New Podcast – Adventures in Scifi Publishing

Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing is a newish podcast with three show so far. Host Shaun Farrell covers SF publishing news and does some good interviews with authors, editors, and publishers. Shaun also writes and does interviews for the online magazine, Far Sector SFFH (science fiction/fantasy/horror), and is an aspiring SF writer.

Episode 1 Shaun interviews Ray Bradbury and Paul Levinson |MP3|

Episode 2 has interviews with R.A. Salvatore and Senior Editor Jaime Levine. |MP3|

Episode 3 has an interview with YA fantasy writer Sam Enthoven. |MP3|

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H.P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider available as an abridged reading / Radio Drama hybrid

Online Audio

Willamette Radio WorkshopAccording to the Audio Addict‘s blog, There’s a new free download over at the Willamette Radio Workshop‘s website. This is the adaptation that premiered on KBOO 90.7 FM in Portland, Oregon back on Halloween! Be forewarned though, this is a dramatized reading, in which the unabridged Lovecraftian text is accompanied by sound effects designed to enhance the experience.

Audio Drama / Audiobook Hybrid - The Outsider by H.P. LovecraftThe Outsider
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sam A. Mowry
Source: Willamette Radio Workshop / Ollin Productions
Released: November 9th 2006
“THE OUTSIDER is a collaboration between Sam A. Mowry and Joe Medina to explore the text of a Lovecraft story with the sound effects and production they bring to their work with Modern Audio Drama. This broadcast is a great example of how the Workshop keeps experimenting with original stories, existing texts and how we always look for new ways to tell stories with sound.”

The Zombie Astronaut has The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth

Online Audio

MP3 webzine - Zombie AstronautSFFaudio reader, Willie, points out that, Zombie Astronaut, one of our favorite mp3 webzines, is still alive and kicking (in an undead and orbiting sort of way). In fact in the latest issue of ZA there’s a two part classic radio drama of Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth’s famous novel The Space Merchants (aka Gravy Planet). This biting satire, that now so closely resembles our world, is set in a future in which the advertisers and ad execs run the world. Their problem, how do you sell people on colonizing Venus, a planet with no breathable air, no water and that’s hideously hot? Tune in and find out with… Part 1 |MP3| & Part 2 |MP3|. Thanks for the reminder Willie!

The Time Traveler Show Podcast # 10 Asimov on "Utopian Change"

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #10 has been released and this time he’s recorded an exclusive speech by Isaac Asimov. With Asimov being dead and all I guess it makes us very lucky that The Time Traveler can actually time travel.* The speech is on the topic of “Utopian Change” and runs nearly an hour. It was recorded in front of an audience at Johns Hopkins University on March 3rd 1974. Click HERE to listen or to read the complete show notes for podcast #10 click HERE.

Better yet, subscribe to the podcast:

*Asimov’s speech was recorded with the kind assistance of the Science Fiction Oral History Association.