The SFFaudio Podcast #006


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #006 is here. Six is the loneliest number (after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) dontchanknow. In this our 6th, and sixth loneliest, show we’re asking lonely questions like: ‘If you had to choose a universe without either Ray Bradbury or Neil Gaiman, which would you pick?’ And ‘Which is the worst audiobook recording ever made?’ Pod-in to find out the answers to these and many more exciting questions that nobody asked us.

Topics discussed include:

StarShipSofa’s Aural Delights
, Paul Campbell, Michael Marshall Smith, The Seventeenth Kind, Estalvin’s Legacy, Rebels Of The Red Planet, Charles L. Fontenay, The 2nd SFFaudio Challenge, Parallel Worlds, The Graveyard Book, Neil Gaiman, The Jungle Book, American Gods, The Fix Online, Audiobook Fix, author read audiobooks, Harlan Ellison, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Stephen King, Robert J. Sawyer, James Patrick Kelly, Good Omens, Terry Pratchett, Neverwhere, Gary Bakewell, if you had to pick…, Stardust, Douglas Adams, Roger Zelazny, The Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul, radio drama, BBC Radio 4, BBC iplayer, Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer, The Supernaturalist, The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy [the Ivory Coast edition], The Spanish Prisoner, Strange Horizons, Shaun Farrell, From iTunes to the Bookshelves: The First Wave of Podcast Novelists,, Nathan Lowell, Quarter Share, Evo Terra, Pavlovian experience, Ed McBain, Donald E. Westlake, NPR, Driveway Moments,

Posted by Jesse Willis

Hear the entire The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

SFFaudio Online Audio

Harper Audio - The Graveyard Book by Neil GaimanLibrarian Susan Duman points out…

Neil Gaiman’s new book, The Graveyard Book, was released this week and Neil’s on a U.S. book tour. At each stop he reads a different chapter of his book in front of an audience, which is recorded – both audio and video – and posted on the web. At the end of the tour, those following each video installment will have had the opportunity to hear the entire book. This approach has the potential to do a number of things, not least of which is to make Neil’s fans happy. (I’m a fan and it makes me happy!) But it also shows potential buyers of the audiobook (which Neil narrates) that Neil can indeed do a wonderful job reading his own material. And I guess the thinking is that if listeners like his public reading, then they might consider purchasing the audiobook version – a clean production minus audience coughs, claps, and other distracting noises. Or, if you prefer the print version, I suppose it still publicizes that as well.

Here are the first three…

Have a look at the rest of the readings as they are released HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy – The 419 edition

SFFaudio Online Audio

419Eater.comAs many of you may know we like our audiobooks UNABRIDGED and read by professionals. Which is why I think you’ll be pleased to hear there is a new UNABRIDGED audiobook version of Douglas Adam’s incomparable The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy available for your listening pleasure. Even better, it’s one hundred percent free!

And… just by giving out your bank account details and password there’s even the prospect of earning FIFTEEN Million US Dollars!!!



“My apologies. I made an honest mistake. My glasses are not working well today (I forgot to change the batteries) and I was reading the number incorrectly”

Well, that’s almost the story – the nearly unbelievable story of the latest UNABRIDGED production of The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy documented on is a website that turns those pesky Spanish Prisoner (AKA Nigerian Prince) scams on their heads – reverse-grifting the criminals. The website chronicles various “baits,” with e-mail exchanges, MP3s of recorded phone calls, photos and more between the baiters and the scammers. The scam that attracted me was one in which a non-existent audiobook company gets a scammer to read and record the entire The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. The entire reverse-scam is documented HERE. And here is the fruit of that bizarre labour….

The HitchHiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas AdamsThe Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy
By Douglas Adams; Read by Chinweoke Trevor Nwauzor
36 Zipped MP3 Files – Approx. 8 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: July 2007
When contractors arrive at Earthling Arthur Dent’s house in order to demolish it to make way for a bypass. Arthur’s friend Ford Prefect arrives as Arthur is attempting to talk the demolition crew into leaving his house standing, and talks Arthur into coming to a local pub with him, at which point Ford explains that he (Ford) is actually from a planet somewhere near Betelgeuse and that they have to get off the planet before it’s demolished. An alien race of bureaucrats called Vogons intend to destroy Earth to make way for a “hyperspace bypass.”


Chapter 01 Chapter 08 Chapter 15 Chapter 22 Chapter 29
Chapter 02 Chapter 09 Chapter 16 Chapter 23 Chapter 30
Chapter 03 Chapter 10 Chapter 17 Chapter 24 Chapter 31
Chapter 04 Chapter 11 Chapter 18 Chapter 25 Chapter 32
Chapter 05 Chapter 12 Chapter 19 Chapter 26 Chapter 33
Chapter 06 Chapter 13 Chapter 20 Chapter 27 Chapter 34
Chapter 07 Chapter 14 Chapter 21 Chapter 28 Chapter 35

So ya, this is a pretty awful reading, perhaps the worst reading of an audiobook ever. Amazing that it was achieved, but it is not really listenable. The only part of it I thought that works is when we hear the Vogon poetry (Chapter 7). It’s really, really, really bad.

And for you paperbook aficionado’s there’s a handwritten version of J.K. Rowling’s first Harry Potter book available over on, all 249 pages of it.

Posted by Jesse Willis

*not seriously

LibriVox: Out Of Time’s Abyss by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxPaul Williams of the Librivox admin team writes in to say:

Just wanted to clue all of you over at SFFAudio in that Ralph Snelson has completed Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Caspak series over at Librivox. He completed Out of Time’s Abyss on September 16.

Duly noted and detailed below Paul, thanks!

The entire series is now complete, all read by one guy! Huzzah!

Book one is |HERE|
Book two is |HERE|
Book three is here…

LibriVox Science Fiction - Out Of Time’s Abyss by Edgar Rice BurroughsOut Of Time’s Abyss
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Ralph Snelson
5 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 3 Hours 43 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 2008
Out of Time’s Abyss is a science fiction novel, the third of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Caspak” trilogy. In this conclusion, the mysteries of the lost world’s unique biological systems are revealed.

Podcast feed:

This was a triumph.
I’m making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Posted by Jesse Willis review of Swords Against Deviltry by Fritz Leiber

SFFaudio News

Tor.comNoted editor, blogger and cool guy John Joseph Adams has posted a lengthy essay on Audible Frontiers’ new Lankhmar audiobooks, particularity Fritz Leiber’s Swords Against Deviltry), over on

“…So it was with great anticipation that I started listening. But man, I forgot how boring and long that first story is.”

Go read the entire post HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox – Ghost Story Collection Volume #006

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxThis collection, number 6 in the LibriVox lineup of Ghost stories, has some non-ghostly tales; there are indeed some very ghostly things that happen in a lot of them but it isn’t a pure collection. I’d judge this as a very fair Fantasy collection made a shade horrific. It’s mostly ghostly. And, the inclusion of three Robert E. Howard yarns will likely make it one of the more popular of LibriVox’s many short story collections thus far released. Most narrators here have good recording conditions, some are raw amateurs, beginners in reading and recording, others are polished amateurs. Overall, very fun listening.

Here’s a bit from the forum the LibriVox thread that captures it all nicely:

“What is a ghost story? M.R. James listed a number of features of the ‘English’ ghost story: the pretence of truth; ‘a pleasing terror’; no gratuitous bloodshed or sex; no ‘explanation of the machinery’; with the setting being ‘those of the writer’s and reader’s own day’. Roughly speaking, this gives the taste of what we’re after, but the setting can be anywhere, of course. To me, the most effective stories have perhaps something of love in them, something of sadness, an other-worldliness, a touch of fear, a shiver of the hair on the back of your neck.”

LibriVox Fantasy Audiobook - Ghost Story Collection Volume #006Ghost Story Collection Volume #006
By various; Read by various
10 Zipped MP3s or Podcast – Approx. 3 Hours 32 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
“A collection of ten pieces, read by various readers, about the unreal edges of this world in legend and story; tales of love, death and beyond. If just one story prickles the hair on the back of your neck, or prickles your eyelids with the touch of tears, we will have succeeded.”

Stories included:

LibriVox Fantasy - Children Of The Moon by Richard MiddletonChildren Of The Moon
By Richard Middleton; Read by Virgil
1 |MP3| – Approx. 13 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
I liked the language in this one, and narrator Virgil seems to be having a lot of fun with it.

LibriVox Fantasy - Ghosts That Have Haunted Me by John Kendrick BangsGhosts That Have Haunted Me
By John Kendrick Bangs; Read by James Christopher
1 |MP3| – Approx. 25 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
“My scheme of living is based upon being true to myself. You may class me with Baron Munchausen if you choose; I shall not mind so long as I have the consolation of feeling, deep down in my heart, that I am a true realist, and diverge not from the paths of truth as truth manifests itself to me.”

LibriVox Fantasy - Gods Of The North by Robert E. HowardGods of the North
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Rowdy Delaney
1 |MP3| – Approx. 21 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
A winter war in the mountains of Vanaheim and a bit of gossamer are all that stand between Conan of Cimmeria and a frosty beauty who spurns him. First published in Fantasy Fan, March 1934. Alternate titles include: The Frost Giant’s Daughter, The Frost King’s Daughter.

LibriVox Fantasy - A Haunted House by Virginia WoolfA Haunted House
By Virginia Woolf; Read by David Federman
1 |MP3| – Approx. 6 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
A quick stream of consciousness tale with an iconic title by an icon of literature.

LibriVox Fantasy - The Man Who Was Not On The Passenger List by Robert BarrThe Man Who Was Not On The Passenger
By Robert Barr; Read by Anna Simon
1 |MP3| – Approx. 12 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
An unaccounted for passenger on a luxury liner is somehow tied into a stranger annual payment given to a widow. A well written, almost modernly styled tale. Anna Simon’s reading is Germanic accented, but not at all displeasing.

LibriVox Fantasy - No Living Voice by Thomas Street MillingtonNo Living Voice
By Thomas Street Millington; Read by Annoying Twit
1 |MP3| – Approx. 23 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
Written by an English clergyman. Set in Italy. A vacationer with an out-of-order visa discovers some mischief and strange sounds.

LibriVox Fantasy - The Old Nurse’s Story by Elizabeth Cleghorn GaskellThe Old Nurse’s Story
By Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell; Read by Jane Greensmith
1 |MP3| – Approx. 51 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
First published in 1852, this is an early Victorian ghost story, a novella by the biographer and popularizer of Charlotte Brontë. This is a dramatic tale full of manor intrigue, mysterious rooms and more mysterious screaming. All that and plenty of descriptions of character complexions .

LibriVox Fantasy - Rattle Of Bones by Robert E. HowardRattle Of Bones
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Rowdy Delaney
1 |MP3| – Approx. 24 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
First published in the June 1929 issue of Weird Tales magazine. Solomon Kane, stops at a grim inn of the Black Forest. To survive the night he’ll need fight demonry and witchcraft, and bandits all.

LibriVox Fantasy - The Red Room by H.G. WellsThe Red Room
By H.G. Wells; Read by Virgil
1 |MP3| – Approx. 22 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
From the 19th comes one of the most copied stories of the modern 20th and 21st centuries. The Red Room illustrates the internal human conflict between rationality and the irrational fear of the unknown. The protagonist spends the night in a haunted room in isolated castle in an effort to debunk the legends surrounding it. The most recent example is the Stephen King’s story “1408” from the audio collection Blood and Smoke.

LibriVox Fantasy - Skulls In The Stars by Robert E. HowardThe Skull In The Stars
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Rowdy Delaney
1 |MP3| – Approx. 24 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 21st 2008
First published in the January 1929 issue of Weird Tales magazine. The protagonist, Solomon Kane, is a Puritan who must go against his own moral code to defeat a creature of darkness.

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis