Commentary: Radio Drama from J. Michael Straczynski SHELVED! Let’s get it aired!

SFFaudio Commentary

THE FREE The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al CAMPAIGN

In 2006 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Radio One division developed and produced a 20 part Radio Drama series called The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al, the show was written by Babylon 5 visionary J. Michael Straczynski. But, CBCR1 has recently decided the show will not air nationally in Canada.

We have a big problem with that. And we think you should too.

This isn’t a matter of wasted tax payer money. We love CBC Radio, we want CBC Radio to live long, its staff and talent to keep producing their exceptional works. We just don’t think its right that completed and fully produced program not be aired. This is J. Michael Straczynski! His storytelling ability has been proven, the guy knows and loves radio drama. Let’s get this show on the air, podcast, or at the very least released on CD.

Inquiries by fans wondering what’s happening with the show have been receiving polite explanations such as this one:

>Thank you for taking the time to contact the CBC.
>As of this point in time, we have not received any notice that this
>program [The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al] will be airing on
>CBC Radio in the near future. I should however point out that it is unlikely that >this program will be made available by podcast. With the majority of our comedy
>and drama programs, we have broadcast rights and not distribution. This
>will, however, depend largely on the agreements negotiated with
>producers, actors, etc.
>The ideas, opinions and questions of our audience are important to the
>CBC if we are to remain relevant as the national public broadcaster. Your >comments and questions will be entered into our Audience Reaction Report >which is circulated among our senior producers, programmers, and executives, >including our President and CEO…

But CBC producer Joe Mahoney (who worked on the series himself) has posted even straighter dope about the show’s fate on his blog:

“Somewhat to my astonishment I’ve learned that The Adventures of Apocalypse Al, the twenty part series of five minute radio plays we produced last year (written by none other than J. Michael Straczynski of Babylon 5 fame), will NOT be aired nationally anywhere on CBC Radio. It is possible that it will be picked up regionally here and there, but I will have no way of knowing when and where.”

I think we could all live with a regional CBC Radio One program airing the series. But how do we even make that happen?

That’s where you all come in.

If you have a blog, and love the work of JMS, write about this problem. If you loved Babylon 5 and have a podcast, talk about this issue. If you work for one of the many CBC Radio One regional programs inquire about airing the show get the show for broadcast – it is available! We want to hear The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al and we’re determined to see it happen.

Folks, let us know what you’re doing and what you’re saying and we’ll post a list of where and from whom this campaign is getting attention.

THE FREE The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al CAMPAIGN is getting attention from the following sites:

SFSignal |BLOG POST| July 22nd 2007

Mirathon |BLOG POST| July 23rd 2007

Infocult |BLOGPOST| July 23rd 2007

So Much Stuff I Can’t Recall |BLOG POST| July 23rd 2007

Babylon Podcast Blog |BLOG POST| July 23rd 2007

URBMN |BLOG POST| July 23rd 2007

Slice Of Sci-Fi |BLOG POST| July 26th 2007

Canada’s Babylon 5 Information Page
|”Current Headlines”| July 30th 2007
*This one posted with a sub-campaign for Ontario residents: Write-in to the regional CBC Radio programme “Fresh Air“. It airs between 6:00 am 9:00 am Saturday and Sundays.

Decoder Ring Theatre |BLOG POST| August 4th 2007

The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al

SFFaudio News

CBC Radio OneI’ve just read possibly the worst news ever about a CBC Radio program. CBC producer Joe Mahoney writes:

“Somewhat to my astonishment I’ve learned that The Adventures of Apocalypse Al, the twenty part series of five minute radio plays we produced last year (written by none other than J. Michael Straczynski of Babylon 5 fame), will NOT be aired nationally anywhere on CBC Radio. It is possible that it will be picked up regionally here and there, but I will have no way of knowing when and where.”

Now I am not saying it’s time to break out the pitchforks and torches yet, but I’m about half a micron from a total meltdown here. We’ve been waiting for this show for more than a yahren now! The show’s finished. By all the internal reports that I’ve read its a solid show. It was written by J. Michael Straczynski! Can’t find room in the schedule? What the fuck CBC? Come on.

Final episode of Canadia: 2056 airs today on CBC Radio One

SFFaudio OnlineAudio

Canadia 2056The concluding episode of Canadia: 2056 airs today on all CBC Radio One stations across Canada. Tune in and listen @ 11:30am or listen using the Streaming Radio Map. And, just one day prior to the conclusion Canadia: 2056 earned an “honorable mention” for the 2007 Mark Time Awards.

Here’s the official CBC Radio hotsheet description for the final show:

“An illegal upload adversely affects the computer. The Canadia finally reaches the planet Ipampilash, but Faverau and Pickens can’t agree on what to do. Anderson and Lewis take matters into their own hands when the captain is unable to answer the call of duty. Faverau comes across a Canadian on board the USS Pickens and brings them back to the Canadia. Canadia 2056, this morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio One.”

