Listening to the Nero Wolfe radio dramas again has got me on another Rex Stout kick!
So, curious as to what I had left to share, I’ve gone into my stacks and dug out what remains of my once vast Rex Stout stocks. Sadly, I don’t have a whole lot left but I do have a few great productions created by DH Audio as companions to their CBC radio drama releases.
DH Audio started out life as a 1970s audiobook company based out of Ontario, Canada. It first published under the name “Listen For Pleasure.” In the 1980s the name was changed to “Durkin Hayes Audio.” Then finally, in the 1990s, shortly before it went bankrupt, there was a final name change, “DH Audio.”
To make it easy I’m going to bundle four Rex Stout/Nero Wolfe audiobooks (each a single cassette) together and sell them for $20 for the set (the original retail price is $4.99 each). Here’s what I’m offering:
I’ve got 4 of these bundles left. I take PayPal. Shipping by mail will be extra, but these are pretty light so they won’t cost a ton to ship. If you’re interested, send me an email with the subject line:
Nero Wolfe AUDIOBOOK Bundle
and be sure to include your mailing address. I will then send you a PayPal invoice that includes shipping cost.
My email address is:
Posted by Jesse Willis