Canadia: 2056 news!

SFFaudio News

Canadia 2056Just read the confirmation we’ve been hoping for. The official Inside The CBC blog, when talking about CBC Radio One’s winter schedule, said this:

“We’ll also be taking an off-kilter look at Canada – U.S. relations with our comedy series Canadia 2056. The show follows the adventures of the crew of the spaceship Canadia, the lone Canadian ship on a mission with the U.S. Space fleet as they set out on a pre-emptive strike against the planet Ipampilash. Canadia 2056 will air Wednesday nights at 11 p.m. and Friday mornings at 11:30 a.m.”

Now all we’d need to make 2008 a banner year would be for the CBC to release The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al!

Posted by Jesse Willis

ABC RN again disapoints for Christmas

SFFaudio Commentary

ABC RADIO NATIONALABC Radio National, Australia’s public radio broadcaster, is airing a reading of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Like the ABC:RN reading of Dracula from earlier this year, this reading of A Christmas Carol is neither podcast nor available in another online audio format. The problem here is that ABC:RN’s Book Reading show remains committed to make listening next to impossible for Australians not glued to their radios. The official explanation is simple:

“Due to copyright restrictions this reading is unavailable as audio on demand.”

That’s terrible. A Christmas Carol is one of the most recorded audiobooks of all time. Sure their version is covered by copyright. But when will the honchos at ABC:RN get hip? BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 7, while not podcasting, at least make sure to get clearances to make their productions available for online listening. CBC Radio One podcasts its book reading program Between The Covers (as well as nearly every other program) and has started using creative commons music too (on the CBC Radio One program called Spark).

If you’d have liked to have heard the ABC reading why not drop them a line HERE.

Here are some other sources for audio versions of A Christmas Carol:

Wired For Books: A Christmas Carol |ONLINE AUDIO| A Christmas Carol |Podcast Available| A Christmas Carol |Podcast|

A Christmas Carol Read by Patrick Horgan |iTunes Podcast Audiobook|

W.O.E.S. 91.3 FM Archive Dramatization |REALAUDIO Part 1|REALAUDIO Part 2|

The Classic Tales Podcast version via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. FREE Apocalypse Al!

CBC Radio Podcast on C.S. Lewis

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Podcast: Listener’s ChoiceMichael Enright, host of the Sunday Edition on CBC Radio One (which is also podcast) did a revealing half-hour special on the life and work of C.S. Lewis. You can hear the show |MP3| once again thanks to the CBC Listener’s Choice podcast.

You can subscribe to the Listener’s Choice podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. FREE Apocalypse Al!

CBC Podcast: BC This Week talks to Nathalie Mallet and Lynda Williams


CBC Radio Podcast - British Columbia This WeekThe CBC Radio Podcast called British Columbia This Week features a round up of BC based programming. The latest to catch my ear was an interview with two Prince George authors Nathalie Mallet who writes Fantasy and Lynda Williams who writes Science Fiction. The interview was recorded for CBC Radio One’s Daybreak North by Associate Producer Allana Stuart.

Lynda Williams with host Allana Stuart
Lynda Williams left, CBC Associate Producer Allana Stuart right.

Nathalie Mallet with host Allana Stuart
Nathalie Mallet left, CBC Associate Producer Allana Stuart right

Listen to the interview |MP3| or subscribe to the podcast:

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. FREE Apocalypse Al!

Canadia: 2056 Season Two update

SFFaudio News

Canadia 2056Matt Watts, creator, scripter and actor in the comedic Science Fiction radio series Canadia: 2056 wirtes:

“We recorded the first two episodes of the new season of Canadia last week… It was fun to have the cast together again… Currently, I’m writing the next two episodes, which record at the end of the month. So there.

The plan is to re-air the first season starting in January, then continue on with the new episodes.

And I can finally say that the show will be airing in two timeslots.

Wednesday’s at 11PM and then Friday’s at 11:30AM. It’s Afghanada’s timeslot again… Which I love because it must confuse listeners to tune in one week and hear a seriously dramatic show about Canada’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan, and then the next week hear a retarded show about Canada’s involvement in an outer space war.

Still no update on podcasts… People are working on it. And the CD’s are scheduled to come out… Sometime… Maybe around Christmas. Ho, ho, ho.”


P.S. FREE Apocalypse Al!

Matthew Hughes in a candid CBC R1 interview

Online Audio The Website Of Matthew HughesMatthew Hughes is a Spec-Fic (and crime) author living in Courtenay, British Columbia. A few weeks ago, he was interviewed by Sheryl McKay for CBC Radio One’s “North By Northwest” program. Here’s the |MP3| courtesy of Hughes’ own website. About the interview Matt sez: “I blather on for about twelve minutes. They had me do it at 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning, when I’m usually unconscious, so I ended up saying a few things I probably shouldn’t have.”

[via SFSignal]

P.S. FREE Apocalypse Al!