New Hour of the Wolf Episodes

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hour of the Wolf, a radio program on WBAI 99.5, features some new SF&F personalities. As usual, these can only be streamed.

30th Anniversary Tribute to “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” |Stream|

Marly Youmans |Stream|

Sir Arthur C. Clarke |Part 1| |Part 2|

Dan Braum |Stream|

Ellen Datlow |Stream|

Posted by Charles Tan

ABC RN’s Late Night Live talks to Arthur C. Clarke

SFFaudio Online Audio

Late Night LiveThe ABC Radio National show Late Night Live recorded a show with the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke Originally on 3/5/2001. Here’s the official description: “In this program-length conversation, the philosopher, inventor and futurist talks about his life and his work.” – Pfffttt! You’d think calling him a Science Fiction writer was an insult. That’s how the man made his living, that’s how he wanted to be remembered, that’s what he will be remembered for – at least by me. Anyway, here’s the show… |MP3|

[via Ear Ideas]

Posted by Jesse Willis

James Randi’s podcast talks about Arthur C. Clarke

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Amazing Show featuring James RandiThe Amazing Show podcast, which features weekly interviews with James “The Amazing” Randi, has earned your ears this week. In the latest show Randi shares some stories about his late friend Arthur C. Clarke! Randi talks about their relationship, his visits to Clarke’s home in Sri Lanka, and what happend at the premiere screening of 2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke walked out in tears). Have a listen |MP3| or subscribe to the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Arthur C. Clarke’s last interview?

SFFaudio Online Audio

 IEEE Spectrum has reportedly podcast the last interview with Sir Arthur C. Clarke. Saswato Das interviewed Clarke from his hospital bed in Sri Lanka. Saswato Das asked Clarke about geo-stationary satellites, terraforming, space elevators, and SETI. Sadly, this appears to be one of the “so you’re a futurist” interviews, rather than a “so you’re the guy who wrote Childhood’s End” kind of interview. Listen online or subscribe to the podcast feed to get the show:

[via BoingBoing]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: What are we missing?

SFFaudio Commentary

SFFaudio MetaBy any measure of the times were living in, there is a new audio renaissance. More audiobooks are getting made now than ever before. And more SF, Fantasy and Horror audiobooks are being released than ever before. Here’s a list of the top 10 SFF novels from Sci-Fi lists:

1. Frank Herbert Dune
2. Orson Scott Card Ender’s Game
3. Isaac Asimov Foundation
4. Douglas Adams Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
5. George Orwell 1984
6. Robert A. Heinlein Stranger in a Strange Land
7. Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451
8. William Gibson Neuromancer
9. Isaac Asimov I, Robot
10. Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey

All of these novels have had UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK releases at some point or another. Several have had more than one unabridged release! That’s wonderful. But I’m still not satisfied. What novels are we still missing? Or rather, what novels are you missing.

Personally I’m missing a few, here’s a list of just 10 titles I’ve picked from out of the air. I’d like to see any and all of these made into unabridged audiobooks:

1. Scott Lynch The Lies Of Loch Lamora
2. Dan Simmons Hyperion
3. Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle The Mote In God’s Eye
4. Clifford Simak Way Station
5. Alfred Bester The Stars My Destination
6. Steven Gould Jumper
7. Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space
8. Robert J. Sawyer Golden Fleece
9. John Brunner Stand On Zanzibar
10. Ken MacLeod The Star Fraction

What novels are missing from your audiobook shelf?

Posted by Jesse Willis