KAMN #19 Ninjas Meet In Lankhmar!

Online Audio

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas LogoWatch your back, keep an eye out for fast moving shuriken and avoid deep shadows because… The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas podcast are invading Lankhmar!

KAMN #19: Ill Met In Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber
Here’s the description…

“The feature topic for this show is the 1970 fantasy novella, Ill Met inLankhmar by Fritz Leiber. While chronologically it isn’t the first story featuring Fafhrd and Grey Mouser (that one was “Two Sought Adventure”, published in 1939), it is the first story where they team up and work together. This story also won the Nebula Award in 1970 and the Hugo Award in 1971 for Best Novella.”

Download the MP3 HERE.

BBC Radio 4 has The Official PETER PAN Sequel

Online Audio

Online AudioRoy, our UK correspondent, states that a couple upcoming of shows coming to BBC Radio 4 should be of interest. Both items should be available via the usual ‘listen again’ facility for 7 days following broadcast too .The first, “The Saturday Play” on BBC Radio 4 this weekend…

Peter Pan In Scarlet
By Geraldine McCaughrean; Full Cast
90 Minutes – [AUDIO DRAMA]
BROADCAST: Saturday October 14th: 14:30-16:00 (UK TIME)
“A darker, more frightening, yet entirely sympathetic updating of Barrie’s vision of what it is to grow up”.
*This was the officially sanctioned sequel dramatised by Nick Warburton.

And on BBC 4’s “Afternoon Play”…

When It Rains
By ???; Full Cast
45 Minutes – [AUDIO DRAMA]
BROADCAST: Saturday October 20th: 14:15-15:00 (UK TIME)
“A ghost story from the age of steam”.

Roy says of the latter…. “[The] Radio Times seems to rate it very highly as ‘a genuinely chilling play.'”

posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: Amateur Audio Drama & What’s Wrong With It

Meta SFFaudioWe’ve been talking about audio drama a lot here lately. Personally I like audio drama, and I should point out I like amateur audio drama too. But It doesn’t all make me happy. The industry has a number of problems. This post isn’t designed to discourage people who want to get into the business, it’s your time, you can use it how you want. Heck if you’ll make stuff I’ll enjoy I actively encourage you! But I do see problems, some that are fixed far easier before you start recording. Here are five problems I see in amateur audio drama…

Problem #1: Too many and too little.
Maybe there are too many people trying to do audio drama. It seems that almost everybody and their friend is making original audio drama. Good for you. A recent visit to a dedicated audio drama blog gave me a list of more than two dozen (!) audio drama troupes with websites. There are more without websites. How sad is that? Methinks it is time to consolidate people! Umbrella organizations seem to help with production schedules and technical know-how. In a group you’ll probably find peer feeback feedback will help you keep encouraged, keep you on a schedule and help keep your actors showing up for sessions. Even better as a co-operative you’ll benefit from economy of scale in terms of word of mouth.

Problem #2: Its It’s called DISTRIBUTION, stupid.
I don’t have a handle on the exact extent of the audience for audio drama, and I doubt anyone else does, but I’m going to guess that the audience for some of the amateur productions is not much higher than the number of people involved in making them (if that). Many websites didn’t even seem to be aware of the existence of podcasting. And most don’t do it. This is a major mistake. If you are one of these people do yourself a favour and buy a copy of Podcasting For Dummies. Podcasting is going to be bigger than television is now and bigger than radio was in it’s its heyday. The distribution and infrastructure costs are ridiculously cheap, you only pay big $$ if people LOVE your stuff. If you don’t make it easy for people to listen, they won’t. If your stuff isn’t on the radio, isn’t being reviewed by anyone or being syndicated by another podcast your audience isn’t just going to come to you. Podcast distribution is the solution! Pendant Productions, Darker Projects and The Sonic Society all podcast, this makes them have an audience FAR bigger than if they didn’t. Try it.

