Stories,” I now have a chance to tell you about his podcast. It seems that Carlin is a Science Fiction and Fantasy fan as well as a history fan. In his latest podcast Carlin explores the people of the Asiatic steppe. How meeting with them was like meeting aliens – very much like the “first contact” theme from so many Science Fiction stories. And who knew that Robert E. Howard’s Red Sonja of Rogatino, and the Marvel/Dynamite Entertainment‘s Hyrkanian version of Red Sonja, weren’t as unlikely as they appear? Dan Carlin, that’s who! The mythical half-man/half-horse Centaurs? The fabled Amazon warriors? Yep, they’re from the steppe too!

Listen in to the show “Steppe Stories” |MP3| and if you’re a fan of history, as all good SF and F fans should be, subscribe using the following feed – you won’t be sorry:
