FREE LISTENS REVIEW: The Curse of Capastrano


The Curse of Capastrano by Johnston McCulley

Source: Librivox (zipped mp3s)Curse of Capistrano
Length: 6 hr, 34 min
Reader: Barry Eads

The book: Never heard of this book? Perhaps that’s because it’s the secret identity of its more famous alter-ego. Following the successful Douglas Fairbanks movie based on The Curse of Capastrano, McCulley reissued his novel under the same name as the silent film: The Mark of Zorro.

It’s easy to see why this book became a blockbuster film; it’s full of action, humor, romance, and plot twists. McCulley has a great sense of pacing, building up suspense and taking Zorro from scene to scene with great efficiency. Each short chapter ends with a mini-cliffhanger. Many of the supporting characters are one-dimensional, but I was happily surprised to find the main female character, Lolita, to be a self-reliant woman with a brain, rather than a damsel in distress.The Curse of Capastrano is a great short action-adventure book, perfect for putting a little pep in your morning commute or gym routine.

Rating: 9/10

The reader: Barry Eads does a terrific job with this narration. There are a number of speaking characters in this book, and Eads does a distinct voice for each one, making it easy to figure out who is talking. Even his female voices are believable. He varies the pacing and tone of his narration to keep up with the changes in action, making it easier to follow Zorro’s spectacular feats. The only fault I could find is that Eads tends to mispronounce some of the many Spanish words, but if you’re not a Spanish speaker, you will have no problem with this.

Posted by Seth

Review of Suck It Wonder Woman by Olivia Munn and Mac Montandon

SFFaudio Review

MACMILLAN AUDIO - Suck It Wonder Woman by Olivia Munn and Mac MontandonSuck It, Wonder Woman: The Misadventures Of A Hollywood Geek
By Olivia Munn and Mac Montandon; Read by Olivia Munn
4 CDs – Approx. 5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Puiblisher: Macmillian Audio
Published: July 2010
ISBN: 9781427209825
Themes: / Autobiography / Sexuality / Oklahoma / California / Japan / Robots / Zombies / Pie /

Sample |MP3|

Today’s hottest geek and host of G4’s Attack Of The Show dishes her unique brand of humor of on everything from Star Wars, gadgets, and her love of banana cream pie. Olivia Munn is an actress, comedian and television host, best known for being the face of the G4 network. She also occasionally likes to get dressed up as Wonder Woman. SUCK IT WONDER WOMAN is her paean to Geeks everywhere. Using her trademark humor in essays like THOUGHTS ABOUT MY FIRST AGENT’S GIRLFRIEND’S VAGINA she skewers what it’s like to live in Hollywood. In “SEX: WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOURSELF HAVE MORE OF IT” she frankly gets down to the business of getting it on. In “WHAT TO DO WHEN THE ROBOTS INVADE (YES, WHEN!),” Olivia offers valuable information on… what to do when the robots invade! And just when you thought she couldn’t get any more Geeky, she can. This book also includes an Olivia Munn timeline of great moments in Geek history and her answers to the Unofficial Geek FAQ. Is it any wonder that Olivia Munn is quickly becoming the most powerful Geek on the planet? SUCK IT WONDER WOMAN is a humorous look at geeks, gadgets, Hollywood, and huge heapings of banana cream pie.

When this audiobook arrived I didn’t recognize the author or what exactly it was. I’d seen Attack Of The Show, and at least one of the episodes of The Daily Show in which she appeared, but something dimly pinged and I decided to give it a listen. Maybe part of it is that I’ve been a sucker for biographical audiobooks since I first stumbled across Michael Caine’s amazing reading of his autobiography What’s It All About?. Since then I’d read maybe a half dozen more. I’m sad to say most were only marginally interesting, but they never sucked, and I’ve found you can learn a hell of a lot about history by hearing about individual lives. The only biography that’s come as close to recreating that first experience was perhaps, rather strangely, a Blackstone Audio version of The Most Dangerous Man In America: Scenes From The Life Of Benjamin Franklin by Catherine Drinker Bowen. Weird huh? Yeah, Michael Caine and Benjamin Franklin have very little in common, other than being male and speakers of English. What they do share, however, is a kind of an ineffable interestingness. Caine’s story was full of a bewildering matter-of-factness, performed by the actor himself, and offered dozens of surprises and a whole lifetime’s worth of experience in the movies in less than three hours. Franklin, that auto-didactic man of letters, inventor, humorist and well … you’ll just have to go listen to the audiobook yourself … was completely and utterly amazing. Olivia Munn, and her book Suck It Wonder Woman are, on the other hand, entirely and completely effable. And by that I don’t only mean that there’s a lot of potty mouth in this audiobook.