Problem # 3: Who the hell are you? And why should I care?
When you name is Llama Escondido or Sheila Whatshername your you’re in deep trouble. I’m more likely to be searching for somebody I already know about and love than you and your vague audio drama, it’s vague name and your vague writer name. Worse if none of my keywords show up in your indecipherable audio drama description, you’re lost. Don’t say that your audio drama offers a “unique perspective,” or that it consists of “funny adventures” with “new visions” that is just boring. Instead use names, either by licencing name authors fiction or by setting your dramas in places I’ve heard of “Barsoom” is better than “Planet Y.” Specifics are always better, 2052 is better than “the future.” Another approach, and Scott’s going to love this one, is to do a little Audio Drama Fan Fiction. Some umbrella organizations take this approach. People will find you this way, searches for Star Wars, Firefly, Star Trek are far more common than searches for:

Generic/Abstract Audio Drama Title
Weitten Written by Boring Guy You’ve Never Heard Of (with a “FULL CAST”)

When J. Marcus Xavier started his Silent Universe audio drama series he smartly compared his show to 24 and Battlestar Galactica. He’s since dropped the comparison (he still uses “choose-your-own-adventure” in the description) in part, no doubt, because his show is now established and known.

Problem # 4: It ain’t all that funny, buddy.
If you haven’t already, consider writing “serious” audio drama. Funny is harder to write well. I think the reason people write so much “funny” audio drama might have to do with the worry about whether or not it will be any good. Maybe it is a defensive mechanism on the part of the writer? If it is supposed to be funny and people don’t laugh, you can always say to yourself “they just don’t have a good sense of humor.” If they point out that your plot is derivative, don’t say “It is supposed to be. that’s what’s so funny.” Fear of critcism criticism shouldn’t be the motivation for a script’s direction. Another related issue: Audio dramatists tend to dumb down the science in their “funny” science fiction audio dramas. Just because it is “funny” doesn’t mean you can go slack on the science. Red Dwarf was full of ridiculously impossible physics, but they respected the audience, knew the actual tropes of SF and made serious SF ideas a part of the plot. Try that.

Problem #5: Do a reality check. Campy isn’t cool.
I’m not saying this to be cruel, I just am getting tired of the obliviousness… one thing that I’ve heard over and over again is a line that goes something like this: “We’re resurrecting Old Time Radio. Millions of people used to be glued to their radios in the 1930s and 1940s. We’re going to make it again.” I’ve heard that or variations on that pathetic dream at least a half dozen times in interviews with amateur audio dramatists. I think that’s part of the problem, you’re taking the 1930s clunky sensibility and expecting it to work in the 21st century. So maybe you did recognize this in the first recording session and so instead of updating the plots and the dialogue, you make it “campy fun.” I can only take so much camp, and right now I’m all filled up. I’m betting “campy fun” is about 100 times more fun to make than it is to listen to.

I am without audio drama sin (or virtue), being just a consumer of it, so I feel justified in casting these stones. Am I wrong?

*Typos fixed: (October 14th). Thanks Joe!

Review of Star Trek: Vulcan’s Soul: Exodus by Sherman and Shwartz

Science Fiction Audiobook Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - Star Trek Vulcan's Soul: Exodus by Josepha Sherman and Susan ShwartzStar Trek: Vulcan’s Soul: Exodus
By Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz; Read by Richard Poe
6 Cassettes – 8.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Recorded Books
Published: 2005
ISBN: 141930920X
Themes: / Science Fiction / Star Trek / Vulcans /

I have read the previous works by Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz, titled Star Trek: Vulcan’s Forge and Star Trek: Vulcan’s Heart, and both were excellent. Star Trek: Vulcan’s Soul: Exodus is no different. All are excellent meditations on what it means to be Vulcan, and Exodus delves into the planet’s history, back to the time of Surak, the Vulcan who guided his race into suppressing their emotions and adhering to logic. The main focus of this novel is a group of Vulcans who are preparing to leave the planet. These people eventually become the Romulans, and their story will continue into the next books, titled Exiles and Epiphany. Plus, a story that takes place in the 24th Century after the Dominion War, where the Romulan homeworlds are threatened by the alien Watraii. Spock and his wife Saavik, as well as centenarian Admirals Uhura and Chekov, assemble a fleet of Federation, Klingon and
Romulan ships, against Starfleet orders, to deal with them. (I guess if McCoy can still be alive to take a tour of the Enterprise-D 100+ years after his first tour as Kirk’s chief medical officer, then I guess Uhura and Chekov can still be alive after the Dominion War.)

