Mortal Ghost by L. Lee Lowe a new YA Fantasy Podcast Novel

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast Novel - Mortal GhostFinally, someone has named the main character of their Young Adult Fantasy novel after me! I knew it would happen sooner or later. Now even if my name was not the inspiration – but really, how can we doubt it – we should all probably check out the pilot podcast for Mortal Ghost a new novel by L. Lee Lowe. The first episode is now available for online listening or direct download |MP3|. It is read by a young theatre student from the UK. Regular podcasting should begin in January 2007. Here’s the description:

It’s a fiery hot summer, and sixteen-year-old Jesse is on the run. An oddly gifted boy, he arrives in a new city where the direction of his life is about to change. He’s hungry and lonely and desperate – and beset by visions of a stranger who is being brutally tortured. And then there are Jesse’s own memories of a fire…

Now that sounds hot! find out for yourself, subscribe to the podcast feed:

CBC Radio One’s The Best Of Ideas Podcast has The Fir Tree by Hans Christian Anderson

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - CBC Radio One - The Best Of IdeasCBC Radio One‘s program IDEAS is my favorite Canadian daily radio show, its podcast, The Best Of Ideas is five times too infrequent for me – at just once a week – but it isn’t often enough that I get a chance to talk about it. Thankfully the host, Paul Kennedy, has syndicated his reading Hans Christian Anderson’s Christmas classic The Fir Tree (a Danish fairy storie) in the latest podcast. This is a delightfully melancholic tale that is eminently suitable for listening to after the event of Xmas itself.

I won’t provide a link to a direct download on this one (though you can find it here) because I’d like to try to convince you of keeping The Best Of Ideas in your podcatcher, the show is just that good:

Billibub Baddings Podcast Novel– Special Preview

SFFaudio Online Audio

{Podcast / Podiobook - Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword by Tee MorrisA special preview by Tee Morris of his book, Billibub Baddings And The Case Of The Singing Sword. This podcast novel is scheduled to appear on Podiobooks in February. But Tee is giving a special holiday gift to his fans.

Tee’s podcast The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy is offering up this 53:22 beginning of this podcast novel with a Dwarf named Billibub Baddings in gangland Chicago.

Download the [MP3]

or subscribe to the The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy by pasting this line in your favorite podcatching device:

Audible Daily Deal is The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold

SFFaudio News has posted a daily special ($9.95) on Lois McMaster Bujold’s The Vor Game. This was a Hugo award winner (“Best Novel of 1991”), and we reviewed it last year. It was also a 2005 Audie Award Nominee.

Here’s the outline:

Miles Vorkosigan graduates from the Barrayaran Military Academy with high expectations of ship command, but is disappointed with an assignment as meteorologist to Lazkowski Base, an arctic training camp. His tenure in the windy, snow-covered north is cut short when Miles narrowly averts a massacre between the trigger-happy base commander and mutinous recruits. After a brief stay under ‘house arrest’, Miles is re-assigned to investigate a suspicious military build-up near a wormhole nexus. Reviving his undercover persona as mercenary Admiral Miles Naismith, his routine information-gathering duty expands to a rescue mission when the Emperor of Barrayar disappears during a political conference on a nearby space station. Miles must use his considerable negotiating skills to avoid a showdown between competing powers for control of the wormhole, find the Emperor, and watch his back for the arctic base commander seeking bloody vengeance.

Second Shift podcast offers Limited Edition hardcopy

SFFaudio News

Second Shift PodcastThe folks at Second Shift , a super-fun original audio drama series, have released a “limited edition” three-CD set of the first five episodes of their first season! These are regular audio cds and can be played on any CD player – but added to them are bonus features you can access on your computer. Each of the Limited Edition CDs is signed by the cast and crew, and is individually numbered up to #40. Proceeds go to supporting the show!

Second Shift The Beginning

Second Shift is the tale of three college students who, while waiting in line for the opening of the latest genre blockbuster movie, are transported into a fantasy world where magic works, at least sometimes.

If you’re too poor to pony up the $12.00 then just plop this feed into your podcatcher and listen the free way:

Podiobooks posts Badge Of Infamy by Lester del Rey

SFFaudio Online Audio has just posted up the first 10 chapters of Steven H. Wilson’s reading of Badge Of Infamy by Lester del Rey. There are a total of 15 chapters in this 1957 novel. When it is completed it will be another entry in the SFFaudio “Make An Audiobook, Win An Audiobook Challenge.”

This short novel was originally published in Satellite Science Fiction in June of 1957. It first appeared in book form in 1963, and still later in 1973 as a Ace Double paired with another now public domain del Rey novel The Sky is Falling.

Badge Of Infamy
By Lester del Rey; Read by Steven H. Wilson

Daniel Feldman was a doctor once. He made the mistake of saving a friend’s life in violation of Medical Lobby rules. Now, he’s a pariah, shunned by all, forbidden to touch another patient. But things are more loose on Mars. There, Doc Feldman is welcomed by the colonists, even as he’s hunted by the authorities. But, when he discovers a Martian plague may soon wipe out humanity on two planets, the authorities begin hunting him for a different reason altogether.

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