Project Gutenberg has UNABRIDGED Robert Sheckley!

Online Audio

Great gods! Project Gutenberg has a complete reading of a Robert Sheckley novellete, Bad Medicine! This gem was first published under the Sheckley pseudonym “Finn O’Donnevan” appearing in Galaxy Magazine’s July 1956 issue. The name “Finn O’Donnevan” was used because Galaxy already had another short story in that same issue by Sheckley and the magazines worried about such things back then. Bad Medicine is a prototypical Sheckleyian story and that’s really saying something. The man wrote more than 400 stories in all! His work is tinged with dark, absurdist humor, and I enjoy the heck out of it. I don’t know who does this reading, but its good enough for FREE! You’ll love it…

Online Audiobook - Bad Medicine by Robert SheckleyBad Medicine
By Robert Sheckley; Read by ???
1 MP3 File – 35 Minutes 38 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Published: 2005
“On May 2, 2103, Elwood Caswell walked rapidly down Broadway with a loaded revolver hidden in his coat pocket. He didn’t want to use the weapon, but feared he might anyhow. This was a justifiable assumption, for Caswell was a homicidal maniac.”

The Sonic Society is RABID after a bite of Crazy Dog’s The Silver Tounged Devil

Online Audio

The Sonic SocietyThe latest Sonic Society podcast includes one of Crazy Dog Audio Theatre‘s Diabolic Playhouse segments that was originally broadcast on RTÉ (Ireland National Radio). We’ve recently been debating the difference in quality between professional and amateur audio drama. Check out this show to see the professionals as The Sonic Society is presenting…
The Silver Tounged DevilThe Silver Tongued Devil
A documentary of poetry, pretension, and possession.

We reviewed this show and the rest of the Diabolic Playhouse series in early 2005, this is what Scott wrote about “The Silver Tongued Devil”: “This entire piece is done like a radio documentary, NPR-style, complete with interviews of average people about the ‘Silver Tongued Devil’. The actors who did these segments were perfect! If I had listened to this on the radio without knowing that Crazy Dog had done it, I’d have thought it was news. Who is the ‘Silver Tongued Devil’? He’s an incredibly famous poet from Cork who has the god-like ability to make people swoon with his words. Again, the piece is multi-layered, achieving both hilarity and poignancy.”

Nina Kimberly The Merciless by Christiana Ellis: COMPLETED


Christiana Ellis, who I was lucky enough to meet at WorldCon 2006, has now completed her podcast novel Nina Kimberly The Merciless. It is the comedic adventure story of a teenage barbarian princess faced with the task of dispensing with an obnoxious royal suitor. I haven’t finished listening yet, I’m still laughing and snorting my way through her topsy turvy adventure world, but it is fair to say that Nina comes off like Robert E. Howard’s Conan as channeled through Joss Whedon’s Buffy, with an added dash of Arrested Development. Ellis knows how to exploit fantasy’s well-trod paths for comic effect. If you’d been waiting for it to complete before starting now you can!

Nina Kimberly The MercilessNina Kimberly The Merciless
By Christiana Ellis; Read by Christiana Ellis
24 Chapters + 1 Question Show – [UNABRIDGED]
Completed: September 2006

The official George R.R. Martin Podcast launches

Online Audio

The George R. R. Martin PodcastIt looks like George R. R. Martin has been persuaded to join the growing ranks of Random House authors who’ll be doing “limited run” podcasts to promote their works. In eight episodes, George will “cover a range of topics from the birth of his acclaimed saga, to his experiences in Hollywood, to ‘weird stuff,’ and even reads an excerpt from his new paperback novel A Feast For Crows.” Out now is:

Episode 1: The Birth of A Song of Ice and Fire
In this first episode, George R. R. Martin discusses the origin of his bestselling “A Song of Ice and Fire” cycle.

You can subscribe to the podcast by plugging this feed into your podcatcher:

BBC7’s The 7th Dimension does the classics: 2001: A Space Odyssey and Brave New World

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7’s the 7th Dimension will be airing two Science Fiction classics back to back starting monday weekdays for two weeks. First, Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2001: A Space Odyssey as produced by radio legend Dirk Maggs. Followed by a definitely abridged version of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Details follow…

2001: A Space Odyssey
By Arthur C. Clarke; Read by William Roberts
10 X 15 Minute Episodes – Approx. 2.5 Hours [ABRIDGED?]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Monday to Friday at 6:30pm (repeats 12:30am) UK Time*
When an enigmatic monolith is found buried on the moon, scientists are amazed to discover that it’s at least 3 million years old; the spaceship Discovery, its highly trained crew and self-aware, ultra-capable computer, HAL are sent to investigate.

*This has been broadcast twice before: (in 2001 on BBC Radio 4 and on BBC7 in November 2005)

Brave New World
By Aldous Huxley; Read by Anton Lesser
10 X 15 Minute Episodes – Approx. 2.5 Hours [ABRIDGED]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Monday to Friday at 6:45pm (repeats 12:45am) UK Time*
A nightmare vision of the future, where humans are battery farmed and cloning and consumerism is rife.

*This has been broadcast at least once before on BBC Radio 4

These will both be avilable via the Listen Again service shortly after they air.

Jesse Willis