Canadia: 2056 – Season 3?

SFFaudio News

Canadia: 2056 Season 2Matt Watts has posted an update about everybody’s favorite Canadian radio drama, Canadia: 2056 to his blog. –

Matt sez:

While I was at the CBC today, we talked about the possibility of a 3rd season… And we don’t know what to do…

I would love to do a 3rd season, not just because it’s a job, but because I have a great time putting this show together… It’s a great group of people, and I love the world that’s been created.

The success of a show like this is tough to gauge… There are listener numbers, but it doesn’t tell us a whole lot.

So, without sounding like I’m trying to solicit “fan mail” I’m putting this out there:

It wouldn’t hurt to write the CBC and ask for a 3rd season, if you want one… Even if it’s a simple: “I’m a fan of this show and I’d like a 3rd season please”.

Of course, you can be more enthusiastic if you like, I’m not going to dissuade you.

Here’s the address to send something to: [email protected]

It’ll go to my producer, who will forward it to the powers that be.

This isn’t an attempt at starting a campaign, it’s just that we could all benefit from a better picture of how many people are actually listening.

So… let’s get writing folks. I’m excited about the idea of a third season, but I’d probably just as excited to hear a new Matt Watts SF show – maybe even more so. I’m betting most folks still haven’t heard either of Matt’s “Steve” series – it’s got the same flavour, comedy, satire SF, but a completely different setting.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia: 2056 unofficial podcast is caught up

SFFaudio Online Audio

Canadia: 2056 Unofficial PodcastThe Canadia: 2056 unofficial podcast feed has caught up to the regular broadcast! From here on out it will shadow the weekly broadcasts on CBC Radio One. In a curious foreshadowing, THIS NEW STORY illustrates just how important building the HMCSS Canadia actually would be. Episode 21 of Canadia: 2056 airs on all CBC Radio One stations this week.

Subscribe to the unofficial podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Mars Phoenix lander brought Science Fiction audio to Mars

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Mars Phoenix DVD - Messages From EarthThe Mars Phoenix lander carries a mini-DVD loaded with art, produced on Earth, about Mars. And very coolly the audio end of Science Fiction is well represented on the disc! Here’s the official word:

“Radio has been associated with Mars ever since Marconi, Tesla, and Edison each expressed interest in the possibility of radio messages coming from Mars to Earth in the early part of the 20th century. In 1938 Orson Welles and Howard Koch reinterpreted the H.G. Wells novel The War of the Worlds for radio, with unexpected and dramatic results. In a section of this disk called RADIO MARS we present some of that and other broadcasts. Arthur C. Clarke supplied us with the rare radio interview featuring a discussion between H. G. Wells and Orson Welles. The radio documentary about the Viking landing is part of a program I made for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1976, as part of its documentary radio series IDEAS. The producer was Max Allen of the CBC. Allen helped me organize over 100 hours of material recorded on tape cassettes, and mix it into the audio tapestry heard on this disk. The program includes interviews with many of the important science fiction writers who witnessed this historic event at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It was a thrilling occasion — a moment when science fiction and real space exploration truly came together. We hope that this program will convey what it was like on the night when the history of human presence on Mars really began. Seventeen years later, Max Allen played an important role in the creation of this disk: locating the original master tapes of our Viking documentary, remixing and editing the Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast, and recording the greetings from Judith Merril and Carl Sagan. In general he put the impressive technical and studio facilities of the CBC’s then new national headquarters in Toronto at our disposal. Lorne Tulk, a consummate recording engineer at the CBC, who had mixed the Viking program, lent his skills to the assembly of the RADIO MARS portion of this disk. We are also extremely grateful to the distinguished actor Patrick Stewart, well known in our time for his role on the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, for providing the narration for the audio section. In 1993 it was much easier to store sound than to store moving images on CDs. That is the principal reason for including a section on RADIO MARS as opposed to sequences from film or video images of Mars. Radio as a medium has much to recommend it. You can listen to it while driving, for example. Nothing delights the makers of RADIO MARS more than the thought that one day someone might listen to the Welles or Viking broadcast while piloting a vehicle across the martian deserts or through the martian skies!”

