StarShipSofa has MP3 fiction: London Bone by Michael Moorcock

SFFaudio Online Audio

Star Ship SofaIt seems the StarShipSofa boys blagged their way into a goldmine of goodness from none other than Michael Moorcock! There’s already been a “gonzo” podcast about their Paris adventure. Still to come is a video (and audio – we hope) edition of the actual extended interview. And, today saw the release of some fiction – an unabridged reading of a 1997 Moorcock short story called London Bone. This tale comes in as the first of a new regular (or semi-regular) feature of Wednesday podcast releases of short stories on SSS.

London Bone by Michael MoorcockLondon Bone
By Michael Moorcock; Read by MCL
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: November 28th 2007
My name is Raymond Gold and I’m a well-known dealer. I was born too many years ago in Upper Street, Islington. Everybody reckons me in the London markets and I have a good reputation in Manchester and the provinces. I have bought and sold, been the middleman, an agent, an art representative, a professional mentor, a tour guide, a spiritual bridge-builder. These days I call myself a cultural speculator.

Posted by Jesse Willis

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