Recent Arrival: Airborn by Kenneth Oppel

Fantasy Audiobook - Airborn by Kenneth OppelAirborn
By Kenneth Oppel; Read by a Full Cast
10 CDs – 10.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Full Cast Audio
Published: 2006
ISBN: 1933322543

Here’s the latest arrival from Full Cast Audio, the premier producer of family-friendly audiobooks:

An incredible swashbuckling adventure, set in a world where great airships ply the skies and there are unknown lands and strange creatures still to be discovered. You’ll love the characters, and the story has the drive and verve of a Saturday morning serial.

Reminiscent of Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs—with a touch of Robert Louis Stevenson—this is adventure writing at its finest. And with its cast of larger-than-life characters, it was just made for our full cast treatment.

The Time Traveler Show Podcast # 9: Features Sam Mowry & a Jack Vance short story!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #9 is out, this one’s a “Halloween Special.” The featured tale is a short story by the legendary Jack Vance. Entitled When The Five Moons Rise it is read by Sam A Mowry of The Willamett Radio Workshop. When The Five Moons Rise first was first published in the March 1954 issue of “Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine.”

Oh and stay tuned to the end of the podcast to hear a special H.G.Wells & Orson Welles duo radio interview from 1940!

The Time Traveler Show #9 When The Five Moons Rise by Jack VanceWhen The Five Moons Rise
By Jack Vance; Read by Sam A. Mowry
Podcaster: October 2006

To read the complete show notes for podcast #9 click HERE.

Subscribe to the podcast to listen for free:

Review of Antibodies by Charles Stross

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - Antibodies by Charles StrossAntibodies
By Charles Stross; Read by Jared Doreck and Shondra Marie
1 CD – 54 Minutes 16 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Infinivox
Published: 2005
ISBN: 1884612474
Themes: / Science Fiction / Singularity / Conspiracy / Artificial Intelligence / Parallel Worlds /

– Click HERE to hear a sample –

“Damn it, Bob, I really had high hopes for this world-line. They seemed to be doing so well for a revelatory Christian-Islamic line, despite the post-Enlightenment mind-set.”

The announcement of the solution to the traveling salesman problem heralds the imminent destruction of humanity. No more salesman; no more problem. The story begins when a computer programmer is notified by RSS feed that all NP-complete problems lie in P, and thus computer encryption is forever compromised. Knowing the disaster for what it is, he flees, but with this being such a hard-takeoff he might not make it.

Stross’ ideas are hard, cold, pure, and funny, but it is his storytelling – the effectiveness of the complete tale – that elevates his perspective SF ideas into Science Fiction excellence. This is the kind of fiction I love; thought provoking with shrewdly surprisingly but necessary consequences of the premise. Stross goes from alpha to omega faster than you can guess, and in so doing delivers a solid entry into SF’s growing dialogue about The Singularity. Antibodies reminded of Isaac Asimov’s similarily elegant short story Living Space. Also refreshing is a humourous conspiracy that explains why Microsoft Windows-based computer viruses are so prevalent.

Allan Kaster, who runs the Infinivox wing of Audiotext, has put deep thought into this tale’s production. The narrators, Jared Dorek and Shondra Marie, pair up to deliver the action in this first-person perspective masterpiece of SF. Marie reads all the female voices and Dorek all the male. When each speaks the role of the hero and heroine, they do so in an amalgamated accent that is implied by the text. The production is carefully woven with transition music designed to show textual scene transitions and time passing. But it is the story that elevates this audiobook to SFFaudio Essential status. With a running time just shy of one hour you aren’t likely to have a more quintissential Strossian experience on audio.

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Podcast: Behind The Scenes at Darker Projects

Online Audio

Behind The Scenes at Darker ProjectsDarker Projects is a collective of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror audio drama projects with a dark edge. I’ve mentioned this umbrella organization a few times on SFFaudio already, and we are currently working on an extended examination of all the shows they produce. But I just had to post up a little something about the new meta-podcast, they’ve created. Here is the RSS feed:

Or download the show direct:

Intro |MP3|
Episode 1 |MP3|

“You might already know that Darker Projects is one of the premiere sources of quality audio fiction on the internet. What you might not know is where a lot of these great ideas come from. This podcast brings you the voices of those responsible for the great content you hear on Darker Projects. Hear interviews from producers, composers, writers and actors. Have a look behind the scenes… at Darker Projects.”

posted by Jesse Willis