CBC Radio One: Writers & Company an interview with and short story by J.G. Ballard

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Writers And CompanyCBC Radio One’s Writers & Company podcast has an interview with and a short story by J.G Ballard. In the terrific interview, by Eleanor Wachtel, we learn much of Ballard’s history, including how he found Science Fiction (it was at RCAF Station Moose Jaw)! After the interview is a complete SF short story read by Ballard himself.

“The story,” says James Warner “can be read as a metaphorical account of Ballard’s entire writing career.”

Interzone #30 July/August 1989The Enormous Space
By J.G. Ballard; Read by J.G. Ballard
1 |MP3| – Approx. 53 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: CBC Radio One / Writers & Company
Podcast: May 16th, 2009
A middle class man who chooses to abandon the outside world and restrict himself to his house, becoming a hermit. First published in Interzone #30 (the July/August 1989 issue).

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Hey CBC! We still want that J. Michael Straczynski radio drama series you’re sitting on.

CBC cancels its most popular podcast

SFFaudio News

CBC Radio - Search EngineCBC Radio has canceled its most popular podcast. CBC had previously, in an unprecedented move, exiled Search Engine from the actual radio broadcasts and had the staff reduced to just the host (Jesse Brown). Despite these hurdles the show was still breaking important news and doing terrific interviews on a nearly weekly basis. In fact Search Engine was CBC’s:

“…most downloaded audio podcast. It’s won an international radio award and has been on iTunes’ .Best Podcasts of The Year List’ for each year that it’s been around.

It also happened to be the CBC podcast I most looked forward to each week.

CBC still produces some amazing programs. But the new trend seems to be produce retarded decisions…

Cancel Intelligence. Cancel radio drama. Cancel Search Engine.

What the fuck CBC?

The folks making these decisions have got to be boneheaded techno-fogies who don’t read their own stats.

TV0 - Search EngineThe good news is there appear to be some smarter managers over on TVO (TVOntario) who’ve decided to pick up Search Engine. CBC doesn’t want listeners?

TVO here we all come. For more on this story read what TVO’s Search Engine has planned for Summer 2009.

Here’s the new podcast feed:


By the way this is Heritage Minister James Moore‘s portfolio (Port Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam). I would hope he is very shamefaced by this CBC gaff under his ministry. He comes from radio. Prior to being a politician he was a broadcaster on CKST.

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Another boneheaded decision by CBC. It still hasn’t released the J. Michael Straczynski radio drama The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al!

Between The Covers Podcast – Memory Book: A Benny Cooperman Mystery

Aural Noir: Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Between  The Covers podcastThere’s always a ton of Canadian fiction airing on CBC Radio One’s terrific Between The Covers Podcast. Sadly too little of it is Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. The good news is they occasionally throw us another kind of bone in the form of a solid mystery story.

Do you know old cliche about the p.i. who get’s conked on the head at least once per investigation as a plot point? Ya, I knew you would. Well, in the newest book in the BTC feed that well worn chestnut finally faces reality: A blow to the head can cause more than a quick dip into a black velvet pillow -it can cause a brain injury!

When Benny Cooperman, an Ontario private detective, wakes up in the hospital, he has no idea how or why he got there. The real mystery then is who hit him and why? But solving the case aint going to be easy as the medical professionals inform him he’s got partial amnesia, memory loss and his ability to read (but not write). It seems he’s suffering from alexia sine agraphia. This novel was inspired by the same thing happening to Howard Engel (but from a stroke not a blow to the head). The paperbook of this novel includes an afterword by Oliver W. Sacks.

Between The Covers Audio Books - Memory Book: A Benny Cooperman Mystery by Howard EngelMemory Book: A Benny Cooperman Mystery
By Howard Engel; Read by Ron Halder and Donna White
3 CDs – 3.5 Hours [ABRIDGED]
Publisher: BTC Audiobooks
Published: October 6, 2006
ISBN: 0864924704

The first two episodes, read by a terrific pair of narrators, are already in the feed: Episode 1 |MP3| Episode 2 |MP3|. I suggest you subscribe now so as not to forget.

Podcast feed:


iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Hey CBC! Don’t think we’ve forgotten about the J. Michael Straczynski radio drama series you’re still sitting on.

Matt Watts: CBC Radio Drama “Mothballed”

SFFaudio News

CBC Radio OneMatt Watts, creator, writer and star of Canadia: 2056, has posted a surprisingly upbeat (but downbeat) journal entry about the sad future of CBC Radio Drama to his blog. Sez Matt:

“…and with the CBC’s recent cutbacks, the questions have turned more to the future of radio drama in general.

The official announcement is that radio drama will be ‘reduced’.

Sadly, this doesn’t look to be the case.

The project that is in the pipeline will be seen through, and after that, Radio A&E has decided the best thing to do is to cut their losses, redeploy the staff into other positions and put drama on ice until funding is reinstated.

So, it looks like there’ll be no new radio drama for a while.

It’s a very sad time for me, and for my colleagues and friends in the drama department.

But, it’s a sign of the times, and instead of being bitter and angry, I think the best thing to do is to be understanding, and to try and hope for the best. This is genuinely one of those ‘greater good’ times.

For me, it means that I have to move on, and start looking for other mediums and formats to write in.