I also like the addition and update of another Original Series character, The Romulan Commander from “The Enterprise Incident”, and I’m pleased to see she’s finally been given a name: Charvonek.

The audiobook is read by Richard Poe(who played Gul Evek in several episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager). You’d think that his deep, distinctive voice would make it hard to give voice to the women in his story, but he manages admirably. He also does well at giving emotion to the characters, applying just the right anger and sadness, and even adding breathlessness to fight scenes. I can’t wait to hear the next book.

Ed. – This audiobook is the first Unabridged Star Trek novel we’ve come across. Recorded Books has very recently published an Unabridged version of the second book in the series, Star Trek: Vulcan’s Soul: Exiles, also read by Richard Poe.

Dimension-X and X Minus 1 OTR available from the Internet Archive

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dimension X CD artDimension X and its successor, X Minus 1, produced some of the most popular and successful science fiction radio drama of the 1950s using classic stories by some of the most famous authors. These episodes are now available at the Internet Archive for download or streaming playback. Get the Dimension X episodes here and the X Minus 1 episodes here.

X Minus 1 CD artFind listener recommendations and cool CD cover art for these programs at The OTR Plot Spot.

Dimension X shows are in the public domain, but X Minus 1 episodes are released under the Creative Commons license.

posted by Moriond

More H.P. LOVECRAFT audiobooks for FREE

Online Audio

Voices In The DarkThe rediscovery of spoken literature, you gotta love it. Sean Puckett and Dawn Keenan do too. Sean said the idea for Voices In The Dark came to him suddenly one afternoon:

“…imagine when there was no HDTV, no radio, and entertainment was what you and your family did together, and not what you watched together. When the sun went down and everything was candle-lit, familes would gather together and play, sing and read.”

Their website name came soon after, and before they could catch their breath, the domain was registered. Dawn Keenan, says…

“My most precious memories of my father are from early childhood, when he would tell us stories and sing songs. Though I only became interested in his passion of Canadian history as an adult, I have had an especial love of folk tales and legends that reaches as far back as I can remember. In high school, I was complimented on my voice by several teachers. I read news at the campus radio station when I was in university and have enjoyed reading aloud and singing with my daughter and son from their earliest days.”

One minor annoyance, narrator Sean Puckett doesn’t always attribute the titles at the begining of the MP3s. But other than that how can I complain when they provide such wonderous materials as these…

The Shadow Over Innsmouth
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
4 MP3 Files – 24 Minutes 20 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
|Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|
A young man on an architectural and historical tour of New England is drawn to the decaying port town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts.One of Lovecraft’s best loved novellas!

The Alchemist
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 24 Minutes 20 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
The latest decendant of a long line of nobility confronts the six hundred year-old curse that has cut down his forefathers at the age of 32.

The Beast In The Cave
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 17 Minutes 23 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
The narrator breaks away from his touring party in Mammoth Cave and becomes lost in the darkness.

By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 2 Minutes 25 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
The Genie that haunts the moonbeams asks the Daemon of the Valley a question.

The Music Of Erich Zann
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 19 Minutes 33 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
A brief tale of a college student, a lost street in Paris, and a bent, old violist.

The Outsider
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 16 Minutes 29 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
One of the shorter works … about which it is not wise to say too much.

The Rats In The Walls
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 43 Minutes 25 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
An American gentleman takes posession of his ancestral estate in Exham, and learns far more about his family’s past than he ever imagined.

The Street
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 14 Minutes 51 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
Do things and places have a soul?

Other authors and stories of interest over on Voices In The Dark include:

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow
*I’ve added this one to our Cory Doctorow Author Focus listing.

The Case of Davidson’s Eyes by H. G. Wells

The Door in the Wall by H. G. Wells

The Empire of the Ants by H. G. Wells

The Flowering of the Strange Orchid by H. G. Wells

The Magic Shop by H. G. Wells

If you’re an aspiring author, narrator or storyteller the folks at Voices In The Dark invite you to contribute! Here‘s the contact info.