A few weeks ago, Tor.com launched their fiction podcast (Tor.com Story Podcast) with Mur Lafferty at the helm. Today, they launched another podcast, called The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy, hosted by John Joseph Adams and David Barr Kirtley.
They plan to talk all things geek, it looks like, and this episode is a must-listen if you plan to survive the coming zombie invasion. Their guest is Chet Faliszek, lead writer/game designer on Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, and they spend an hour discussing zombies and apocalyptic stories for your enjoyment.
The SFFaudio Podcast #035 – Jesse and Scott talk new releases and recent arrivals with 2 of the 3 internet celebrities that were on last week’s podcast:
Talked about on today’s show:
recent arrivals and new releases, Audible.com, The Fountains Of Paradise, A Fall Of Moondust, Arthur C. Clarke, space elevator, Dyson sphere, augmented reality, William Gibson’s Virtual Light |READ OUR REVIEW|, Minding Tomorrow by Luke Burrage, audiobook narration, The Prisoner, disaster, The Poseidon Adventure on the moon, the “BRADBURY 13” radio drama series, A Sound Of Thunder [BRADBURY 13] based on the story by Ray Bradbury, A Gun For Dinosaur by L. Sprague de Camp, A Galaxy Trilogy Vol. 3 includes (Giants From Eternity by Manly Wade Wellman, Lords Of Atlantis by Wallace West, City On The Moon by Murray Leinster), Tom Weiner, Hater by David Moody, apocalypse, zombies, Stephen King’s Cell |READ OUR REVIEW|, Left 4 Dead, what makes zombies so compelling?, Of Bees And Mist by Erick Setiawan, book reviewing (using stars or scores), Metacritic.com, A Dribble Of Ink, Subterranean Press, The Sharing Knife Vol. 4 Horizon by Lois McMaster Bujold, The Curse Of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold |READ OUR REVIEW|, Star Trek by Alan Dean Foster, Alien by Alan Dean Foster, Star Trek: The Animated Series, Predator by Paul Monette, The Abyss by Orson Scott Card, The Abyss (the movie), endings, the goldfish effect, Science Fiction exposes you to a world, Fantasy immerses you in a world, Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, The Terror by Dan Simmons, abridgements, Simon Vance, Hyperion by Dan Simmons, Q Squared by Peter David, John de Lancie, LibriVox.org, Short Science Fiction Collection Vol. 025, Belonna Times, Brigands Of The Moon by Ray Cummings (read by Seth1864), The Pirates Of Erzats by Murray Leinster (read by mylantus), slide rules and calculators and abucci, Korean finger counting, Photoshop as a calculator, what jugglers are like, sculptor Jonathan Borofsky, The Pleasure Of My Company by Steve Martin, Magic square, Benjamin Franklin, Mandelbrot set, an entire issue of Astounding Stories of Super-Science – September 1930 as an audiobook, the Speech Accent Archive. An excerpt from Star Trek by Alan Dean Foster (the audiobook novelization of the 2009 film)
A Deathlander’s life is a rough one. Atomic radiation, murder and sex preoccupies the sparse inhabitants of what used to be a great portion of America’s West. Kill or be killed is the law of this sickened land. Multicolored radioactive dusts floats in the atmosphere of this nuclear desert.
When Ray Baker meets a woman on his sojourn, he doesn’t know if he wants to kill her or sleep with her. Ray doesn’t understand his urge to murder. But he feels it like all the other Deathlanders. Just as he knows the girl feels it. Laying down their arsenal of weapons will leave them both vulnerable. The cost of a moment of intimacy may lead to the last moments of their lives. And what to do when the act is over, and both their minds turn back to murder.
Parasite Planet: The Ham & Pat Stories By Stanley G. Weinbaum; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
3hr, 47 min.- [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Wonder Audio
Published: 2009
The short and meteoric career of Stanley G. Weinbaum produced many instantly hailed classics. None had the breadth of wonder, and adventure with philosophic insight as the trilogy of stories that feature Ham Hammond and Patricia Burlingame.
Parasite Planetbegins with Ham Hammond trekking across the surface of Venus. The environment is parasitic, filled with bizarre alien life forms like the lasso throwing Jack Ketch Trees and the doughpots, a mindless omnivorous ball of animate cells that devour all living things in their path. When Ham meets the contentious Patricia Burlingame, they have to march across Venus to safety. It’s not clear what is going to kill them first, Venus’s hostile environment or each other.
In The Lotus Eaters, Ham and Pat are on a special scientific expedition to the dark-side of Venus. They discover a strange warm-blooded plant. The most disconcerting thing about the plant is when it begins speaking English and waxing philosophically.
The Planet of Doubt brings the duo to Uranus on another special scientific expedition. The cloudy shrouded terrain strikes terror into the heart of Ham as tries to find the lost Pat who he hopes is still be alive!
