H. Beam Piper’s Little Fuzzy as a FREE UNABRIDGED audiobook!

Little Fuzzy is a minor classic of Science Fiction by H. Beam Piper. Thanks to the wondiferous hobby of Maureen O’Brien it is now available in its unabridged entirety as an amateur produced MP3 audiobook. All 17 chapters are available now for free via archive.org.

Little Fuzzy by H. Beam PiperLittle Fuzzy
By H.Beam Piper; Read by Maureen O’Brien
17 Zipped MP3 Files – 6 Hours 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
PODCAST: Maria Lectrix
COMPLETED: October 2006

The planet Zarathustra is going through a dry spell. Land-prawns, ecologists, and scared bureaucrats are coming out of the woodwork. But there’s more trouble to come. The cutest little alien critter you’ve ever seen: Little Fuzzy.

The story revolves around determining whether a small furry species discovered on the planet Zarathustra is sapient. Along the way a gentle kind of libertarianism that emphasizes sincerity and honesty is advocated. This is generally considered a “juvenile” novel.

The narrator, Maureen O’Brien, first released each chapter as an instalment on her Maria Lectrix Podcast which she describes as “Six days a week of public domain audiobooks — mystery, history, adventure, devotion — for people with Catholic tastes.” About Little Fuzzy she writes:

“Right now, I’m making an audiobook of H. Beam Piper’s novel Little Fuzzy. It’s in the public domain and on Gutenberg, because Piper didn’t renew copyright. Piper is one of my younger brother’s favorite authors, so I’m really doing it for him. But the funny thing is that I actually am enjoying the book a lot more than I did back in junior high; I guess the legal and corporate maneuvering makes more sense to me now.”

Little Fuzzy is finished, I asked her what else she’d been working on. It seems that Maureen’s been in fandom more than a dozen years, helping out at some conventions and writting for an shared world superhero zine, Vanguard Dossier. She says…

“I record public domain stuff because I am cheap and have time on my hands. Also, it’s nice to give something back to the Internet that’s given so much to me. Back in the BBS days, you were expected to upload a certain amount of material to offset all the files from other people that you were downloading. I think I’ve done that now.”

And has she ever she’s recorded dozens of other stories, novels, poems and plays too!

“I’m afraid my choice of literary works is a bit haphazard, as I usually pick on whim something I like, something I’ve been meaning to read, or something I run across that looks interesting. My original plan was to podcast mostly short stories, short essays, and a few longer works. Instead, novels and epic poems have taken over my podcast.

For quite a while, I was broadcasting something from the works of antebellum New York SF/Fantasy writer Fitz James O’Brien every Monday. Partly this was because I like his stuff and think he’s unfairly neglected. But partly it’s because I had a hard time deciding what to read on Mondays and he narrowed that down quite a lot. But Fitz had a very interesting take on life, and I enjoyed that a lot. He was also amazingly prolific; there are still tons of stories by him that I haven’t done.

I also really enjoyed reading Lord Dunsany, who has been one of my all time favorite authors since I first encountered his stories. When he really gets rolling, his fantasy can veer abruptly from the highest flights of beauty and language to the silliest comedy within a few sentences. He was wonderful to read; and I fully intend to read some more stories by him later this year. I would love to hear someone adapt one of his spooky plays as an audio drama; I think they might work very well.

A lot of the epic poems I’ve podcasted are actually fantasy novels in poetic form. Lucan’s Pharsalia is full of witchcraft and horror, ancient Roman style. Scott’s The Bride of Triermain is pure fantasy, with King Arthur, demigoddesses, bards, phantoms, and all.”

It is all very cool and I’m going to be keeping my ear attuned to Maureen’s passion. I’ve subscribed to her podcast. If you’re interested you too can subscribe by plugging this feed into your podcatcher:


Special Guest-voice on Upcoming 7th Son Chapter

SFFaudio News

7th Son Book TwoI just received word from author J.C. Hutchins that coming up on the November 14th chapter of 7th Son Book 2: Deceit, there will be a voice to make every Browncoat on the planet go weak in the knees (and that includes male Browncoats!). Actor Nathan Fillion! For the five or so people who may not know yet, Nathan Fillion is best known for his role as Captain Malcolm Reynolds in the short-lived Firefly television series, and Serenity movie.

“It’s an absolute honor to have Nathan on the podcast,” Hutchins said. “Folks best know him as a well-grounded hero in a science-fiction epic. 7th Son — a reality-driven sci-fi thriller — is a good fit for his cameo. The current listenership of 7th Son will love his ‘previously on’ reading … but this provides a terrific reason for new listeners to hop aboard.”

Well, you know that this Browncoat AND 7th Son fan will be all ears…

You can grab the feed for the 7th Son Novel with this link:


Singularity Podcast CONCLUDES Halloween!

Podcast - The SingularityBill DeSmedt, author of the podiobook Singularity, has recorded the final episode of his podcast, a Question and Answer show, hosted by Paul Fisher. The episode will go live tommorow, Halloween! I’ve been listening to the novel and have been blown away by the awesomeness. The podiobooks.com ranking has this audiobook rated at 5 out of 5 stars with more than 60 votes! If you like science, Science Fiction, action, and surprises ’round every curve, click on over to Podiobooks.com, sign up and subscribe, you won’t be sorry.

The Willamette Radio Workshop haunts KBOO-FM 90.7

Online Audio

KBOO 90.7 FMThe Willamette Radio Workshop is working Halloween! Tuesday October 31st 2006 at 10:30am PST in Portland Oregon KBOO-FM 90.7 will feature two short offerings from WRW…

Through The Turnstile
By Carole Dane
“A post-apocalyptic tale of dark irony and reluctant human contact.”

The Outsider
By H.P. Lovecraft (adapted by Joe Medina)
Produced, performed and directed by Sam A. Mowry.

Go to http://www.kboo.fm/listen to stream the broadcast live.

Jesse Willis

Classic 1983 RADIO DRAMA on BBC7 Time Slip by Wally K. Daly

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionOur attentive UK correspondent Roy sez: “You might not have spotted this as it is not in the ‘Seventh Dimension’ SF slot and as far as I can see does not get the usual BBC7 rebroadcast”

Time Slip
By Wally K. Daly; FULL CAST
1 Part – Approx. 1 Hour [RADIO DRAMA]
BROADCAST: Sunday October 29th 01:30-02:30 (UK Time)

Roy writes: “This was first broadcast on BBC R4 in May 1983 &, if memory serves correctly that far back, is an amusing comedy in which a man duplicates himself.”

The good news, you can still catch this play, though it aired in the early hours this morning, by clicking on over to the LISTEN AGAIN service.

Jesse Willis

7th Dimension has a J.G. Ballard short story and Shirley Jackson’s novel The Haunting Of Hill House

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7’s the 7th Dimension will be airing two readings starting today…

The Recognition
By J.G. Ballard; Read by Michael Maloney
1 Part – [UNABRIDGED?]
BROADCAST: Saturday at 6pm and 12am (UK Time)
What kind of animals are being exhibited as part of the mysterious circus that rolls into town one Midsummer’s Eve? The narrator is drawn to a disturbingly familiar smell surrounding the cages.

The Haunting of Hill House
By Shirley Jackson; Read by Emma Fielding
8 Parts – [ABRIDGED]
BROADCAST: Weekdays from Monday at 6.45pm and 12.45am (UK Time)
A spine-chilling Gothic Horror tale… Eleanor Vance soon falls under the malevolent spell of Hill House. Will she be able to resist its influence or will the house claim her as yet another victim in its long history of terror and violence?

These will all be avilable via the Listen Again service shortly after they air.

Jesse Willis