CBC Radio One’s program "IDEAS" did a two-part 2-h…

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio LogoCBC Radio One’s program “IDEAS” did a two-part 2-hour special on Ursula K. Le Guin entitled “The Word For World is Imagination”


which was broadcast on October 4th and 5th 2004. In this documentary producer Kelley Jo Burke explored the work, methods, and magic of one of speculative fiction’s most important, and mindful writers. It looks like CBC Radio One has CDs of the program available too! Find them here.

2 Audio Excerpts are online:

Ursula K. Le Guin talks about being a writer.


Ursula K. Le Guin talks about why people are uncomfortable with reading science fiction/fantasy.


Posted by Jesse Willis

From Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski come…

SFFaudio News

CBC Radio OneFrom Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski comes a new limited series The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al to be broadcast on CBC Radio One. Straczynski, says that it is an 80-minute audio drama (made up of 20 five minute episodes) and will be produced and co-directed in Toronto by himself. He describes it as “comedy/action, very noir, with a supernatural bent.” This sounds great to me I’m a big fan of his short lived anthology series City Of Dreams produced for Seeing Ear Theater. The series is scheduled to air in 5 five-minute segments weekdays for four weeks, with half hour recaps on the weekend (presumably collecting that week’s broadcasts). The scripts have been completed so casting and production are sure to start soon. Straczynski suggests it will be syndicated worldwide, “to the BBC and elsewhere,” and he assures us it will be released on CD “down the road”. We’ll let you know when we know more about airdates.

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBC RADIO ONE’s – Between The Covers program will …

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio OneCBC RADIO ONE’s – Between The Covers program will be broadcasting the award winning author Kenneth Oppel’s latest novel “Airborn” (a wild adventure with some fantastic twists. AIRBORN is set in an alternate past, where air travel has followed the route of giant dirigibles rather than jet planes. The cabin boy of a luxury airship discovers a remarkable secret in the clouds high above the earth and must find a way to keep it – and his ship – out of the hands of unscrupulous men).

Read by Andrew Hachey.

This program will air Weekdays at 2:30pm and 10:40pm starting Wed. Nov. 17 2004 and concluding Fri. Dec.10 2004.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Faster Than Light producer Joe Mahoney, informs us…

SFFaudio News

Faster Than Light producer Joe Mahoney, informs us that the third pilot for the proposed science fiction radio show, has not been greenlighted by the CBC Radio big wigs for summer broadcast. But its not all bad news, while this is the third pilot for the series, the CBC brass arent abandoning the concept. Joe informs us “they want to tweak it just a little bit more before committing to a series. I got a clear message that they believe in the project but they want to take the time to make certain that it’s done absolutely right. This can only be a good thing for the show.” Having heard both the first and second pilots so far myself, I can tell they’ve really got some great people working on the project and its just a matter of time. Thanks for the update Joe! Personally I’ve come to the conclusion that I should follow Roman Republic senator Cato the Elder’s example and end every post on SFFAudio with: “And Faster Than Light MUST live!” Maybe that’ll help.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series will be…

Fans of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series will be pleased to hear that a six part adaptation of Pratchett’s 8th novel in the series, titled “Guards! Guards!” will be airing on BBC7’s The 7th Dimension starting April 5th 2004.

This coincides with BBC7’s Audio On Demand service, which allows listeners around the world to download streaming content archived for five days from the BBC7 website!

If you’re even half as excited as we are at the prospect of CBC Radio picking up FASTER THAN LIGHT, a new Science Fiction & Fantasy radio show, that will be available through streaming audio around the world, you now have a way to show your support for the idea. Send a quick email to CBC Audience Relations at: cbc.input@toronto.cbc.ca. You can also call CBC Audience Relations, use this number (416) 205-3700. I know I will!

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBC Radio Drama: Faster Than Light

Hugo and Nebula award winning author Robert J.Sawyer has just announced the completion of a third pilot for the proposed weekly radio science fiction radio show FASTER THAN LIGHT. Produced by Joe Mahoney and Fergus Heywood for CBC Radio One, the half-hour long program includes:

-An interview with Julie E. Czerneda, one of Canada’s best SF writers

-A mini documentary on aliens in movies

-A short essay by Robet J. Sawyer on “the other” in science fiction

-An original full-cast radio drama based on Richard Matheson’s 1950 short story “Born of Man And Woman”!

Sounds like a real winner. The word is that if the pilot is picked up there could be as many as ten episodes of Faster Than Light broadcast over the summer! We will keep you updated as more information is available, this is really terrific news!

Posted by Jesse Willis