KAMN #17: The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester

Online Audio

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas LogoI’ve been eagerly waiting for this one… The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas latest podcast is up and ready for your consideration:

KAMN #17: The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester

Here’s the description…

“Summer, Joe and David tackle the first novel to win the Hugo Award, Alfred Bester’s The Demolished Man. The story is on the surface a pulp police procedural where a weary yet tenacious detective must catch a killer. What sets this story apart from typical pulp novels is the incorporation of telepaths and telepathy as integral necessities of society, for business and commerce, lifestyle quality, and for deterring crime.

The Demolished Man is generally recognized as the first novel to delve into telepaths and society, and many stories that followed, in both literature and television, borrowed heavily from the telepath behaviors Bester set up in this story.”

Download the MP3 HERE.

By the way, you can subscribe to The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas show using iTunes by clicking HERE.

Mech Muse Issue #2 Streets – SFFaudio Staff Cheer!

Online Audio

Mech Muse Issue 2
Hot on the heels of the first issue’s podcast release comes the start of MechMuse‘s second issue of their ad-supported podcast. You can also visit the website and subscribe to the ad free version for just $7.00 per issue. The ad-supported FREE podcast is accessible via this podcatching feed:

http://www.mechmuse.com/issues/fall-06/cover# an iTunes Music Store search for the phrase “MechMuse”.*

The truly cool tales thus far released this issue are:
Mech Muse - Dracula by Bram StokerDracula
By Bram Stoker; Read by Ken Richman
1 MP3 AAC* File – 2 Hours 13 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
*chapters 1 – 4 only (later chapters are still to come)

Mech Muse - Identity CrisisIdentity Crisis
By Kevin J. Anderson; Read by Bob Barnes
1 MP3 AAC* File – 2 Hours 2 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]

Mech Muse - Rough DraftRough Draft
By Kevin J. Anderson; Read by Rick Jelinek
1 MP3 AAC* File – 38 Minutes 50 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]

Mech Muse - The Storyteller's WifeThe Storyteller’s Wife
By Eugie Foster; Read by Rick Jelinek
1 MP3 AAC* File – 54 Minutes 40 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]

Also, there are stories still to come for the Fall issue:

On My Way to Paradise by David Farland (Chapters 7-9)
Siren Song by David Farland
Reality, Interrupted by Jason Erik Lundberg
Dracula by Bram Stoker (Chapters 5-6)
Illusion by Mark Cole
Demon Pope by Richard Garnett

I got an early taste of these tales and managed to listen to both Kevin J Anderson stories – they rocked! When I met KJA at Worldcon I told him how much I was enjoying them and he said I was the second person that day to tell him that!

UPDATE:*Thanks to Nick for pointing out these details.

posted by Jesse Willis

Pseudopod #2: Good Advice by Richard E. Dansky

SFFaudio Online Audio

Horror Podcast - PseudopodEpisode #002 of the premier Horror podcast is up and out. Extra bonus points go to the co-editors of Mur Lafferty and Ben Phillips, for getting the earnest vocals of Matthew Wayne Selznick to read this story, Good Advice by Richard E. Dansky. MWS is the perfect choice for reader for a couple of reasons: One, this tale is told in a thoughtful first person perspective, a style Matt excells at. Two, anyone who’s listened to Brave Men Run knows that it is set in a school milleu. Given this story is too and that this story has a horrific nature this turns out to be a curiously wicked casting against type!

Download show #002 HERE, or subscribe to the podcast with this feed:


posted by Jesse

Worldcon and Harllan Ellison brought to you by The Agony Column

Online Audio

Agony ColumnRick Kleffel of The Agony Column has beat SFFaudio to the punch and posted a super-clean recording of the vast majority of the Harlan Ellison Worldcon event that happened on Saturday afternoon. The event was entitled “Harlan Tells Us.” In it Harlan mentions that this may be his very last convention, so it was a real privilege for the attending SFFaudio staff to finally get to meet the man in person. Get it while it is hot folks… Here is the 1 Hour and 5 Minute MP3.

Rick has also posted a cool 19 minute “Worldcon Report” in MP3, he describes it as “my attempt to toss together a sort of NPR style podcast that tried to give a feeling for the many facets of the Worldcon.”

The Eye Has more James Patrick Kelly

SFFaudio News

John Herman's The EyeJohnHerman.org‘s The Eye has the second part of the two part video interview with James Patrick Kelly. In the vid Jim talks about his podcast novella Burn which was nominated for a Hugo (losing to as of yet unadapted to audio piece by Connie Willis, entitled Inside Job).

James Patrick KellyClick HERE to download the M4A file.

Or subscribe to the video podcast with this feed:


Recent Arrivals

SFFaudio New Arrivals

Just back from Worldcon! We’ll report on that later, but first, here’s what came in when we were gone:

Hunters of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. AndersonHunters of Dune
By Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson; Read by Scott Brick
16 CDs – 20.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audio Renaissance
Published: 2006
ISBN: 1593979754

Star Trek - Captain's Glory by William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-StevensStar Trek: Captain’s Glory
By William Shatner with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Read by William Shatner
3 CDs – 3 hours – [ABRIDGED]
Publisher: Simon and Schuster Audio
Published: 2006
ISBN: 0743539621

Foundation - The Encyclopaedists by Isaac AsimovIsaac Asimov’s Foundation Series: Book I Part II: The Encyclopedists
By Isaac Asimov; Performed by Jim Gallant
2 CDs – 2 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Ziggurat Productions
Published: 2006

Posted by Scott D. Danielson