Podiobook 7th Son, Book One: Descent Approaching Completion


Podcast Novel / PODIOBOOK / 7th SonJ.C. Hutchins‘ podcast novel 7th Son, Book One: Descent completes its final instalment on Tuesday July 25th – be sure to listen for an extra special celebrity guest recap reading by podcast musician/comic genius Jonathan Coulton! Even more thrilling, a special Q&A episode will be released the week after. This ‘bonus feature’ follows in the footsteps of two top-tier podiobooks: The Pocket And The Pendant and Brave Men Run who’s respective authors allowed avid listeners to quiz them about their plots, productions and varied inspirations. Listeners are invited to submit questions to J.C. Hutchins at: [email protected]

Way to go Hutch!

NPR To Air A Documentary On The Singularity


NPR Weekend EditionNPR‘s Weekend Edition Sunday, will be airing a report on the Science Fiction theme of “The Singularity.” The piece was created by Rick Kleffell of The Agony Column Podcast who writes “I’m told it will run near the end of the second hour.” There will be an link available on the NPR.org site sometime after it airs. If you can’t tune in Sunday point your browser at Rick’s website. he’ll post a link to it when it becomes available.

The report features Vernor Vinge and Cory Doctorow, explaining to listeners just what the technological singularity is, where the idea originated, and how it plays out a bit in SF.

Rick also writes: “Even if you manage to catch the report when it is broadcast live, you can email the link from the NPR web page–and you should to as many people as possible. NPR measures the interest in a subject in part by the response on ’email this link’ web page. If they get a huge response to this article, they’ll understand that their audience is indeed interested in hearing about science fiction literature on NPR.”

Doctor Who’s Eighth Doctor on the BBC Radio 7

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionSFFaudio reader “Bradford” laments our lack of Doctor Who content but suggests a quick fix… he writes: “BBC7 will be playing some Big Finish Dr Who productions.” After following the link he provided it looks like Bradford is right! The Eighth Doctor’s adventures, as produced by Big Finish Productions and starring Paul McGann began on Sunday on BBC Radio 7‘s The 7th Dimension with episode one of Shada, and will continue with Storm Warning, Sword of Orion, The Stones of Venice, Invaders from Mars and The Chimes of Midnight. Thanks for the heads-up Bradford!

Now as to our lack of Dr Who content, I too lament it, unfortunately our reach into the U.K. is not completely masterful yet. We’re trying to keep a stiff upper lip about it but haven’t adopted this as our natural attitude yet. Until then, we will rely on the kindness of our British brothers and sisters across the Atlantic.

posted by Jesse Willis


SFFaudio News

Looks like I’ll be going to Worldcon this year! Life is good…

um… I posted this to the wrong blog, sorry about that. The post was meant for my SFFreader blog. But it’s true, and life is certainly good. There’s a great chance that both Jesse and I will be there. We’re looking forward to meeting in person many of the excellent people we’ve met online.

New Releases – July 2006

SFFaudio New Releases

Here are the New Releases for July!

Horror Audiobook - Danse Macabre by Laurell K. HamiltonDanse Macabre by Laurell K. Hamilton, read by Cynthia Holloway, Brilliance Audio, Unabridged
Click for an audio sample

Science Fiction Audiobook - A Dry, Quiet War by Tony DanielA Dry, Quiet War by Tony Daniel, read by Jared Doreck, Infinivox, Unabridged

Science Fiction Audiobook - Fear Nothing by Dean KoontzFear Nothing by Dean Koontz, read by Keith Szarabajka, Random House Audio, Unabridged, (re-release)
Click for an audio sample

Science Fiction Audiobook - Of Fire and Night by Kevin J. AndersonOf Fire and Night: The Saga of Seven Suns Book 5 by Kevin J. Anderson, read by David Colacci, Brilliance Audio, Unabridged
Click for an audio sample

Fantasy Audiobook - Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley PearsonPeter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, read by Jim Dale, Brilliance Audio, Unabridged

Science Fiction Audiobook - The Stonehenge Gate by Jack WilliamsonThe Stonehenge Gate by Jack Williamson, read by Harlan Ellison, Blackstone Audio, Unabridged
This was mentioned by Harlan Ellison in our recent interview. A Grandmaster reading a Grandmaster!
Click for an audio sample

Science Fiction Audiobook - Superman Returns by Marv WolfmanSuperman Returns by Marv Wolfman, read by Scott Brick, Blackstone Audio, Unabridged
Click for an audio sample

Science Fiction Audiobook - Voyagers by Ben BovaVoyagers by Ben Bova, read by Stefan Rudnicki, Blackstone Audio, Unabridged
Click for an audio sample

Infinivox New Release – A Dry, Quiet War by Tony Daniel

New Releases

Science Fiction Audiobook - A Dry Quiet War by Tony DanielIt’s been a while since we mentioned Infinivox. Since they produce one of my favorite lines of audiobooks, I’ll take this new release as a chance to talk about them. Infinivox publishes excellent unabridged short science fiction on CD. The story selection and quality of the productions leaves me eager for their next release every time.

This new release is a story called “A Dry, Quiet War” by Tony Daniel. In addition to that, check out Infinivox’s author line-up: Charles Stross, Connie Willis, Stephen Baxter, Greg Egan, George Alec Effinger, Nancy Kress – and that’s just naming a few! Infinivox has great stories, they are very well produced, and are priced just right. You simply can’t go wrong here. Check them out!