Podiobooks.com announces Q&A for Singularity

SFFaudio News

SingularityBill DeSmett, author of the podiobook Singularity is planning on doing a wrap-up episode in a question-and-answer style. If you are a listener of this book and would like to get in on the action you have three options:

1. Email your question in plain text to: [email protected]

2. Record your question as an audio file and email it to [email protected]

3. Leave a voice mail by calling 206-888-2448

Questions can be about the characters in the book, what really goes on inside of a naked singularity, physics, Russian studies or anything else related to the novel or the author. More info can be found on the official Singularity website.

Evo of Podiobooks.com also adds “The best question or comment, as selected by our impartial panel of judges, will receive a free, autographed hardcover copy of Singularity.”

Joe Mahoney digs out some old WORLDCON gold: Larry Niven, John Scalzi and Frank Wu

Online Audio

Assorted NonsenseJoe Mahoney, CBC Radio Producer, has posted three interesting MP3 interviews that he recorded at Torcon in 2003 to his blog (AssortedNonsense.com). Joe writes “I happen to have some tape of some of this year’s Hugo winners [and Larry Niven]. I thought, well, I could let it rot on my bookshelf or give it to the world. So I roused myself from my usual lethargy and blew the dust off some of the material I recorded back at the 61st World Science Fiction Convention in Toronto in 2003.”

Larry Niven interview |MP3|
“A Science Fiction convention is something like heaven to me.”

John Scalzi interview |MP3|
“I wrote a novel called Old Man’s War …”

Frank Wu interview |MP3|
“I’d really like to do a lot more spaceships, robots and aliens.”

Joe also says: “As you might already know (especially if you read this blog), Robert Charles Wilson just won a much deserved Hugo for his novel Spin. We just had the man in the studio a few minutes ago and I interviewed him about Spin and winning the Hugo, and he’ll be on The Arts Tonight [a CBC Radio One show] within the next couple of weeks.” you can look for the link HERE some time this coming week.

Dragon Page With Class interviews Matthew Wayne Selznick

Online Audio

Dragon Page With ClassLogoThe latest Dragon Page With Class podcast features an interview with the über-cool Matthew Wayne Selznick, author and narrator of the Brave Men Run podiobook and the upcopming Light Of The Outsider podcast novel. Click HERE to download Show #014 directly. Or subscribe to the show’s XML feed by pluggin this into your podcatcher software:


Parsec Award Winners

SFFaudio News

Parsec AwardsThis past weekend was DragonCon. From what I have heard, everyone had a bitchin’ time. Here are the winners of the first ever Parsec Awards, which you can even listen to in it’s entirety if you so choose!

Listen to the 2006 Awards here!

The Winners and Nominees of the 2006 Parsec Awards are:

Best Fiction (Short)

Absolution Insured
Variant Frequencies, Matt Wallace

Hero“, Escape Pod, Scott Sigler
Legacies“, Brief Glimpses of Somewhere Else, Daniel Emery
The Trouble with Death Traps“, Escape Pod, Daisy James
Truth Is“, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

Best Fiction (Long)

How to Succeed in Evil
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

7th Son: Descent, J.C. Hutchins
Brave Men Run, Matthew Wayne Selznick
Infection, Scott Sigler
Morevi: Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, Tee Morris and Lisa Lee
Nina Kimberly the Merciless, Christiana Ellis

Best Audio Production

Virgin Falls
Jeff Folchinsky

The Falcon Banner, Chris Snyder
The Future And You, Stephen Euin Cobb
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
The Signal, Jill Arroway

Best Writing Podcast

The Secrets
Michael A. Stackpole

Holly Lisle On Writing, Holly Lisle
The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy, Tee Morris

Best Audio Drama (Long)

The Stargate Café
Planet Retcon

Children of the Gods, Cmack
Dismay, Sean McMinn
The Falcon Banner, Chris Snyder
Mister Adventure, Rich Sigfrit

Best Audio Drama (Short)

The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
Grant Baciocco, Doug Price

Decoder Ring Theatre“, Stephanie Bickford, Andrea Lyons and Gregg Taylor
Family Radio“, Sound Stages
The Hoff“, Planet Retcon

Best Fiction (Non-sepeculative)

Death of A Dish Washer
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

Candy“, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
The Great Puzzle“, Brief Glimpses of Somewhere Else, Daniel Emery
Outsourcing a Chicken“, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
Port City P.D., Charles Stewart, Jr.