Suck It Wonder Woman is potty mouthed and full of dirty stories about crazy people in Hollywood. There are also brief chapters on seemingly random, hip-sounding dos and don’ts. I’m not sure why these bits were added in. The audiobook works best when operating in the more serious storytelling sections. Munn’s description of herself as a child are fun and retrospectively insightful. One chapter, relating her relationship with her grandparents, is highly poigniant. That isn’t fluff. But not all of these stories are all that serious either. Her relating meetings with celebrities (named and unnamed) are surprising and frightening. And while the generalities of Munn’s life story, so far, aren’t particularly unique, she has some fun tales to tell. Munn makes for quite a sympathetic figure in all of the specifics of her life. And, her almost puppy-like eagerness to tell you about it, with her narration, is very endearing. When she relates her sadnesses, you are truly disheartened. But, as Munn reminds us, we can’t be too downcast, there’s always pie.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Recent Arrivals: Brilliance Audio

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

Brilliance AudioRecently arrived from Brilliance Audio…

First up, two books in the Vampire Earth series. According to wikipedia, this series depicts an Earth “occupied by aliens from a world known as Kur”, they’ve “taken over the world, destroying human society and enslaving the survivors. The novels follow the life of David Valentine, a young man who enlists with Southern Command, one of the few remnants of the old U.S. government scattered around, as he follows his heart even when it conflicts with orders.”…

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - Tale Of The Thunderbolt by E.E. KnightTale Of The Thunderbolt (Book 3 in the Vampire Earth series)
By E.E. Knight; Read by Christian Rummel
10 CDs or 1 MP3-CD – Approx. 12 hours[UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: May 2010
ISBN: 9781441815675 (cd), 9781441815699 (mp3-cd)
Possessed of an unnatural and legendary hunger, the Reapers have come to Earth to establish a New Order built on the harvesting of enslaved human souls. They rule the planet. They thrive on the scent of fear. And if it is night, as sure as darkness, they will come. It’s the 48th year of the Kurian Order. The alien, vampiric Kur and their avatars, the Reapers, control most of Earth – their new feeding ground. Humanity is scattered and survives only at their new masters’ whims. But the Resistance is attempting to reclaim Earth. David Valentine, member of the elite Cat spy force, is in enemy uniform aboard the aging gunboat Thunderbolt. Whispers have reached him of the discovery of a long-lost weapon in the Caribbean – the first glimmer of hope for humanity to finally defeat the Reapers. Control of the ship lies in the hands of a tyrannical captain, and nothing short of full-scale mutiny can win it back. With only a few loyal sailors at his side, Valentine embarks on a terrifying journey through the deadly waters of the Gulf, searching for the weapon that will guarantee that this year – the 48th year of the Kurian Order’s domination of Earth – will be the Kurians’ last… Bonus Audio: Includes an exclusive introduction by author E.E. Knight.

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - Valentines Rising by E.E. KnightValentine’s Rising (Book 4 in the Vampire Earth series)
By E.E. Knight; Read by Christian Rummel
10 CDs or 1 MP3-CD – Approx. 10 Hours 44 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: July 2010
ISBN: 9781441815729 (cd), 9781441815743 (mp3-CD)
Possessed of an unnatural and legendary hunger, the Reapers have come to Earth to establish a New Order built on the harvesting of enslaved human souls. They rule the planet. They thrive on the scent of fear. And if it is night, as sure as darkness, they will come. Ozark Free Territory, 2071: The Kurian Order has reigned for 50 years. Using the dreaded power of their Reaper avatars, the alien, vampiric Kur hold dominion over the Earth and its inhabitants. Yet there are those who would rather die fighting than surrender to the unquenchable thirst of the enemy – those like David Valentine. Returning to the Ozark Free Territory, Valentine is shocked to find it overrun by Kurians under the command of the merciless Consul Solon. In a bid to turn the tide, Valentine leads a courageous group of soldiers on a desperate mission to drive a spike into the gears of the Kurian Order. Valentine stakes life, honor, and the future of his home on a rebellion that sparks the greatest battle of his life – one that he may not survive… Bonus Audio: Includes an exclusive introduction by author E.E. Knight.

Peter Straub likes this one, he calls it “a zombie novel like none other. Crisp, smooth and stylish, it zips along from scene to scene, accumulating tension, humor and insight as it accelerates.” And, I’ve liked a lot of Peter Straub’s audiobooks. Could this just be the zombie novel that won’t soften up my brains?

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - The Loving Dead by Amelia BeamerThe Loving Dead
By Amelia Beamer; Read by Emily Durante
7 CDs or 1 MP3-CD – Approx. 8 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: July 2010
ISBN: 9781441868343 (cd), 9781441868367 (mp3-cd)
Kate and Michael, twenty-something housemates working at the same Trader Joe’s supermarket, are thoroughly screwed when people start turning into zombies at their house party in the Oakland hills. The zombie plague is a sexually transmitted disease, turning its victims into shambling, horny, voracious killers. Thrust into extremes by the unfolding tragedy, Kate and Michael are forced to confront the decisions they’ve made, and their fears of commitment, while trying to stay alive. Michael convinces Kate to meet him in the one place in the Bay Area that’s likely to be safe and secure from the zombie hordes: Alcatraz. But can they stay human long enough?

Back when I heard about this being released as an exclusive in 2008 I wrote: “Recipe for happiness: Give it a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1958, wait 50 years, make audiobook…” But now it seems like wait two more years and you get DOUBLE HAPPINESS with a DRM free version! I think this title may be headed straight to the top of my to-be- listened-to stack…

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - The Big Time by Fritz LeiberThe Big Time
By Fritz Leiber; Read by Suzanne Toren
4 CDs or 1 MP3-CD – Approx. 5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: August 2010
ISBN: 9781441875129 (cd), 9781441875143 (mp3-cd)
Have you ever worried about your memory because it doesn’t seem to recall exactly the same past from one day to the next? Have you ever thought you might be changing because of forces beyond your control? Have you ever thought that the whole universe might be a crazy, mixed-up dream? If you have, then you’ve had hints of the Change War. It’s been going on for a billion years and it’ll last another billion or so. Up and down the timeline, the two sides – “Spiders” and “Snakes” – battle endlessly to change the future and the past. Our lives, our memories, are their battleground. And in the midst of the war is the Place, outside space and time, where Greta Forzane and the other Entertainers provide solace and R and R for tired time warriors.

WARNING: MILITARY SCIENCE FICTION AHEAD! … John Ringo is virtually a one man army, specifically, with regards to massing hefty audiobooks. Here’s the latest weighty release. It’s from the Legacy of the Aldenata (aka Posleen War) series…

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - Gust Front by John RingoGust Front (Book 2 in the Legacy of the Aldenata series)
By John Ringo; Read by Marc Vietor
21 CDs or 2 MP3-CDs – Approx. 26 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: June 2010
ISBN: 9781441866141 (cd), 9781441866165 (mp3-cd)
Our choice was simple: we could be cannon fodder, or we could be…fodder. We could send our forces to fight and die (as only humans can) against a ravening horde that was literally feeding on its interstellar conquests — or remain as we were — virtually weaponless and third in line for servicing. Amazingly, thanks to a combination of raw valor and alien tech transfer, in the first two campaigns Terrans fought the Posleen to a standstill. The brief pause gave the survivors of the Barwhon and Diess Expeditionary Forces a chance to get some distance from the blood and misery of battle against the Posleen centaurs. With the Posleen invasion only months away these shell-shocked survivors might be the only people capable of saving the Earth from utter devastation.

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibiVox: The Curse Of Capistrano by Johnston McCulley

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxHere’s Zorro in his fabulous first novel! It’s got short, exciting chapters and features an effeminate Don Diego de la Vega (that’s Zorro’s secret alter ego) in his very first adventure! Narrator Barry Eads throws every voice he’s got at the book, and you know what? It works pretty well!

Never having read any of the Zorro books before, I was surprised to see exactly how oddly faithful George Hamilton’s version of Zorro was to the original material!

LibiVox - The Curse Of Capistrano by Johnston McCulleyThe Curse Of Capistrano (#1 in the Zorro series)
By Johnston McCulley; Read by Barry Eads
39 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 6 Hours 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: September 1, 2010
The Curse of Capistrano by Johnston McCulley is the first work to feature the fictional character Zorro (zorro is the Spanish word for fox). The story was later republished under the name The Mark of Zorro. Senor Zorro is deemed an outlaw as he fights those in authority while seeking justice for the oppressed. He also woos and captures the heart of the lovely Senorita Lolita, but her father would see her married to the rich Don Diego Vega. Meanwhile, the ever persistent Sgt. Gonzales is closing in on our lovers and would means to see the end of Senor Zorro. Originally serialized in All-Story Weekly in 1919 and was later published, in 1924, under the title The Mark Of Zorro.

