BBCR4 + Gulliver’s Travels – a magnificent new RADIO DRAMA adaptation

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4RadioArchives.ccSFFaudio EssentialI’ve just finished listening to the new BBC Radio 4 Classic Serial adaptation of Gulliver’s Travels. And now I must tell you that this version, written by Matthew Broughton and directed by Sam Hoyle for BBC Cymru/Wales, is one the finest radio drama adaptations of any book that I’ve ever heard!

It’s stupendous! Of course the acting is wonderful, it’s BBC, and the sound design is unimpeachable, it’s BBC, but it’s the writing, the choices made in what to keep and how to play it, the particular attention to the audio medium that makes this version of Gulliver’s Tavels so magnificent. The three hour production allows for a much richer experience. I found myself curious, surprised, and delighted in each of the three episodes.

Here’s a snippet of Laura Pledger’s review from the Radio Times:

“this is a rollicking adventure awash with humour, taking potshots at everything from the Brits abroad to politics — shots that hit their targets as accurately as Lilliputian arrows skewer a man-mountain.”

I think she’s totally underselling it. I was fully submerged into the world of the play, variously laughing and frightened. The interweaving of the audio and the visuals they conjured up in me made this the best audio experience of my year so far.

Part of my amazement comes from my recent close familiarity with the the novel. Over the years I’d read plenty of the adaptations, seen the parodies, collected the comics, watched the movies, even heard radio dramas. They were alright, but I really didn’t know what I was missing until I compared them with the original text. Which I did just over a year ago when we talked about the book itself, in The SFFaudio Podcast #094.

The problem with all the adaptations, abridgements, and movies is actually addressed in this production in a terrific framing story.

To fully appreciate the magnificence of this adaptation I recommend you too first experience the unexpurgated original text.

And if you do I am confident that you will be then very well placed to see just how marvelous an adaptation this three part, 170 minute, production is.

The entire three part serial is available via |TORRENT| at

Episode 1 – Broadcast February 5, 2012
Gulliver is shipwrecked on the Island of Lilliput where the natives are tiny people living in a miniature society. With his unique overview of this realm, Gulliver discovers a world of petty politics and small minds. Coerced into a war between two nations who disagree on the best way to eat boiled eggs, Gulliver finds himself betrayed by friends and battered by enemies – escape is his only option if he wants to survive! Gulliver’s adventures in Lilliput are hilarious, disturbing and profound. This is a story of dishonest politicians, mindless ceremony and wars based on unconvincing arguments. A satire as potent now as it ever was! Gulliver’s Travels quickly became a classic. The book has become not only the defining work of its author but also of its genre – a landmark in English Literature to which all satirists today can trace a heritage.

Episode 2 – Broadcast February 12, 2012
Gulliver’s adventures continue when he finds himself in Brobdingnag – a land where the inhabitants are enormous! Here, as a miniature man, Gulliver must fight for survival against rats the size of dogs, a dwarf who is 40 foot high, and the ridicule and humiliation of a scornful court. With his uniquely close-up view, Gulliver sees the people (even the great beauties) as if under a microscope – and they are dirty, stinking and disgusting. He becomes increasingly horrified by humankind, stranded in a frightening land where his only ally is an innocent child. Once again, escape is imperative – if he doesn’t, he won’t survive… As an exploration of of man’s vanity and complacency, Gulliver’s second voyage is an acute satire – as relevant today as ever. Beyond that, it is also a rattling good adventure story – a man lost, swashbuckling his way through manifold giant-sized dangers, desperate to find a way back home.

Episode 3 – Broadcast February 19, 2012
The last voyages of Jonathan Swift’s story are the lesser told. Gulliver finds himself on the floating Island of Laputa, where he encounters mad scientists and the terrifying ghosts of the great and the good. He flees from these intellectual and spiritual horrors, only to finally find a kind of Eden with the Houyhnhnms, a race of intelligent and gentle horses. However, in this land, humans – or as they are called, the ‘Yahoos’ – are considered vermin. The dark and traumatizing experiences Gulliver has in this land change his life (and his wife and family’s lives) forever. With the satire here focused on crazy scientific experimentation, superstition, and finally spiritual desolation – Gulliver’s Travels is as modern and potent now as it has ever been.

