The Time Traveler Show gets recursive with a MetaPodcast

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler Show - Pseudo Meta Beta Cast 1.0The Time Traveler has effected a Pseudo Meta Beta podcast. If you’re not sure what that might be you are not alone. The reason he did it? Just cause. Irregardless of the whens and whatfors, you’ll be pleased to hear that the special episode includes an interview with Anne Murphy, president of the Science Fiction Oral History Association a group dedicated to aurally preserving the history of Science Fiction – especially that history found at conventions. You’ll also hear a little bit about how The Time Traveler’s show is constructed.

Download the show direct (|MP3|), or insert this in your podcatcher to subscribe:

Paul Levinson Podcast contest

SFFaudio News

Science Fiction author - Paul LevinsonPaul Levinson, will be giving away 25 MP3 copies of his radio dramatization of The Chronology Protection Case! In the next instalment of his podcast, Light On Light Through, Paul will play a brief clip from the audio drama and then say:

“I’m giving away MP3 copies of the complete Edgar-nominated radio play to the first 25 people who e-mail me at [email protected], voicemail me at 206-203-2615 (the Light On Light Through hotline), or send me a voicemail by clicking on the Odeo birdie on my web page.”

In order to win an MP3, the emailers and callers will have to identify a specific image that is on the web page – an image that does not necessarily have anything to do with time travel, Science Fiction, or him. He’ll be of course more specific in the podcast – the idea being that people will need to actually listen to the podcast to receive the specific clue.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

FREE MP3 hosting for Audio Drama creators

SFFaudio News

The Soul Patrol In November of 2003 David Koenigsberg, creator of The Soul Patrol offered to host MP3 files from other audio drama, radio drama and audio theater creators on his website. Sadly, back then no one took him up on the offer. So he has made the offer again, he has his own server, commercial DSL line and plenty of capacity/bandwidth. David writes “I’ll post any show for free on my website, The- Cosmic-Forces. net.”

There are however a few conditions:

1. David sez: “The show has to have some quality to it (but he will try not to
reject any show because of subject matter).”

2. You can’t directly link to the mp3 download (and bypass the page).

3. He’ll remove your show whenever you request.

4. He’ll set up links to your page so that users can find out any
information about your show. (He’ll post the mp3s–not all the info!)

He could start posting MP3s starting in January 2007.

Review of Taken Liberty by Steven H. Wilson

SFFaudio Review

Taken LibertyTaken Liberty – A Tale From The Artiber Chronicles
By Steven H. Wilson; Read by Steven H. Wilson
Podcast Novel – Approx. 8 Hours [ABRIDGED]
Published: September 2006
Themes: / Science Fiction / Drama / Action / Slavery /

“I don’t believe you’ve convinced me of her crime.”
“She posed as a human!”
Atal raised an eyebrow. “Is that a crime?”

So begins the intriguing, sad, yet hopeful and inspiring story of a girl who only wanted her freedom. This is the story of Aer’La, a Varthan Feral raised strictly to be a sexual slave. She escapes, and, dying her blue skin and posing as a human, becomes a high-ranking officer on board one of the most esteemed ships in the Confederate Navy- the Arbiter. Only after a routine medical check-up is the truth of what she is discovered. It is ultimately reported to authorities, and then to the media. Aer’La then has no choice but to tell her story to her Captain, Jan Atal. It then becomes a clash of doing what is right, vs. doing what the law states. Aer’La also learns who her allies and her enemies are, as well as a few life lessons about trust and friendship.

Taken Liberty is a tale of truth, friendship, comradery, love, loss, and above all the right to be free. It covers so many genres, you tend to forget that you’re listening to Science Fiction. This is a very key thing for me to say here, because I am not the biggest Science Fiction fan. I know, I know, yet here I am writing reviews for SFFaudio. Let’s just say I’m… picky.

Steven Wilson also does an excellent job with the reading. He gives each character a unique voice, and thanks to his voice acting background, it pays off. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Wilson. The well-driven plot causes you to feel yourself being sucked into the tension of the situation, and really questioning how this poor girl will remain free, instead of being returned to a life of slavery.

If you are a fan of Prometheus Radio Theatre and their Arbiter Chronicles, you will enjoy this book because it goes more in-depth into the characters you know all ready. If you have never heard of the Arbiter Chronicles before, you will still enjoy this book. The story remains separate enough that you are still able to connect and follow the characters and the story without feeling lost. As a matter of fact, my bet will be if you listen to this podiobook, you will want to move on to hear more about the Arbiter and its crew- which can be found via podcast at

If a “semi” Science Fiction fan is impressed and enjoyed this podiobook, imagine what a huge science-fiction fan will think!

Jim Kelly’s Podcast has transmogrified!

SFFaudio Online Audio

James Patrick Kelly is back from his summer long vacation. Summer runs until mid-November right? But don’t worry, Jim bears gifts! He’s debuting a new non-fiction (sort of) podcast. First up is an updated reading of Jim’s Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine column On The Net. This one was originally published in June of 2004. The subject? Faster than light travel.

Even more exciting, in his intro to his reborn show Jim promises to begin reading his novel Look Into The Sun in early 2007! Resubscribe today, tune your podcatchers to:

Welcome back Jim!

KAMN News! Gateway and Far-Seer in the mix

SFFaudio News

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas LogoThe Ninjas have landed and they have a plan…

KAMN #23: Gateway by Frederick Pohl
KAMN #25: Far Seer by Robert J. Sawyer

I liked Gateway but isn’t my favorite Pohl novel. Pohl has a history of repeatedly using psychotic breaks as a theme in his novels. This one is probably 1/3 set in a psychiatrist’s office. I’m not sure where that would come from, but I liked his The Voices Voices Of Heaven more, also starring a protagonist with a history of mental illness. Interestlingly, Gateway does happen to be Robert J. Sawyer’s favorite Science Fiction novel. And speaking of Sawyer, his first novel in the Quintaglio ascension series, Far Seer, is up for KAMN review shortly after. That novel is set on a very interesting world that parallels our own in many ways. The “far seer” of the title refers to a telescope and the novel itself parallels the events surrounding Galileo Galilei’s discovery of the moons of Jupiter. If you dig science, science history and dinosaurs, you’ll dig Far Seer.