The Mars Phoenix Lander Deck May 26th 2008

And there it is, attached to the deck of the lander (next to the flag), the “Phoenix DVD.” I’ve managed to round up some of the audio found on the disc, from around the net. Check it out…

Carl Sagan |LISTEN|

Arthur C. Clarke |LISTEN|

War of the Worlds |MP3| The 1938 radio drama.

Wells and Welles |MP3| A 1940 non-fiction radio piece in which H.G. Wells and Orson Welles met to discuss War of the Worlds.

The Viking Landings |REALAUDIO EXCERPT| Jon Lomberg’s report on the Viking landing on Mars, July 20, 1976. Includes live recordings from mission control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, and interviews with science fiction writers and actors.

By the way, the DVD is made of a silica glass (instead of regular plastic) so as to withstand long-term exposure on the Martian surface. Now all those Martians will need is a DVD player.

Also, for those curious about what else the lander is doing on Mars; the latest Planetary Radio podcast (put out by the Planetary Society) talks about the lander’s landing and what it’s going to do now that it has landed |MP3|.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Canadia: 2056 Unoffical Podcast @ episode 10

SFFaudio Online Audio

If you didn’t catch it already, The Zombie Astronaut has been unofficially podcasting Canadia: 2056. Today’s release is of the 10th Epsiode (the last episode of the first season). From here on out ZA’s going to be catching up to the second season broadcasts in an awful hurry.

Canadia: 2056 Unofficial PodcastCanadia: 2056 – Season One
By Matt Watts (and others); Performed by a full cast
10 MP3s – Approx. 5 Hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Unofficial Canadia 2056 Podcast
Podcast: May 2008
1 |MP3| 2 |MP3| 3 |MP3| 4 |MP3| 5 |MP3|
6 |MP3| 7 |MP3| 8 |MP3| 9 |MP3| 10 |MP3|

Subscribe to the unofficial podcast via this feed:

And, if you can draw or make visual art using photoshop check out the ongoing “Canadia:2056 Future Graphics Contest” and send in your rendering of a character or spacecraft from the show! Check it out on the official site:

The best graphic entered will win the entire Matt Watts Radio Comedy Collection from CBC autographed by Matt Watts. This includes Steve, the First; Steve, the Second and Canadia: 2056 Season 1 on CD. There will also be second and third place prizes! Check out some of the entries received so far:

Space Toilet

The Canadia

The Canadia and The Pickens

Classic Trio Enterprise, Serentity, Canadia

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Canadia: 2056 Unofficial Podcast is here!

SFFaudio Online Audio

“Let me hear the first one again”
-Commander Margot Fabreaux, first officer, HMCSS Canadia

Canadia: 2056 Unofficial PodcastI have some kruckin’ good news! All our wishes have finally been fulfilled, and somebody up there (in orbit) likes us! The Zombie Astronaut, the proprietor of the ghoulishly great OTR and audio drama website (and his own Frequency Of Fear podcast) has set up an “unofficial Canadia: 2056 podcast” feed! This follows in the tradition of other unofficial podcast feeds for other CBC Radio shows like Wiretap and The Age Of Persuasion.

ZA, who is orbiting high above the earth in his Zombie Space Station, plans on podcasting one episode of the program daily until he’s caught up with the radio broadcasts! Episode 18 of Canadia: 2056 airs on all CBC Radio One stations this week.

Subscribe to the unofficial podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks talks The Physics Of The Impossible

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Quirks and Quarks PodcastStar Trek‘s phasers, Star Wars‘s lightsabers, and ships that can travel faster than the speed of light… pure SF? Bob MacDonald, host of CBC Radio’s Quirks & Quarks, talks to Dr. Kaku about his book, Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel. Drawing from science fiction for his inspiration, and his training as a theoretical physicist for his analysis, Dr. Kaku tries to figure out what, if anything, is actually impossible. Have a listen |MP3|

Or get the segment via the Q&Q podcast’s segmented feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis