CBC Radio One‘s excellent author focused show Writers & Company had a timely and in-depth interview with P.D. James on Sunday. Best known as a crime writer, James is getting some deserved attention for her novel The Children Of Men because of the current film version.
Writers & Company is hosted by the always insightful Eleanor Wachtel. I’m still dismayed that Writers & Company and Wachtel’s other progamme (The Arts Tonight) still aren’t podcast.
You can listen to this interview via RealAudio HERE (skip ahead to the 38 minute mark).
While I really appreciate that CBC is podcasting, I love it in fact, I am less than thrilled it isn’t podcasting enough. ABC Radio Australia, with a total of budget just short of $100 million, currently has more than 120 different podcasts. CBC has fewer than two dozen English language podcast programmes but has a $1.3 billion budget. Australia, with two-thirds the population of Canada, has 5 times as many podcast from their national public radio service. That’s a wonky disparity. CBC, streaming audio is passé – time for more podcasts!
posted by Jesse Willis