METAtropolis from Audible Frontiers: Lake, Scalzi, Bear, Buckell, Schroeder

New Releases

Audible Frontiers - METAtropolis : The Dawn Of UncivilizationMETAtropolis
By Jay Lake, John Scalzi, Elizabeth Bear, Tobias Buckell, Karl Schroeder; Read by Michael Hogan, Scott Brick, Kandyse McClure, Alessandro Juliani and Stefan Rudnicki
Audible Download – Approx. 9 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audible Frontiers
Published October 21st 2008
Five novellas by five of the hottest SF authors of today.
Novellas included:
In the Forests of the Night by Jay Lake; read by Michael Hogan
High in Oregon’s Cascades, a mysterious stranger named Tygre Tygre walks into the off-the-grid settlement known as Cascadiopolis and claims asylum. He is a man with no past and seemingly otherworldly abilities. Will he be the Cascadians’ salvation?
Stochasti-city by Tobias Buckell; read by Scott Brick
OK, Reg. You’re a bouncer who’s barely eking out a meager existence in the decaying Wilds outside Detroit. So a little job tracking the Eddies on their patrols seems like easy money. Well, think again, Reg. Because a riot’s about to happen… and you’re going to be the cause…
The Red in the Sky is Our Blood by Elizabeth Bear; read by Kandyse McClure
How does the stranger know Cadie’s real name – and why she’s on the run – and what it all has to do with the Ukrainian mob? He’s offering her freedom from possessions and a totally new way of life. But he wants just this one little favor…
Utere Nihil… by John Scalzi; read by Alessandro Juliani
The only thing Benji lacks more than ambition is luck. And his new job has to be the lowest of the low. But something is stirring in the zero-footprint economy of New St. Louis. And Benji’s about to find himself chin deep in the muck!
To Hie from Far Cilenia by Karl Schroeder; read by Stefan Rudnicki
Gennady’s an expert on nukes, so when the Interpol man hires him to track some stolen plutonium, it seems like business as usual. Except for this: all signs lead to – a place that doesn’t exist.

Listen to two METAtropolis authors discussion (John Scalzi and Tobias Buckell) |MP3| disucss the collection…

“The authors converse about writing for audio, how they artfully handle peculiar prose called infodumps, and the fun behind world-building in collaboration. How this team of five incorporated their lives into their novellas for METAtropolis and whether their frightening visions of the future could ever happen are also among the topics covered.”

Posted by Jesse Willis

METAtropolis sample

SFFaudio Online Audio

Audible Free Listen METAtropolis“Cascadiapoplis,” it sounds like some fictional city between Vancouver and Seattle. Which is appropriate given Michael Hogan’s Vancouver accent (Hogan is originally from Ontario, but his accent sounds Vancouver).

In what I think is the first ever pre-order for an audio exclusive title, is offering an immediate novella download for those who Pre-order METAtropolis (set to release on October 21st). By pre-ordering you’ll get the opening novella, In the Forests of the Night by Jay Lake, delivered to your Audible Library immediately. Then, on October 21, 2008, they’ll automatically drop the full, nine-hour audiobook (one download with all five exclusive novellas) into your Audible Library.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Orson Scott Card Selects #6 – Sirens Of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

SFFaudio Online Audio

Orson Scott Card Selects (presented by
Orson Scott Card’s October essay is available over on His subject this month is Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s Sirens Of Titan!

“The job that science fiction is supposed to make us rethink reality, make us live in a different universe”

You can check it out on the site itself, or simply listen direct |MP3|. Sirens Of Titan is literary fiction using SF set-dressing – Card promises we’ll love it, even when we hate it.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Options by John Varley – podcast on Spider On The Web

SFFaudio Online Audio

Spider On The Web - Spider Robinson’s podcastJohn Varley’s Hugo and Nebula nominated short story Options is the latest unabridged tale to be recorded by Spider Robinson for Spider Robinson’s Spider On The Web podcast. More of Varley’s work, four novels, will soon be available via too. According to Varley, Titan, Wizard, and Demon will be read by Allyson Johnson. While The Ophiuchi Hotline will be read by Gabra Zackman. Jeanne Robinson, who’s Spider Robinson frequent co-author, and spouse, also has some news with her new project The Stardance Movie. Looking forward to it Jeanne!

By John Varley; Read by Spider Robinson
Podcaster: Spider On The Web
Podcast: September 2008

Posted by Jesse Willis