I will say, that writing for radio has been one of the great joys in my life. I could honestly write radio drama for the rest of my life, and be more than fulfilled and satisfied. I love it. Writing Steve, The First was an experience not unlike being thrown into a pool and discovering that you already know how to swim.

I’m one of the lucky few who found something they were good at, enjoyed it to the fullest and had a good run with it.”

Explaining why he thinks the cutback happened Matt said this:

“The sad truth, and reality, is that it [radio drama] doesn’t get that many listeners, and it doesn’t justify the cost. And these things have to be taken into account – these are the times we live in.”

My thinking is that there is actually quite an audience for audio drama, especially audio drama of as high a quality as Matt and his team at CBC Radio’ A&E department were producing. The main problem is that CBC’s radio drama are on the radio. I love the CBC and CBC radio programing in particular – but the reality is nobody I know listens to the radio anymore. We are listening to the podcasts of the radio shows. But ACTRA has not come to any agreement with CBC on podcasting, so none of the shows with acting in them are getting podcast!

The reality is that forcing an audience to tune in, in the middle of the afternoon, or late on a Sunday night is not the best way to showcase an audio drama anymore.

ACTRA needs to get it’s act together, go over to CBC radio (just a 7 minute cab ride), hammer out a deal on internet distribution and together SOLVE THIS SHIT. UPDATE: Apparently ACTRA has now “come to an agreement” with CBC, and what’s holding up CBC radio drama from being podcast is the writer’s guild. Yay! This is even better news because the Writer’s Guild of Canada HQ is only a “5 minute” walk away from the CBC HQ!

Writers Guild Of Canada to CBC Headquarters

CBC isn’t entirely off the hook though. More of CBC Radio needs to be podcast. CBC needs to be putting even more effort into living up to what the audience really wants:

The Canadian Podcast Corporation.

The future of CBC is online. The CRTC is all worried about Canadian content on the internet. I think we have the content and the talent, but what we don’t have is all that Canadian content on the internet.

To read Matt’s full POST head on over to his blog.

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. Oh and hey CBC!! After Matt’s last project gets delivered, don’t forget that CBC Radio still has something that’s already ready to play… CBC give us the J. Michael Straczynski radio drama series that’s already been produced and paid for!! – it’ll help tide us over til the financial crunch is over

Review of Steve, The First by Matt Watts

SFFaudio Review

Steve, The First, CBCSFFaudio EssentialSteve, The First
By Matt Watts; Performed by a Full Cast
2 CDs – 2 hours – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Publisher: CBC Radio
Published: 2007
Themes: / Science Fiction / Comedy / Post Apocalypse /

It was a thousand years ago. The Earth: in ruins, a nuclear wasteland. Humanity had written its final chapter. It took only a matter of minutes to destroy what took centuries to build. Greed, materialism… an overall sense of things being off… they would all spell society’s downfall. What few survivors remained were in a state of complete mental chaos. But all was not lost. One man, one hero, one legend, would bring civilization to the uncivilized.

This man… was Steve.

Steve, the First begins with the miraculous birth of Steve, the savior of all mankind, from a pile of rocks. Steve is not impressed with the post-apocalyptic world he sees, nor is he happy with the exploding dogs. The first people he meets are two kids who spend their time collecting dead people, and the hilarious conversation they have sets the tone for the rest of this dark comic radio drama, which was originally broadcast on CBC Radio One in 2005.

Matt Watts, who is Canadian, not that there’s anything wrong with that, wrote the series and also stars as the uninspired Steve. I’ve written about Matt Watts before, but this drama and the one that follows (aptly titled Steve, the Second) were written and broadcast before Canadia: 2056 seasons 1 and 2. That series and this one share some of the same actors, which is a great thing because this crew is wonderful.

The Colleen (Holly Lewis) is perfectly neurotic. My first clue? Her parents. Tim the Melty (Don McKellar) is positively unforgettable – a post apocalyptic Yes Man. And then there’s Steve’s nemesis, Phil Green (Mark McKinney) who still, despite the lack of a good number of people, yearns for political power.

I urge you to give this a listen – you’ll nestle it in your mind somewhere between Red Dwarf and Galaxy Quest in your pantheon of science fiction comedy. Funny, FUNNY, stuff!

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

CBC Radio One’s Q talks RIP a copyright manifesto and WATCHMEN

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Q: The PodcastThis morning I got a phone call.

My mom: “Jesse turn on the radio.”

Jesse: “I’ll get the podcast.”

And here it is Q: The Podcast for Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009.

Do newspapers need public funding?* ‘RIP: A Remix Manifesto‘, Canadian doc about mash-up culture* Jesse Wente on comic-inspired movies* Watchmen illustrator Dave Gibbons.

Download |MP3| or subscribe:


Here’s the trailer for RIP…

On Watchmen: Everybody’s talking to artist Dave Gibbons (Q included) because author Alan Moore isn’t involved with the WATCHMEN movie. Moore has sworn off a lot of big corporations in fact. In the case of one deposition he’d had to give with regards to his dealings with the big corps he said – he would have been better treated had he “molested and murdered a busload of retarded children after giving them heroin.”

Which leads me to point out that the latest WATCHMEN merchandise, a DVD that turns the DC Moore/Gibbons graphic novel into a quasi-audiobook/animated movie. The credits for it do not include Alan Moore.

Posted by Jesse Willis

P.S. CBC, please FREE Apocalypse Al!