Arthur Darvill as Gulliver
Matthew Gravelle
Sam Dale
Bethan Walker
Judith Faultless
Richard Nicol
Chris Pavlo
Claire Cage
Lynne Seymour
Gareth Pierce
Ewan Bailey
Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: Where do you listen to audiobooks and podcasts?

SFFaudio Commentary

Where do you listen to audiobooks and podcasts?

I listen to a lot of novel length audiobooks while walking.

Pitt River Dyke, British Columbia

I listen to audiobooks when walking to work, from work, or walking a dog.

Short stories are for folding laundry, cooking or loading and unloading a dishwasher.

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time with Melvyn BraggCBC Radio One - IdeasEntitled Opinions (about life and literature)

Depending on the length of the trip I either listen to audiobooks or podcasts while driving. Short podcasts are no good for long drives. So for longer drives I listen to BBC Radio 4’s In Our Time, CBC Radio One’s Ideas, or WKZU’s Entitled Opinions.

TVO Search Engine with Jesse Brown - Audio PodcastCBC Radio - SparkFreakonomics

There are a few podcasts I consistently like to hear only on weekday mornings, like TVO’s Search Engine, CBC’s Spark, and WNYC’s Freakonomics. They somehow just seem to set the right tone – and that tone just doesn’t work for me in the evenings.

The Memory Palace with Nate DiMeoToday In Canadian HistoryEli Glasner On Film

Some podcasts, like The Memory Palace, Today In Canadian History, and Eli Glasner On Film are so short I reserve them almost exclusively for walking to or from a car.

TriangulationGweekFresh Ink

At the gym, while pumping iron, I tend to listen to interview podcasts like TWiT’s Triangulation, or Boing Boing’s Gweek. On the stationary bike I watch G4’s Fresh Ink because that’s a video podcast.

BrokenSea Audio Presents: OTR Swag CastRadio Drama RevivalDecoder Ring TheatreI listen to audio drama almost exclusively in the evening. OTR Swag Cast, Radio Drama Revival, and Decoder Ring Theatre, are turned on in the minutes before I go to sleep.

Forgotten ClassicsUvula AudioNew Books In Public PolicyI listen to a couple of shows, Forgotten Classics and Science News Update, almost exclusively while getting dressed or clipping fingernails and toenails. I also listen to podcasts while in the bathroom – and that’s where my big pet peeve with podcasts comes most to a head – too many are just too quiet.

While brushing my teeth and when showering you need a decent volume to overcome the white noise of running water. I can’t listen to New Books In Public Policy in the bathroom, it’s volume is just way too low.

Where do you listen? And what do you listen to there?

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Arena: Philip K Dick: A Day In The Afterlife (video documentary)

SFFaudio News

Thomas M. Disch (author), Brian Aldiss (author), Kim Stanley Robinson (author), Tim Powers (author), Terry Gilliam (filmmaker), Lawrence Sutin (biographer), Paul Williams (biographer), Barry Spatz (analyst), Kleo Mini (second wife), Anne Dick (third wife), Tessa Dick (fifth wife), Jim Blaylock (friend), Russel Galen (agent) talk about Philip K. Dick and his writings in this 1994 TV documentary made for BBC TV’s Arena. The interstitial readings from Dick’s fiction are narrated by Greg Proops.

1126 Fransisco St, Berkley, CA – home of Philip K. Dick from 1950 to 1958:
1126 Fransisco St., Berkley, CA

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4: In Our Time – a new podcast for every subject with shows from the past 14 years

SFFaudio Online Audio

Our friend Anne has added a wonderful new post to his Anne Is A Man blog about podcasts. Says Anne:

“I used to write that one should always download the In Our Time podcasts and keep for ever. The BBC used to keep only the last episode in the feed. In case one had not kept the episode, the only option to listen was to go to the on-line archive and listen while streaming. While that has become less and less of a bother with WiFi all around and capable smartphones, it still was a pity you had no option. All of this now belongs to the past; the archive is also available for download and one can lay ones hands on any chapter ever.”

The archive has been categorized into five separate feeds, sorted by subject:

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time - CultureIn Our Time Archive – Culture
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of ideas. Topics in the Culture feed include: architecture, the Renaissance, writing forms (like the novel, the sonnett and biography), as well as a multitude of specific persons.

Podcast feed:

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time - HistoryIn Our Time Archive – History

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of ideas. Topics in the History feed include: The Wars of the Roses, specific battles, a multitude of historical personages, as well as the history of tea.

Podcast feed:

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time - PhilosophyIn Our Time Archive – Philosophy

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of ideas. Topics in the Philosophy feed include: just war, rhetoric, great thinkers (Confucius, Popper, Socrates) as well as specific works of philosophy.

Podcast feed:

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time - ReligionIn Our Time Archive – Religion

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of ideas. Topics in the Religion feed include: fundamentalism, prayer, the Devil, paganism, the Holy Grail, and the Spanish Inquisition.

Podcast feed:

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time - ScienceIn Our Time Archive – Science

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the history of ideas. Topics in the Religion feed include: genetic engineering, artificial intelligence (and regular intelligence), quantum gravity, oceanography, aliens and cryptography.

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: What use is public radio in a time of podcasts?

SFFaudio Commentary

Of what use is public radio in a time of podcasts?

That is, other than providing the funding for programmes that can be podcast – is there any use for radio medium specifically?

I suggest there is.

BBC - Transmissions To Schools (1927 and 1928)

Beyond giving local news and weather, there’s a traditional use which could be used again. Consider these two 1920s BBC publications, pamphlets in the “BBC Transmissions To Schools” series:

Boys And Girls Of The Middle Ages by Rhoda Power with illustrations by Elinor Lambert |PDF|
Broadcasts on Mondays from September 26 – December 12, 1927 at 2:30pm

Boys And Girls Of Other Days by Rhoda Power with illustrations by Elinor Lambert and others |PDF|
Broadcasts on Mondays from January 16 – March 26, 1928 at 2:30pm

BBC, CBC and ABC Radio National do a tremendous job at providing excellence in public adult programming with an educational bent, but in terms of children it seems to fall very short

The above documents show how public radio broadcasting can help with education of elementary school children. I’d love to see some education programming of this sort, aimed at children, turning up on CBC radio, with PDF downloads and podcast feeds as a compliment to national broadcasts.

For more information on the use of radio in schools,

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4: In Our Time: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4 - In Our Time with Melvyn BraggThe latest BBC Radio 4 In Our Time podcast, dated December 22, 2011, is a discussion of Daniel Defoe‘s Robinson Crusoe. Did you know that the novel was originally published pseudonymously? Or that Defoe wasn’t actually born with the name Defoe, but rather “Foe”? (he added the “De”). As usual In Our Time‘s podcast is a quick solid introduction to a fascinating topic. Here’s the official description:

“Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe. Published in 1719, it was an immediate success and is considered the classic adventure story – the sailor stranded on a desert island who learns to tame the environment and the native population. Robinson Crusoe has been interpreted in myriad ways, from colonial fable to religious instruction manual to capitalist tract, yet it is perhaps best known today as a children’s story. Melvyn Bragg is joined by Karen O’Brien, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education at the University of Birmingham; Judith Hawley, Professor of Eighteenth-Century Literature at Royal Holloway, University of London and Bob Owens, Emeritus Professor of English Literature at the Open University.”


Podcast feed:

Thank you very much British taxpayers!

Posted by Jesse Willis