The Atlanta Radio Theater Company has just completed podcasting all three parts of their production of Robert A. Heinlein’s Solution Unsatisfactory. Heinlein’s original short story was adapted by Daniel Taylor and the Atlanta Radio Theater Company. This is an archive recording of their 2001 DragonCon performance (we reviewed the studio recorded CD version back in 2004, click HERE to read it).
“Solution Unsatisfactory” Adapted by Daniel Taylor from the short story by Robert A. Heinlein; Full Cast Production 3 MP3 Files – Approx 70 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA] Podcaster: Atlanta Radio Theater Company Podcast: October 2007 “Solution Unsatisfactory describes an American supersecret project to develop an atomic superweapon that proves vital to the Allied triumph of World War II. ‘So what,’ you say. ‘That’s old news.’ And you’d be right, the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were the final nails in the coffin of WWII. But what’s weird is, Solution Unsatisfactory was published in 1940, a full half decade before the atom bomb was even known to exists by the general public. What’s more, Heinlein’s story goes on to foresee the coming cold war with the Soviet Union and the concomitant race to arm with atomic weapons. Heinlein’s story doesn’t actually foretell the same events that happened, but the similarities are pretty eerie.”
Download the three parts |Part 1 MP3|Part 2 MP3|Part 3 MP3| or subscribe to the feed:
Also, on Sunday October 14th SFFaudio.com will be switching over to WordPress. A technical change that should go off without a hitch and provide more functionality for readers. But, our RSS only subscribers should take note, our new RSS feed will be:
Hurry quick! Head on over to ABC Radio National, Australia’s Public Radio service and have a listen to the streaming RealAudio or WindowsMedia audio of its radio drama program Airplay. They have just finished broadcasting a new Australian play called It Just Stopped.
As with many avant-garde and literary themed plays these days, this one uses old tropes of Science Fiction to try to spice up old mainstream literature lessons. It Just Stopped uses a passive aggressive and (utterly surreal) apocalypse, that seems composed of what philosopher David Hume might call “an end to Uniformity” as a setting for its plot. Like many of the literary plays that adopt SF themes, the focus here is on the psychological, the existential, the urban, and as a result it (and they) has no “sense of wonder” – but in this case, in its place It Just Stopped delivers an experience like that of a Henrik Ibsen staging of The Road Warrior. Yikes! It sure doesn’t sound too appealing when I write it that way, but I really dug it. Check out this, one of many, choice lines of dialogue:
“Richard Pratt does not have cardboard boxes in his soul. But I do.”
For those who really dug the CBC’s Canadia: 2056, you might look at It Just Stopped as the Australian take on the same thing (American values exposed by American characters, as filtered through foreign, but not necessarily hostile eyes). I must have listened to part three of It Just Stopped about five times. It’ll blew my mind. It’ll blow your mind. But, don’t take my word, have a listen for yourself before it all disappears – which I’m guessing will happen in just a few days…
It Just Stopped By Stephen Sewell; Performed by a full cast 3 Parts – Approx. 90 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA] Broadcaster: ABC Radio National / Airplay Broadcast: August 2007
Greetings once again fellow vault-dwellers I have some terrible news.
That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die.
Yes, it is true, Destructomundo!, the podcast panel made up of Adam, Ted, Derek, and James, who would normally bring you advice on how to survive an “end of the world scenario” may have finally met a threat to the world that **GASP** cannot be survived! This due, to the Lovecraftian terror that nobody knows how to pronounce, and his eldritch friends. Cthulhu and his mythos are the latest topic on Destructomundo! Also listed are a cavalcade of slightly less dangerous scenarios…
Episode 024 Cthulhu |MP3| Episode 023 Louisville Zombie Attack |MP3| Episode 022 Anarchy |MP3| Episode 021 Technopause |MP3| Episode 029 Time Travel |MP3| Episode 019b Supernatural Evil – Part 2 |MP3| Episode 019a Supernatural Evil – Part 1 |MP3| Episode 018 Dystopia |MP3| Episode 017 Doppelgangers |MP3| Episode 016 Mutants |MP3| Episode 015 Rocks From Space |MP3| Episode 014 Bunkers |MP3| Episode 013 Post Apocalypses |MP3| Episode 012 Dystopia |MP3| Episode 011a/011b The Fourth Reich |MP3| & |MP3| Episode 010a/010b Zombie Apocalypse |MP3| & |MP3| Episode 009 The Antichrist |MP3| Episode 008 The Last Man On Earth |MP3| Episode 007 Doom Cults |MP3| Episode 006 The Big List |MP3| Episode 005 Science Run Amok |MP3| Episode 004 Supervillians |MP3| Episode 003 Aliens Attack! |MP3| Episode 002 Rise of the Robots |MP3| Episode 001 Road Warriors |MP3|
Be sure to only put these hardened MP3s into your “MIL-SPEC” iPod or MP3 player. Subscribe via this insanity inducing feed: