Slice Of SciFi chosen SCI-FI Channel "Site Of The Week"

SFFaudio News

Podcast - Slice Of Sci-FiSlice of SciFi , the most popular of all the Farpoint Media podcasts (it also airs on XM Satellite in the USA) has been chosen as SCI FI Weekly‘s Site of the Week! Congrats to Michael, Summer, Evo, Joe, Sam and the rest of the Slice crew. It was about time – so say we all.

Personally I’m going to be listening to shows #83 and #84 today, featuring interviews with Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) from Battlestar Galactica, and FilmFax magazine editor Michael Stein! If you haven’t already subscribed, now is the time.

You too can subscribe, via this feed:

Commentary: Electronic Mailing Lists

SFFaudio Commentary

Keeping apprised of what audio exists out there is very difficult. One technique I use is to join Science Fiction and Fantasy email mailing lists. It is very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of postings but if people are interested there are some workarounds – use digests, RSS feeds or just vist the archives on occasion. Collected below are some electronic mailing lists I’ve come across…

Yahoo! GroupsYahoo! Groups electronic mailing lists. Group messages can be posted and read by e-mail. Members can choose whether to receive individual e-mails or daily digest e-mails. Some Groups are simply announcement lists, to which only the Group moderators can post, while others are discussion lists. New users are required to register for membership and typically can’t join groups without moderator approval. There are thousands and thousands of groups. Perhaps you know of some that we should add to the list below?

Old Radio Shows On MP3OldRadioShowsOnMP3
Members: 3472
Category: Old Time Radio
Founded: 1999

This group talks about OTR (Old Time Radio) and modern radio theater. Their official line is “talk about MP3 players, Podcasts, web sites to download shows and MP3 trading. Old time radio shows, actors, radios and media to store OTR on. Also any newer radio drama is OK too.”

Members: 255
Category: Old Time Radio
Founded: 2004

Pendant Productions is a fan-based audio group that produces full-cast serial audio dramas. Signing up will keep you up to date with all the productions and it is also useful for people interested in their casting calls too!

Modern Audio DramaModernAudioDrama
Members: 197
Category: Programs
Founded: 2001

“A discussion of the production of Modern Audio Drama” which while not being exclusively Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror related, tends to have a lot of all three. Many audio drama podcasters use this one.

Members: 95
Category: Radio
Founded: 2004

This is a group dedicated to finding, collecting, and enjoying Science Fiction radio shows. Covering OTR and NTR both. Also useful is their extensive files section which includes an up to date website resource.

Members: 35
Category: Science Fiction and Fantasy
Founded: 2003

Hey that’s us! SFFaudio is a group established to discuss Science Fiction and Fantasy on audio. Audiobooks, podcasts, audio drama, radio… anything you listen to that is Speculative Fiction related is fair game. We’re fans of Science Fiction and Fantasy who enjoy the audio experience. This group has been pretty quiet, but is happy to accept new members.

Google GroupsGoogle Groups works very similarly to Yahoo! Groups, but has the nice addition of an RSS feed. Also neat is the ability to access Usenet newsgroups dating back to 1981!

Members: 58
Category: Arts & Entertainment
Created: 2006

Christiana Ellis runs this group, she’s the author of the podiobook from which the group take its name. A very nice example of a narrow-focused mailing list and discussion group.

Do you know of some electronic mailing lists that contain significant SFFaudio related postings? If so please let me know!

Another Editor Comes Forth…

SFFaudio News

Society of Audio AddictsYou know, when you admit you have an addiction, in a normal universe it means you can start to take the steps to beat it. I’m finding an audio addiction works a little differently in my universe. It all began with a simple blog yammering on about what I love- audio cinema. Now it covers not only audio cinema, but podcasting, as well as audio hardware and software. Before you can say “psy-jack”, I’m contributing to my absolute favorite audio cinema show Sonic Society with a podcast review, writing stories for Podcast Pickle News, and even contributing on SFFaudio now and then with a review. All of this in addition to my very own podcast, Truth Seekers. So when Jesse approached me about becoming a contributing editor, I fell off my chair, half-laughing hysterically, half-crying.
I’m sure you will understand that I read with great glee Rick’s introduction as a contributing editor, thinking to myself, “Ha-ha! He found another sucker! I’m off the hook!”

Then I got the flowers. And the chocolate. And the big-ass star on my door.

In all seriousness, I’m honored and very excited to be a member of such a great team, and a truly outstanding website. I hope that as a fellow contributing editor I continue to do y’all proud! Please feel free to send any science-fiction or fantasy audio and suggestions my way at [email protected]. This is an addiction I’d rather continue to feed than conquer.

Okay, okay… honestly? It only took chocolate. However, that star looks really nice on my door…

Pseudopod podcasts a Kevin J. Anderson story

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - PseudopodPseudopod has claimed its first name author with the podcast of Kevin J. Anderson‘s Redmond’s Private Screening. This story was originally published in the April 2001 issue of Realms Of Fantasy. After listening to it, before sleeping last night, it gave me nightmare! Count that as a recommendation.

It’s the nickelodeon era of early Hollywood, and amoral creeps like Redmond have already taken over the film business. And then as now, people will do anything to get their face in the movies. Redmond is approached by a Japanese family with a lucrative proposition: the chance to film an actual hara-kiri suicide by samurai sword. The greedy director unwisely ignores the conventional Japanese belief that “anyone who dies violently is certain to haunt those who caused him to suffer.” When Redmond screens his snuff film, he and the seedy audience are treated to a bit of bonus footage.

EP074: Redmond’s Private Screening
By Kevin J. Anderson; Read by Scott Sigler
Podcaster: Pseudopod
Podcast: November 24th 2006

Author Focus: Mike Resnick

SFFaudio Commentary

Mike ResnickThe prolific Mike Resnick is one of the winningest Science Fiction writers in history. He is also as a long-time participant in Science Fiction fandom. Like many of his peers, in the 1960s and 70s Resnick wrote sleaze sex paperbacks under pseudonyms. His most praised work so far has been his Kirinyaga cycle, which was inspired by his many visits to Africa. His daughter, Laura Resnick, is also an award-winning SF author. Unfortunately for us Mike Resnick still only has has a small percentage of his fiction available on audio. Here’s as much as we’ve been able to find:


Science Fiction Audiobooks - Kirinyaga by Mike Resnick One Perfect Morning With Jackals & Kirinyaga (Tales of Kirinyaga #1)
By Mike Resnick; Read by Pat Bottino
1 Cassette – 83 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Infinivox
Published: 1997
ISBN: 1884612237

For I Have Touched the Sky (Tales of Kirinyaga #2)
By Mike Resnick ; Read by Pat Bottino
1 cassette – 71 minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Infinivox
Published: 1997
ISBN: 1884612253
Once before, the Kikuyu tried to become something that they were not, and they became not city-dwelling Kikuyu, or bad Kikuyu, but an entirely new tribe called Kenyans. Those who came to Kirinyaga came here to preserve the old ways – and if women start reading, some of them will become discontented, and they will leave, and then one day there will be no more Kikuyu left.

Sci-Fi Audio - The Hugo Nominees 2002Sci-Fi Audio – The Hugo Nominees 2002
Edited by Jeremy Bloom; Read by Various
Publisher: Frequency Audio Magazine /
Published: 2001
This collection includes Resnick’s Old MacDonald Had A Farm and is read by Hour 25 Online host Warren James. The bio-engineered “butterballs” were saving the Earth’s impoverished billions from starvation. Even vegetarians couldn’t object to that, right? These animals exist only to be eaten… But when a reporter visits the factory farm where the butterballs are grown, he finds that things aren’t quite as simple as they seem.

Escape PodEscape Pod #055 Down Memory Lane
By Mike Resnick; Read by Alex Wilson
Podcaster: Escape Pod
Podcast: May 26th 2006
Escape Pod editor Steve Eley picked this story along with 3 other Hugo nominated short stories for podcast in the Spring of 2006. The podcast of this story has lead to a successful movie rights purchase for Resnick.

Escape PodEscape Pod #073 Barnaby In Exile
By Mike Resnick; Read by Paul Fischer
Podcaster: Escape Pod
Podcast: September 28th 2006
Editor Steve Eley picked this melancholic tale for podcast. The story is reminiscent of Pat Murphy‘s classic Rachel In Love.

Science Fiction Audiobook - Kirinyaga by Mike ResnickKirinyaga: A Fable of Utopia
By Mike Resnick; Read by Paul Michael Garcia
8 CDs or 1 MP3 CD – 10 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2006
ISBN: 9780786167906 (CD), 9780786174218 (MP3-CD)

Science Fiction Audiobook - Kirinyaga by Mike ResnickBirthright: The Book Of Man
By Mike Resnick; Read by Adams Morgan
11 CDs or 1 MP3 CD – Approx. 13 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2006
ISBN: 0786192941 (CD), 0786190531 (MP3-CD)
“Birthright: The Book of Man is a brilliant novel of science fiction that carefully constructs a blueprint of mankind’s history—social, political, economic, scientific, and religious—for the next 18,000 years.”

Audiobook - We Could Do Worse: A Millennial Collection of Alternate HistoriesWe Could Do Worse: A Millennial Collection of Alternate Histories
Edited by Martin Greenberg; Read by various narrators
4 Cassettes – 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Dove Audio
Published: 1999
ISBN: 0787119024
Includes as story called Over There by Mike Resnick, read by William Windom

Interviews with Mike Resnick:

Recorded at Chi-Con 2000 |MP3|
Recorded at ConJose 2002 |MP3|
Recorded at WindyCon 2006 |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Time Traveler becomes CONTRIBUTING EDITOR for SFFaudio

SFFaudio News

The Time Traveler Stop the Time Machine! I’m getting off. That could be taken more than one way, but we won’t go there (vibrations and all that).

Jesse Willis has asked me to join as a contributing editor. Obviously he thinks since I’m a time traveler, I’m a master of time. Also obviously, he’s insane. Because after I told him I had a day job, a family with little ones, a podcast, a business, and already a reviewer for, he still wanted me on board. Since time travel obviously addles the mind, I said in my dopiest voice “Okay!” Jesse suggested to try it on a trial basis to the first of the year. But unless the time patrol catches up to me, I’ll be around for a lot longer. Since Scott Danielson, co-creator of SFFaudio decided to depart this site, and Jesse hasn’t learned how to clone himself, yet; I’m here to step up and lend a hand.

Actually, I’m thrilled! This has been my home on the net for awhile now, and it just gets better and better, don’t you think? My first task as an editor is the receiver of review materials. Yes, I get to get the audiobooks to distribute to our legion of reviewers (well several anyways). If you have materials to be reviewed please contact me at [email protected]. Jesse and I are discussing some really exciting future content for this site. We hope you check back often, encourage you to use the RSS news feed, and find the best listens in Science Fiction and Fantasy audio.

Oh yeah! Since the time patrol is breathing down my back, I’ve created a shtick that I’m just as chronologically challenged as the rest of you. Some of you might think this as a shtick within a shtick, which is like a time paradox wrapped in an enigma. Anyways, under this new alias, you can call me Rick.