Best Fan Podcast

The Scapecast
Kevin Bachelder, Lindy Rae and crew

Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas, Summer Brooks, Joe Murphy, David Moldawer
PotterCast, John Noe and crew
Requiem of the Outcast, Rich Sigfrit and Earl Newton
The Signal, Jill Arroway, Les Howard and Kari Haley and crew

Best News Podcast

The Future And You
Stephen Euin Cobb

Geek4x4, John M. Campbell
Requiem of the Outcast, Rich Sigfrit, Earl Newton
Sci Fi News, Lynne Gryphon
The Warp Zone, Patrick Murphy & Chris Murphy with “Gaming Guru” Rusty

Congratulations to this year’s Winners & Nominees!

The Time Traveler Show # 6: More Philip K. Dick and J.C. Hutchins!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #6 is available for download now. The featured tale is another Philip K. Dick short story that has never before been adapted for audio. It’s called The Gun and is read by Michael Bekemeyer. It is a very early PKD short story, his second, and it is a parable for its age, 1952. The guest on the show is J.C. Hutchins, host of the Podiobooker podcast as well as the author of our recently reviewed 7th Son: Descent.

The Time Travler Show Podcast - The Gun by Philip K. DickThe Gun
By Philip K. Dick; Read by Michael Bekemeyer
1 Mp3 File – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: September 2006
Podcaster: TheTimeTravelerShow.com

A human spaceship encounters a strange planet that is giving off intense nuclear radiation. As the ship draws closer to the planet, the crew sees what appears to be a destroyed city and are shot at and forced to land. They find a strangely familiar tableau on the planet below.

To read the complete show notes for podcast #6 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE.

To ensure you are the first to know of a new episode insert this feed into your podcatcher:


Review of A Different Point Of View by TD-0013

SFFaudio Review

A Different Point Of ViewA Different Point Of View
By TD-0013; Read by TD-0013
Podcast Book – Approx. 60 minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Podiobooks.com
Published: August 2006
Themes: / Science Fiction / Comedy / Star Wars / Jedi’s / Sand People / Sand troopers / Thugs / Clones / Rebel Scum /

“The Rebel Alliance is a terrorist organization, plain and simple.”

For fans of the Star Wars saga, you’re going to enjoy this podiobook. ADPOV began as a segment on ”Michael and Evo’s Wingin’ It” podcast. It received such a great response, the segments were put into a podiobook format for all to enjoy. TD-0013, an Imperial Sand Trooper, brings you a set of 15 essays, all of which dispel myths and accusations you have come to know as fact from the Star Wars movies. From how Skywalker and Solo were allowed to escape with Leia from the Death Star (and most likely even assisted), to how there is no way the Emperor has been oppressing the galaxy, TD will have you believing the Rebels are indeed manipulative and evil. He has the facts to back it up, too.

In the eighth report, “I Am Not A Clone”, TD very matter-of-factly explains if he were indeed a clone, there is no way he would be as high-strung or outspoken as he is. He joined the Empire for one reason only- to restore order to the Universe! One of my favorites however is the third report, “Rebel Terrorists”. Being of the political mindset that I am, the way he made the Alliance out to be bloodthirsty, “shoot first and ask questions later” anarchists just had me in stitches. I mean, it makes complete sense how they deceived those poor, peaceful, cute-as-a-button Ewoks and used them to fight their battle on Endor!

It’s a quick listen, well-written, and just plain fun. We also get these reports from ‘in the field’, so we hear TD speaking through his helmet. A trooper’s work is never done.

You do need to know the Star Wars saga if you want to completely understand TD’s perspective. There are also several others in which you only need to know basic background. TD-0013 also maintains his own webpage, so I certainly hope he will continue to bring truth to the Star Wars universe. Who knows, he might even convince this Rebel sympathizer to change which side of the Force she is on.