CBC promoting Season 2 of Canadia: 2056

SFFaudio Online Audio

Canadia: 2056 Season 2Yep, today’s the day, and tonight’s the night – Tonight at 11PM in every time zone across Canada (‘cept Newfoundland) CBC Radio One is premiering the first episode of the second season of Matt Watt’s Canadia: 2056! This is exciting isn’t it?

Listen to the two PROMOs they’ve posted to the website…

Promo 1 |MP3| Promo 2 |MP3|

And here’s the official description of the firs episode:

Six months after their fateful return to Earth, the Canadian maintenance ship Canadia and her crew lay in ruins.
The captain has deserted his post, Anderson and the Robot have gone off seeking answers, Faverau tries to hold on to the past and Lewis is left to try to put it all back together. They have all but given up hope that the human race can survive. Until a sign from above reaffirms their belief in the human spirit… kind of.

There are two big ads on the CBC homepage for the show…

CBC Radio One - Canadia: 2056 Season 2 Premiere

CBC Radio One - Canadia: 2056 Season 2 Premiere

Speaking of advertising, another terrific CBC radio show that isn’t being podcast seems to have taken a big step toward it… The Age of Persuasion hosted by Terry O’Reilly, has placed some BBC-style “listen again” links on it’s sub-page! They still aren’t “podcasting” the show, but the files are in the MP3 format and are hosted in the CBC podcast URL. Check these out…






It would be just next to heaven if Canadia: 2056 could do this too!

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free Apocalypse Al!

Review of Canadia: 2056 – Season One

SFFaudio Review

CBC Radio - Canadia 2056Canadia: 2056: Season 1
By Matt Watts; Perfomed by a full cast
5 CDs – Approx. 5 Hours [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: CBC Audio
Published: January 21, 2008
Product ID: ERART00217
Themes: / Science Fiction / Humor / Canada / War / Toilets / Audio Drama / CBC /

This entertaining sci-fi comedy series is written by one of Canada’s best-loved comedy writers, Matt Watts. The United States has launched an armada to destroy an alien threat. Canada sends the nation’s only publicly-funded spacecraft, The Canadia – a ship with a single purpose – to plunge the Americans’ toilets.

There are lots of audio dramas out here on the internet, but if you want to hear a professional piece of work that will make you laugh out loud, you should give Canadia 2056 300 minutes of your time. Matt Watts and the entire cast and crew of Canadia 2056 have created something special. The show is an absolute gem.

The Canadia of the series is a Canadian spaceship that has been sent to war with a United States fleet, which in turn has been sent to perform a pre-emptive strike on a planet called Ipampilash. Midshipman Max Anderson is the only American member of the crew, and his relations with all of the Canadians is central to the comedy of the show. I’m not a Canadian, so I’m certain that I’m missing the deeper meaning of some of the jokes, but the scripts are crafted and performed in such a way that I really didn’t feel I was missing out.

An example of this occurs in the very first episode. The captain of the Canadia (hilariously performed by Paul O’Sullivan) is choosing a voice for the computer. He goes through a few, then settles on a gravelly female voice. I found the scene funny without knowing what I was told later – the voice selected was Shauna MacDonald, who is known as the Promo Girl in Canada. Apparently, her voice was heard all the time on CBC, and the debate between the folks that wanted her off the air and the folks who wanted her to stay made her famous. (I’d have wanted her to stay, by the way. I adore her voice.)

Max Anderson (played by series writer Matt Watts) makes an interesting representative of the United States. He’s cowardly, geeky, selfish, and his mother is an admiral in the US fleet. He feels his way around the crew, and finds his place among them eventually. Holly Lewis was captivating as Amanda Lewis, the engineer that Max spends the most time with. There’s a lot of tension between the two, and it’s wonderfully played.

I could sit here and start listing my favorite moments, but it’s suffice to say that I loved these shows enough that I listened more than once. There’s a short list of audio drama that’s really excellent, and even a shorter list of comedic audio drama that’s really excellent. Canadia 2056: Season One is one of those, and I urge you to give it a listen. It’s cruckin’ fanatastic!

Season Two of Canadia: 2056 starts next week on CBC Radio! It looks like the first airing will be at 11:00pm, Wednesday, March 19th. Click here to keep your eye on the CBC Radio schedule.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

Matt Watts wins an ACTRA award for work on Canadia: 2056

SFFaudio News

Joe Mahoney is reporting on his blog that Matt Watts, star and author of Canadia: 2056, has WON an ACTRA Award for “Outstanding Performance – Voice” for his work on Canadia: 2056! Matt beat out four animated TV shows performers (that’s sticking it to em Radio Drama!).

Too bad so few Canadians will get to hear his award winning work (no podcast or time-shifted listening is available for the CBC radio drama series).

Ironically, ACTRA, the union for Canada’s English-language actors, which awarded Matt his trophy, had been pressuring the federal government to bring in its new (and still somewhat mysterious) copyright legislation – arguing that “By not releasing the promised legislation, the government is causing further delays, and in the process shelving years of hard work.” – while ACTRA itself has failed, for years, to negotiate with the CBC for podcast distribution of radio drama series like Afganada and Canadia: 2056.

Canadia: 2056 Season one of Canadia: 2056 is still re-running on CBC Radio One – with just two episodes left to go – and then, in mid-March SEASON TWO BEGINS!!! Check out the official CBC website for the show, where they’ve recently added a few more videos.

The penultimate episode airs this week…

Episode 9: Air Dates: March 5 & 7
Airing time: Wednesday at 11:05 p.m. (11:35 NT) and Friday at 11:30 a.m. (12:00 NT) on CBC Radio One.

“The Captain takes drastic action when his relationship with the computer goes too far. Faverau gets a promotion. Anderson and Lewis try to modify the robot. The captain uncovers the real reason the Americans declared war on the Ipampilashians. As they approach the end of the mission, the relationships between the crewmembers intensify.”

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al

UPDATE: According to a post by one of the jurors (Bruce Marshall) Matt Watt’s ACTRA award acceptance speech included the following: “Yeah, F#&% ANIMATION!”

Frequency Of Fear podcast features CBC Radio Drama NIGHTFALL and more

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Zombie Astronaut's Frequency Of FearThe Zombie Astronaut‘s podcast Frequency Of Fear, tackles the doubly difficult problem of duplicates (doppelgängers or clones – if you will). Showcased on the show are stories about killers and killers, killing duplicates and trying to dupe the authorities about it. The second show is particularly cool as its an episode of CBC Radio’s 1980 series Nightfall. Entitled “The Repossession” it features Chris Wiggins (from Friday The Thirteenth – The Series) and other familiar CBC voices. It was first broadcast on September 26th, 1980.

Plug the podcast feed into your podcatcher, and listen twice:


Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al

CBC Radio One Ideas podcast talks utopian disasters

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - CBC Radio One - The Best Of IdeasThe Best of Ideas Podcast gets one show uploaded to their server once per week (4 days too few for me), the latest show is called “Utopian Dreams.” It discusses the damage done to the world by utopian idealists.

“The world is strewn with the wreckage of utopian projects. Millions of people have been killed by social engineers who wanted to reshape humanity. The British historian of ideas, John Gray, believes politics is saturated with disguised religious longings. He calls for a new, humane realism.”

Does this Gray guy just sound like a utopian dreamer to you too?

Listen |MP3|, or subscribe to the feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Free The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al