What will the ultimate fate of Canadia: 2056 be? We’ve got no idea. But Matt Watts has posted a bit of info to his site. Matt sez:

“Overall, I’m pretty happy with the quality of the writing. I think I managed to write a couple of great episodes (along with a couple of clunkers.) The two episodes that were co-written turned out great, and I’m glad I had Dave Tomlinson and Bryan Lee O’Malley to write them. I couldn’t have done it at all without Joe Mahoney as my story editor – Thanks, Joe. The cast and crew were fantastic to work with. The whole thing was a great ride, and I hope we get picked up for more. I left the story open ended and there’s nothing I’d like more than to do a second season.”

And he’s posted a pic of the 2056 cast and crew:

Canadia 2056 Cast and Crew

The series seems to have really struck a chord with listeners. One listener compared it with the original broadcast of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, and I think that’s a fair comparison, Matt Watts is not unlike a Canadian Douglas Adams.

I’ve personally received several emails requesting places where previous episodes can be downloaded. Unfortunately I’m not personally able to help you with these requests. But nothing is stopping you from trading files yourselves.

Other than that, for those who missed episodes, or would like to hear the show again all I can say is that the show may be re-run in years to come, or like the two previous CBC SF series by Matt Watts, they may be released on CD. We’ll let you know when and where you can get Canadia: 2056.

CBC Radio alert: Canadia: 2056 episode 9 airs today

SFFaudio OnlineAudio

Canadia 2056The penultimate episode of Canadia: 2056 airs today on every CBC Radio One stations across Canada. Tune in and listen @ 11: 30am or hear it ONLINE via the Streaming Radio Map. Only one more episode left after today.

Here’s the official CBC Radio hotsheet description:

“The captain takes drastic action when his relationship with the computer goes too far. Faverau gets a promotion. Anderson and Lewis try to modify the robot. The captain uncovers the real reason the Americans declared war on the Ipampilashians. As they approach the end of the mission, the relationships between the crewmembers intensify. Canadia:2056, this morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio One.”

CBC R1: Dates for Steve I & Steve II, no word on JMS’ Al

SFFaudio News

CBC Radio OneCBC producer Joe Mahoney, on his blog, has dropped two dates for the summer 2007 rebroadcasts the two earlier comedy Science Fiction series he had a hand in making:

Monday July 23rd to Friday July 27th for Steve the First

and Monday July 30th to Wednesday August 1st for Steve The Second.

Unfortunately, Joe still doesn’t have have much info on when J Michael Straczynski’s CBC Radio series The Adventures of Apocalypse Al will air. Joe writes:

“…there was talk of taking the ten five minute episodes [of The Adventures of Apocalypse Al] and stringing them all together and perhaps broadcasting them as two twenty-five minute long episodes… on two consecutive Saturday mornings, perhaps. But that’s probably just idle talk and speculation. Plus it was designed to be broadcast in five minute segments… I’m not sure it would sustain at a greater length.”

Hey CBC honchos, why not make The Adventures of Apocalypse Al the world’s first ever public radio drama podcast? 5 minute episodes would work splendiferously as podcast!

Not only would this be cooler than hell, it’d be a great way to gauge the effectiveness of advertising a CBC podcast on CBC radio stations to see what kind of traffic flow such a campaign would make. I’m willing to bet it’d be huge PR coup too. C’mon guys we need our JMS!

CBC Radio One airing Canadia: 2056 episode 7

SFFaudio OnlineAudio

Canadia 2056Neither rain, nor heat, nor “bandwidth exceeded” notifications shall keep this blog from it’s appointed posts! It’s Friday, so we’re here to remind you of what that means. Indeed! It is Canadia: 2056 day! Episode 7 day! It’s airing on CBC Radio One station across Canada this morning starting at 11:30 am in all time zones (Noon in Newfoundland). Listeners who aren’t patiently waiting at their radios for the appointed hour still have an opportunity to hear it ONLINE via the Streaming Radio Map – be sure to click the time zone in your area at 11:30am. Only THREE more episodes to go!

Here’s the official CBC Radio hotsheet description:

“Head for outer space this morning aboard Canadia 2056, the lone Canadian government spacecraft, sent to support an American space armada fighting hostile aliens. The Canadia receives word that their budget is being cut and the Captain has to decide what to trim. Doc Gaffney isn’t happy with his decisions and takes drastic action. Anderson makes a new best friend, oh – one more thing – the American fleet disappears. Canadia 2056, this morning at 11:30 (noon NT) on CBC Radio One.”

What are those who’ve been listening thinking of the show?