Canadia: 2056’s 2nd Episode airing now!

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Canadia 2056Canadia: 2056 episode 2 is airing across Canada this morning starting at 11:30 am. Check out the Streaming Radio Map for CBC Radio One.

Here’s the official CBC Radio hotsheet description:

“Tune in this morning for Episode Two of Canadia 2056, a spacey – in
every sense of the word – new comedy series starring Matt Watts from Steve the First and Steve the Second. It’s all about Canada’s only publicly-funded spacecraft, the Canadia – sent to help the U-S space armada against an alien threat. This week, the Captain begins to suspect that there’s a saboteur aboard his ship – and Anderson plots his escape. Canadia 2056, this morning at 11:30 (noon Newfoundland time) on CBC Radio One.”

Canadia: 2056 is airing! Catch it now!

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Canadia 2056Canadia: 2056 episode 1 has already aired in Eastern Canada. It is, at the time of this post, airing in Central Canada and will begin airing in Alberta and British Columbia very shortly. If you haven’t already heard it, there’s still an opportunity. Click on over to the Streaming Radio Map for CBC Radio One. Click on an Alberta feed or a British Columbia feed to catch the last two original episode airings.

Canadia: 2056 airs this Friday at 11:30 AM (Pacific, Mountain, Central and Eastern) on CBC Radio One.

CBC Radio One interview with Matt Watts writer of Canadia: 2056

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Canadia 2056How dedicated am I to interesting you in listening to CBC Radio One’s new audio drama series Canadia: 2056?

VERY! And I’ll prove it…

I’ve got a snippet of the Q interview with Matt Watts (writer/star) of the show.

Download the |MP3|, but after listening to the clip be sure to tune in to hear the entire interview. It’s on TODAY! Check your time zone HERE for when exactly. Canada on CBC Radio 1.

Tune in tomorrow for… the first episode of Canadia: 2056 airs this Friday at 11:30 AM on CBC Radio One.

Canadia: 2056 approaching: T-Minus 2 Days

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Canadia 2056CBC producer Joe Mahoney has posted what looks like the official art for the Canadia: 2056! Also, Matt Watts, the writer/lead actor in the show will be interviewed on Q CBC Radio One’s new arts and culture radio show around 3:00 PM Toronto time Thursday April 19th 2007. Even better have a listen to the three promos up on Matt Watts’ blog!

And though I risk sounding like the Roman senator Cato, I must remind you once again that… the first episode of Canadia: 2056 airs this Friday at 11:30 AM on CBC Radio One.

Canadia 2056 The Countdown Continues: T Minus 3 Days

SFFaudio News

Canadia 2056Woohoo! I got a preview of the first three episodes of CBC Radio One‘s new Comedy Science Fiction radio drama series Canadia 2056. This show is absolutely hilarious! Its a satirical look at Canada/US politics, the Canadian inferiority complexes, American obliviousness, universal bureaucracy, internet culture, Star Trek, CBC inside jokes, plenty of toilet humor (literally) and Iraq, Iraq, Iraq!

The viewpoint character, Midshipman Max Anderson, is an American (or at least as American as a Canadian stereotype of an American can be). He’s been saddled with the responsibility of being the USA’s liaison aboard the only Canadian ship in an otherwise all American invasion fleet headed towards an alien planet. It seems the planet “Ipampilash” refused to allow some galactic inspectors to land on their planet so the United States and its loyal friends in the Great White North declared war!

You can hear the first episode on Friday! Tune in…

April 20, 2007, 11:30 a.m on CBC Radio One (in Canada) and streaming online – worldwide.

Episode 1: Getting the replacement parts to leave Earth orbit is harder than getting episodes of the hot TV series Foxy Chalet (“the best Canadian show the American’s ever made”).

Episode 2: The stressed out crew of the Canadia has broken the speed of light barrier to catch up with the American fleet. Safe and secure, they’re now high on stress pills and low on brains. There’s a sequence between a homesick Midshipman and his ex-girlfriend that laugh is out loud funny.

Episode 3: A month into deep space and Midshipman Anderson has passport problems. The rest of the crew is also embroiled in a fight for supremacy with another maintenance ship – who gets to clean up the spill? He also learns a thing or two about the Canadian delicacy known as “poutine.”

"Canadia 2056" COUNTDOWN: T Minus 11 Days

SFFaudio News

Canadia 2056With its typical unassuming strategy I’ve heard absolutely nothing on CBC Radio One to promote their upcoming Radio Drama series Canadia. But some diligent searches have yielded up these tiny tidbits: The show is actually going to be called Canadia 2056 and is being described as…

“It is the year 2056. The United States has launched an armada to destroy an alien threat. Canada sends the nation’s only publicly-funded spacecraft, The Canadia – a ship with a single purpose. Flush. To plunge the Americans’ toilets. Travel with them.”

Another source describes it as “a celestially funny comedy series set in the year 2056 starring Matt Watts.” Matt Watts, who not only stars in the show but also writes it, describes the show as being “about an American Midshipman on a Canadian maintenance ship, in an American fleet headed towards war.”

The official CBC sub-site for the show is HERE, though there is nothing more there at the moment. Is this the Science Fiction/Comedy series we’ve all been waiting for? Tune in April 20th to find out. The show starts with its first episode:

Friday, April 20, 2007, 11:30 a.m on CBC Radio One (in Canada) and streaming online – worldwide.