Review of The Adventures of Doc Savage

SFFaudio Review

Audio Drama - The Adventures of Doc SavageThe Adventures of Doc Savage
Adapted from novels by Lester Dent
Starring Daniel Chodos as Doc Savage
8 Hours – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Published: 2010
Themes: / Science Fiction / Hero / Adventure / Pulp / Audio Drama / Skeletons / Chemistry /

Doc Savage is the strongest, smartest, most resourceful, best-looking guy you’ll ever meet. And he fights crime. Born in pulp magazines in the 1930’s, he’s also the subject of 181 novels, and a movie.

The Adventures of Doc Savage contains 13 half-hour episodes of audio drama that were originally broadcast on NPR in 1985. These episodes tell two complete stories that were adapted from novels written by Lester Dent. “Fear Cay” was published in September 1934 and “The Thousand Headed Man” in July 1934. The scripts were written by Will Murray and Roger Rittner.

Having never read a Doc Savage story, I was interested for historical reasons. I’ve run across these novels regularly over the years, but the pulp hero never caught my reading eye. I’m very happy, though, to have heard these audio dramas. They are very well done. They’re action packed, thoroughly entertaining, and as full of camp as you’d hope.

With the opening of “Fear Cay”, I learned that Doc Savage doesn’t work alone. He’s got a team around him that reminds me of Buckaroo Banzai’s crew. (Now, why was Jeff Goldblum wearing that ridiculous cowboy outfit again?) I now realize that Buckaroo had to have been influenced by Doc Savage. Savage also has a diverse team around him – from physical strength to electronic genius – and there’s nothing they can’t handle.

Still, Doc Savage is the best of them all. He’s not among equals. He can overpower multiple men at once, but he’s just as apt to talk himself out of a situation. And he’s got gadgets and/or chemical formulations for everything else that occurs.

In short, I had a great time listening to these dramas. They’re fun.

Find them over at

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

LibriVox: The Point Of Honor by Joseph Conrad

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxFirst published in Pall Mall Magazine, along with an H.G. Wells novel and a Jack London short story, The Point Of Honor is a Joseph Conrad novella that had its genesis in the real duels that two French Hussar officers fought in the Napoleonic era. Their names were Dupont and Fournier, which Conrad disguised slightly, changing Dupont into D’Hubert and Fournier into Feraud.

LIBRIVOX - The Point Of Honor by Joseph ConradThe Point Of Honor (aka The Duel)
By Joseph Conrad; Read by Mark F. Smith
4 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 3 Hours 29 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: May 18, 2008
Two French Hussar officers, D’Hubert and Feraud, quarrel over an initially minor incident that eventually turns into a bitter, long-drawn out struggle over the following fifteen years, interwoven with the larger conflict that provides its backdrop. At the beginning, Feraud is the one who jealously guards his honor and repeatedly demands satisfaction anew when a duelling encounter ends inconclusively; he aggressively pursues every opportunity to locate and duel his foe. As the story progresses, D’Hubert also finds himself caught up in the contest, unable to back down or walk away. Pall Mall Magazine’s January, February, March, April and May 1908 issues.

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3| Part 4 |MP3|

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-click |SUBSCRIBE|

Here’s are the William Russell Flint illustrations from the original magazine serialization:

The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint
The Duel by Joseph Conrad - Illustrated by William Russell Flint

Here’s the trailer for The Duellists (1977) :

[Thanks also to and Live At The Heartbreak Lounge]

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Outlaw Of Torn by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

Submitted for your approval…

LIBRIVOX - The Outlaw Of Torn by Edgar Rice BurroughsThe Outlaw Of Torn
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Richard Kilmer and Susan Umpleby
19 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 7 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: March 31, 2010
The story is set in 13th century England and concerns the fictitious outlaw Norman of Torn, who purportedly harried the country during the power struggle between King Henry III and Simon de Montfort. Norman is the supposed son of the Frenchman de Vac, once the king’s fencing master, who has a grudge against his former employer and raises the boy to be a simple, brutal killing machine with a hatred of all things English. His intentions are partially subverted by a priest who befriends Norman and teaches him his letters and chivalry towards women.

Otherwise, all goes according to plan. By 17, Norman is the best swordsman in all of England; by the age of 18, he has a large bounty on his head, and by the age of 19, he leads the largest band of thieves in all of England. None can catch or best him. In his hatred for the king he even becomes involved in the civil war, which turns the tide in favor of de Montfort. In another guise, that of Roger de Conde, he becomes involved with de Montfort’s daughter Bertrade, defending her against her and her father’s enemies. She notes in him a curious resemblance to the king’s son and heir Prince Edward.

Finally brought to bay in a confrontation with both King Henry and de Montfort, Norman is brought down by the treachery of de Vac, who appears to kill him, though at the cost of his own life. As de Vac dies, he reveals that Norman is in fact Richard, long-lost son of King Henry and Queen Eleanor and brother to Prince Edward. The fencing master had kidnapped the prince as a child to serve as the vehicle of his vengeance against the king. Luckily, Norman/Richard turns out not to be truly dead, surviving to be reconciled to his true father and attain the hand of Bertrade

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

[thanks also to Richard Kilmer, Laura Caldwell, mim@can and Annise]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Galaxy Audio: 5 FREE L. Ron Hubbard audiobooks

SFFaudio Online Audio

Galaxy Audio is offering a set of five FREE audiobooks (and ebooks) on their site HERE. At least a couple of these have been released for free previously. Here’s the official line:

“For a limited time, you can download a FREE eBook or audiobook of your choice! We have selected 5 short stories from the Stories from the Golden Age collection and are offering them for free, no purchase necessary and no strings attached. You can choose from the following genres: action/adventure, science fiction, fantasy, western or romance.”

“Supernatural Romance:”

GALAXY AUDIO - Borrowed Glory by L. Ron HubbardBorrowed Glory
By L. Ron Hubbard; Performed by multiple readers
1 |MP3 DOWNLOAD LINK| – Approx. 39 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
This haunting tale begins with two immortals, George and Tuffron, who make a wager over the truth or falsity of Tuffron’s insistence that “human beings are stupid and willful.” Their experiment leads to an old woman’s return to youth and the promise of happiness—if only for forty-eight hours.

“Far-Flung Adventure:”

GALAXY AUDIO - The Cossack by L. Ron HubbardThe Cossack
By L. Ron Hubbard; Performed by multiple readers
1 |MP3 DOWNLOAD LINK| – Approx. 41 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
Young and handsome Lieutenant Mertz Komroff thinks he has left his past behind when he enlists in the Chinese army—only to stumble onto the vengeful Duchess he had spurned in pre-revolutionary Russia. And she has nothing but his immediate death in mind…

“Science Fiction:”

GALAXY AUDIO - The Dangerous Dimension by L. Ron HubbardThe Dangerous Dimension
By L. Ron Hubbard; Performed by multiple readers
1 |MP3 DOWNLOAD LINK| Approx. 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
Dr. Henry Mudge undergoes a striking personality change when he discovers a mathematical formula—“Equation C”—that defines a mysterious negative dimension. He is instantly transported to any location in the solar system by merely thinking of it—even when he doesn’t want to.


GALAXY AUDIO - The Devil's Rescue by L. Ron HubbardThe Devil’s Rescue
By L. Ron Hubbard; Performed by multiple readers
1 |MP3 DOWNLOAD LINK| – Approx. 43 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
When the crew of a spectral old clipper ship rescues Lanson from his drifting lifeboat, he discovers that they are all faceless—except for the captain. Then the dark one and a fateful roll of the dice decides Lanson’s destiny in this chilling encounter with the unknown…


GALAXY AUDIO - The Ghost Town Gun-Ghost by L. Ron HubbardThe Ghost Town Gun-Ghost
By L. Ron Hubbard; Performed by multiple readers
1 |MP3 DOWNLOAD LINK| – Approx. 52 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
Pokey McKay is the last living resident of Pioneer, an old deserted mining town. Trouble starts when a stranger arrives, with a murderous sheriff hot on his trail. Pokey couldn’t be happier to have the company, but if he’s not careful, that simple act of courtesy just may spell the end of Pioneer and Pokey MacKay.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of The Red Panda Adventures – Season 6

SFFaudio Review

Happy Canada Day everybody!

Superhero Audio Drama - The Red Panda Adventures - Season FiveThe Red Panda Adventures – Season 6
By Gregg Taylor; Performed by a full cast
12 MP3 Files via podcast – Approx. 6 Hours [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Decoder Ring Theatre
Podcast: August 2010 – May 2011
Themes: / Fantasy / Superheroes / Mystery / Crime / Nazis / WWII / Adventure / Toronto / Vancouver / Amnesia / Telepathy / Airships / Time Travel / Magic / Aliens /

“Let the festival of unsolicited advice begin” -Kit Baxter (All The King’s Men)

Season six of The Red Panda Adventures begins with World War II fully underway. The first six episodes are set prior to December 7th, 1941 and the twelfth episode ends in the high summer of 1942. There’s not a bad episode in the bunch. In fact, this season features some of the finest episodes of the entire series. My personal favourites are: the buoyant adventure of “Girls’ Night Out“, the standalone goodness of “The Wild West“, and the deeply disturbing arc episode “There Will Be Rain Tonight.” September and season seven can’t come soon enough!

Episode 1 – “The Nose For News
A new adversary appears, a shadowy leader of a fifth column inside of Canada! He’s sowing the seeds of discontent and planning acts of sabotage. Can anyone stop Archangel?

Episode 2 – “The Home Team
Having joined the army, Lt. August Fenwick (aka The Red Panda) receives a visit from his new boss Colonel Archibald Fitzroy. But can a superhero really do more good following orders and digging trenches than by defending a city from supervillians?

Episode 3 – “The King Of Crime
There’s a new ruler of the underworld, a royal sort, who demands absolute fealty from his criminally inclined vassals. But is this supercrook merely what he appears to be?

Episode 4 – “Rocket Science
A runaway train packed with high explosive is hurtling toward Montreal, this sounds like a job for the Red Panda. Unfortunately he’s all tied up and Doc Rocket isn’t helping.

Episode 5 – “Girls’ Night Out
Kit Baxter, aka The Flying Squirrel, on a field trip to Vancouver runs afoul of a ring of Japanese spies (who aren’t). But Vancouver’s got its own vigilante superhero, The Grey Fox, who is already on the case. And she’s no fan of aerially inclined rodents meddling on her turf.

Episode 6 – “Barbarian At The Gates
There’s a creature coming and it can’t be stopped. It’s steamrolling its way across the forests of Northern Ontario and heading straight for Toronto! No weapon can stop it, no force can slow it. This sounds like a job for … oh, just guess.

Episode 7 – “Sword Of The Sun King
A 3,000 year old khopesh is the target of an occult Nazi snatch team. But what makes a magic sword a useful tool in this era of Stukas and Panzers?

Episode 8 – “Small Wonders
Molecule Max, a variably sized superhero, joins the Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel in an adventure that may cost them all more than they’ll want to give.

Episode 9 – “Stop The Presses
It’s the story of a lifetime for any reporter, “The Death Of The Red Panda” and Kit is being forced to write it! An army of Nazi thugs have seized her newspaper, taken its staff hostage, and only an old adversary a sinister simian can help!

Episode 10 – “The Wild West
Somebody has been messing with history, and its up to the Red Panda and the Flying Squirrel to clean up. They’ll need to saddle up, partner up, and load their six-shooters up (in case they need to throw down).

Episode 11 – “All The King’s Men
With the Red Panda’s network of agents away in the army it’s up to young Harry Kelly to infiltrate Archangel’s conspiracy. Meanwhile, Kit’s got secret and the only person she’s more afraid to tell than her husband is her mother!

Episode 12 – “There Will Be Rain Tonight
A second front in Europe is still years away but there are those who think a sinister network of black towers is key to Hitler’s defense of the French coast. Red Panda and Doc Rocket are on a secret mission to take them out. Back in Canada the Flying Squirrel is in full retreat as the Nazis have assassinated every Home Team agent in Canada!

Here’s the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Random House Audio: Three FREE audiobooks: Louis L’Amour, Holly Black, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

SFFaudio Online Audio

Random House Audio has made three very different audiobooks available for FREE DOWNLOAD on their website. One’s a novel, and the other two are short stories. As all three are in the MP3 format and just single files (even the novel) I’m going to HuffDuff all three later today. I’ve already started listening to Louis L’Amour title, and I’ve got to tell you, the introductory material in which L’Amour himself tells stories from his own life, is ABSOLUTELY RIVETING – it’s amazing, amazing stuff.

LISTENING LIBRARY - White Cat by Holly BlackWhite Cat: The Curse Workers, Book One
By Holly Black; Read by Jesse Eisenberg
1 |MP3| – Approx. 6 Hours 41 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Listening Library
Published: May 11, 2010
ISBN: 9780307711816
Cassel comes from a family of curse workers—people who have the power to change your emotions, your memories, your luck, by the slightest touch of their hands. And since curse work is illegal, they’re all criminals. Many become mobsters and con artists. But not Cassel. He hasn’t got magic, so he’s an outsider, the straight kid in a crooked family. You just have to ignore one small detail—he killed his best friend, Lila, three years ago. Cassel has carefully built up a façade of normalcy, blending into the crowd. But his façade starts to crumble when he finds himself sleepwalking, propelled into the night by terrifying dreams about a white cat that wants to tell him something. He’s noticing other disturbing things too, including the strange behavior of his two brothers. They are keeping secrets from him. As Cassel begins to suspect he’s part of a huge con game, he must unravel his past and his memories. To find out the truth, Cassel will have to outcon the conmen.

LISTENING LIBRARY - Nate The Great Goes UndercoverNate The Great Goes Undercover (From Nate the Great Collected Stories: Volume 1)
By Marjorie Weinman Sharmat; Read by John Lavelle
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Listening Library
Published: May 13, 2008
ISBN: 9780807216651
Nate the Great has his first night case! Somebody is raiding Oliver’s garbage can each night, but who? The list of suspects is long. Nate courageously encounters a skunk and a telephone pole, but not until he goes under cover of the garbage can lid does he narrow the suspects down to one.

RANDOM HOUSE AUDIO - Survival by Louis L'AmourSurvival
By Louis L’Amour; Read by Richard Crenna
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour 6 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Random House Audio
Published: Nov 9, 1999
ISBN: 055345031X
This harrowing adventure of shipwreck and survival is L’Amour’s fictionalized account of the heroic true story of merchant seaman Tex Worden and his efforts to save the passengers of the doomed Raratonga. A unique look at the early life and times of one of our most cherished writers, Survival is the action-packed oral biography of a true American original, an audiocassette that no L’Amour fan will want to miss. Includes biographical notes read by L’Amour himself.

Posted by Jesse Willis