Podcast feed:

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[Thanks also to Elli; Joy Easton]

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Releases: Random House Audio: Dexter Is Delicious

Aural Noir: New Releases

Random House Audio is releasing the fifth and latest book in the Dexter Morgan series on Tuesday. This time it’s read by the author! All four of the previous audiobooks in the series were narrated by Nick Landrum for Recorded Books

RANDOM HOUSE AUDIO - Dexter Is Delicious by Jeff LindsayDexter Is Delicious
By Jeff Lindsay; Read by Jeff Lindsay
9 CDs – Approx. 11 Hours 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Random House Audio
Published: September 7, 2010
ISBN: 9780307577542
Dexter Morgan has always lived a happy homicidal life. He keeps his dark urges in check by adhering to one stead­fast rule . . . he only kills very bad people. But now Dexter is experiencing some major life changes—don’t we all?—and they’re mostly wrapped up in the eight-pound curiosity that is his newborn daughter. Family bliss is cut short, however, when Dexter is summoned to investigate the disappearance of a seventeen-year-old girl who has been running with a bizarre group of goths who fancy themselves to be vampires. As Dexter gets closer to the truth of what happened to the missing girl, he realizes they are not really vampires so much as cannibals. And, most disturbing . . . these people have decided they would really like to eat Dexter.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Recent Arrivals: Macmillan Audio, Galaxy Audio, Penguin Audio

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

A short audiobook of autobiographical essays…

MACMILLAN AUDIO - Suck It Wonder Woman by Olivia Munn and Mac MontandonSuck It, Wonder Woman: The Misadventures Of A Hollywood Geek
By Olivia Munn and Mac Montandon; Read by Olivia Munn
4 CDs – Approx. 5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Puiblisher: Macmillan Audio
Published: July 2010
ISBN: 9781427209825
Sample |MP3|
Today’s hottest geek and host of G4’s ATTACK OF THE SHOW dishes her unique brand of humor of on everything from Star Wars, gadgets, and her love of banana cream pie. Olivia Munn is an actress, comedian and television host, best known for being the face of the G4 network. She also occasionally likes to get dressed up as Wonder Woman. SUCK IT WONDER WOMAN is her paean to Geeks everywhere. Using her trademark humor in essays like THOUGHTS ABOUT MY FIRST AGENT’S GIRLFRIEND’S VAGINA she skewers what it’s like to live in Hollywood. In “SEX: WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOURSELF HAVE MORE OF IT” she frankly gets down to the business of getting it on. In “WHAT TO DO WHEN THE ROBOTS INVADE (YES, WHEN!),” Olivia offers valuable information on… what to do when the robots invade! And just when you thought she couldn’t get any more Geeky, she can. This book also includes an Olivia Munn timeline of great moments in Geek history and her answers to the Unofficial Geek FAQ. Is it any wonder that Olivia Munn is quickly becoming the most powerful Geek on the planet? SUCK IT WONDER WOMAN is a humorous look at geeks, gadgets, Hollywood, and huge heapings of banana cream pie.

Here’s one of the Science Fiction entries in Galaxy Audio’s Golden Age Stories collection…

GALAXY AUDIO - A Matter Of Matter by L. Ron HubbardA Matter Of Matter
By L. Ron Hubbard; Performed by Josh R. Thompson and a “multicast”
2 CDs – Approx. 2 Hours 18 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Galaxy Audio
Published: June 2010
ISBN: 9781592122394
Meet Chuck Lambert, who, though not exactly a fool, is guilty of letting his imagination get the best of his wits. That’s because our young, naive Lambert wants his own planet. But rather than purchase one legally from the Interior Department of the Outer Galactic Control, he soon succumbs to the flashy advertising of an unsavory galactic swindler named Madman Murphy—the purported King of Planetary Realtors. What Madman is the king of, is selling the unwary a planet that isn’t quite right, a planet where one can’t sit down because there’s something the matter with its matter. And that’s exactly what becomes the matter for our unlucky voyager, after Chuck toils for eleven grueling years to scrape together enough money to finally buy a planet of his own.
ALSO INCLUDES:The Conroy Diary,” “The Planet Makers” and “The Obsolete Weapon

Exciting author, boring cover, I’d like to see a Borges cover done by an SF artist…

PENGUIN AUDIO - Jorge Luis Borges: Collected FictionsJorge Luis Borges: Collected Fictions
By Jorge Luis Borges; Translated by Andrew Hurley; Read by George Guidall
Publisher: Penguin Audio
Published: July 2010
ISBN: 9780142428085
Jorge Luis Borges has been called the greatest Spanish-language writer of our century. Now, for the first time in English, all of Borges’ dazzling fictions are gathered into a single volume, brilliantly translated by Andrew Hurley. From his 1935 debut with “The Universal History of Iniquity“, through his immensely influential collections Ficciones and The Aleph, these enigmatic, elaborate, imaginative inventions display Borges’ talent for turning fiction on its head by playing with form and genre and toying with language. Together, these incomparable works comprise the perfect one-volume compendium for all those who have long loved Borges – and a superb introduction to the master’s work for those who have yet to discover this singular genius.

Posted by Jesse Willis