Three MP3s of panels from The 59th World Science Fiction Convention

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Millennium Philcon (the 2001 World Science Fiction Convention)The Millennium PhilCon (the 2001 World Science Fiction Convention) ran from August 30, 2001 – September 3, 2001 in Philadelphia, PA. The Millennium PhilCon was “an interesting, fun, five days of panels, dialogues, game shows, readings and a few surprises along the way.” If you missed it you can still attend a few panels via these MP3 archives:

The Science We Don’t Understand
Panelists: Catherine Asaro, John Ashmead, John G. Cramer (M), Howard Davidson, Dave Kratz
|MP3| – 50 minutes [CONVENTION PANEL]
CONVENTION: WorldCon #59
HELD: Saturday September 1st 2001 – 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Science usually focuses on new discoveries and new understanding. But what have we left out? Where are the holes in our knowledge? What are the things we DON’T understand in physics, astronomy, biology, and mathematics?

So What Happened to Clavius Base? Why 2001 Is Nothing Like 2001
Panelists: Stephen Baxter, Michael F. Flynn, Daniel Hatch, Tim Kyger (M), Geoffrey A. Landis
|MP3| – 60 minutes [CONVENTION PANEL]
CONVENTION: WorldCon #59
HELD: Saturday September 1st 2001 – 6:00pm – 7:00pm
Panel discussion of the lack of 2001: A Space Odyssey in the actual year 2001.

The Phlogiston Belt: Changing Science And The Hard SF Writer
Panelists: Stephen Baxter, Jack McDevitt (M), Derryl Murphy, Larry Niven, Stanley Schmidt
|MP3| – 50 minutes [CONVENTION PANEL]
CONVENTION: WorldCon #59
HELD: Sunday September 2nd 2001 – 2:00pm -3:00pm
Hard SF writers discuss the troubles and challenges of seeing real science invalidate their stories. Of particular focus are stories about the Solar System and atomic physics.

StarShipSofa Podcast covers James Tripree Jr.

SFFaudio Online Audio

Starship Sofa PodcastStarshipSofa , the terrific U.K. podcast that specializes in Science Fiction authors has one heck of a show there. The hosts, Tony and Ciaran, have an especially crackin’ show this week, one that I am truly chuffed to tell you about. On offer today is a show on James Tiptree Jr. (AKA Alice Sheldon), a writer who lived a very extraordinary life. As the boys say, she “blazed across the Science Fiction skies” with her short stories of the 1970s. And stay tuned for her shocking ending!

Download the show direct |MP3| or subscribe to the feed:

And don’t forget to revisit their earlier subjects:

Show # 1: Classic Author: Alfred Bester |MP3|
Show # 2: Classic Author: John Brunner |MP3|
Show # 3: Classic Author: Algis Budrys |MP3|
Show # 4: Classic Author: Cordwainer Smith |MP3|
Show # 5: Classic Author: Stanislaw Lem |MP3|
Show # 6: Classic Film: Dark Star |MP3|
Show # 7: Classic Author: Philip K. Dick (Part 1) |MP3|
Show # 8: Classic Author: Philip K. Dick (Part 2) |MP3|
Show # 9: Classic Author: Philip K. Dick (Part 3) |MP3|
Show # 10: Classic Film: Capricorn One |MP3|
Show # 11: Classic Author: Henry Kuttner |MP3|
Show # 12: Classic Author: Robert Silverberg |MP3|
Show # 13: Classic Author: Joe Haldeman |MP3|
Show # 14: Classic Author: L. Ron Hubbard |MP3|
Show # 15: Classic Author: Harlan Ellison |MP3|
Show # 16: Classic Author: Douglas Adams (Part 1) |MP3|
Show # 17: Classic Author: Douglas Adams (Part 2) |MP3|
Show # 18: Classic Author: Robert Sheckley |MP3|
Show # 19: Classic Author: Roger Zelazny |MP3|
Show # 20: Classic Author: Iian M. Banks |MP3|
Show # 21: Classic Author: Ursula K. LeGuin |MP3|
Show # 22: Christmas Special Part 1 |MP3| & 2 |MP3|
Show # 23: Email Show |MP3|

BBC7’s The 7th Dimension re-airs I Am Legend

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7’s The Seventh Dimension is rebroadcasting their unabridged reading of Richard Matheson’s classic 1954 novel I Am Legend! This mournful tale combines Science Fiction, Horror and Noir. It is, simply put, awesome.

When Robert Neville finds he is immune to the plague that has decimated the Earth’s population, he encounters unimaginable evil as he searches for a cure.

The reading starts Thursday January 11th 2007 at 6.30pm UK time. With a repeat at 12:30am that evening. Look for following episodes for the next eight weekday evenings. The narrator is Angus MacInnes, you may recognize his voice as that of Gold Leader from the original Star Wars movie. [LISTEN TO A CLIP]

ARTC Podcast does a Lovecraft Dramatization

SFFaudio Online Audio

ARTC PodcastThe Atlanta Radio Theater Company has added an audio adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s The Colour Out of Space to their podcast feed. This is an archive recording of their live performance done at the 2006
DragonCon in Atlanta, GA!

First published in 1927, in an issue of Amazing Stories, The Colour Out of Space is the tale of a Boston surveyor who discovers a horrific patch of land near Arkham, Mass. The area in question is completely devoid of all life!

Check out this shot from the performance, sharp eyed readers will spot Richard Hatch, the original Battlestar Galactica Apollo, sitting at the far left!

ARTC @ DragonCon 2006

Download the performance HERE, or subscribe to the feed:

Podcast Drama: Silent Universe Episode 5 Released

SFFaudio Online Audio

Silent Universe J. Marcus Xavier’s Silent Universe, is a hot audio drama podcast. The latest show, Episode 5, has been released! In it “Kostya Abramov’s plans unfold, sweeping the unwitting members of Serendipity into a conspiracy larger than any of them can yet imagine.”

As is now standard with the Silent Universe you can get the episode via direct download |MP3|, via the free standard podcast or you can get a CD-quality sound stereo edition for just $2.49 USD. A season discount package is available too.

Here’s the free podcast feed:

Commentary: Movies are good for audiobooks

SFFaudio Commentary

Neato! There’s a new unabridged Philip K. Dick audiobook coming this spring. And these Members Only jacket-wearing men are largely responsible… do you recognize them?

Ridley Scott and Philip K. Dick

Yup, that’s Ridley Scott on the left, and Philip K. Dick on the right, a shot taken during post-production on Blade Runner. The audiobook will be a movie-tie-in novel. No it isn’t 25 years late, this one’s tied-in to the re-release of the original 1982 Blade Runner (which is presumably coming early summer 2007).

As a curiosity, back when the film was in production Dick was offered a ‘ton’ of money from the studio’s marketing department to either re-novelize his novel — that is to make it more closely match the film — or in lieu of that, to allow someone else to do it for him. Dick turned down the offer, and all the money that would have gone with it, and instead insisted that his original 1968 novel Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep be the official movie-tie-in novel for the original release – either it would be his original book, or none at all – that was his stance. Still and all, the audiobook industry was in its infancy back then and no audiobook version was done at the time.

Audibook - Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. DickMore trivia, in 1995 Time Warner Audiobooks (now Hachette Audio) released a 2 cassette abridged reading of Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? by Calista Flockhart and Matthew Modine. It was a nice enough reading, except for it being so savagely abridged. It is still available via Audible, this makes it one of the very few audiobooks still “in print” after 10 years.

Nearly thirty years after it was released as a paperbook novel it looks like we’re finally going to get the real deal in audio here are the details as we have them so far…

Blade Runner (aka Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep)
By Philip K. Dick; Read by ????
? CDs – ? Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Random House Audio
PUBLICATION DATE: April 10, 2007
ISBN: 0739342754
It was January 2021, and Rick Deckard had a license to kill. Somewhere among the hordes of humans out there, lurked several rogue androids. Deckard’s assignment–find them and then…”retire” them. Trouble was, the androids all looked exactly like humans, and they didn’t want to be found!

What’s also kind of neat, this movie-tie in audiobook deal is becoming something of a trend, especially for Dick. A new Philip K. Dick movie (or in this case an old one) produces a new unabridged audiobook of the source material. Consider the following:
FILM: Minority Report (2002) – AUDIOBOOK: Collection release
FILM: Paycheck (2003) – AUDIOBOOK: Unabridged Cassette
FILM: A Scanner Darkly (2006) – AUDIOBOOK: Unabridged CD
FILM: Blade Runner (2007 rerelease) – AUDIOBOOK: Unabridged CD

FILM: Next (2007) – AUDIOBOOK:

As noted on my checklist above another PKD movie, called Next, is in the works. It takes its inspiration from a Dick story called The Golden Man, which has never before been released as an audiobook. No word on whether or not it will be, but I’d be guessing yes. PKD is a cash-cow. Because of all that studio advertising, the audiobook is essentially a sure-thing.

Oh and fellow reviewers…. I call dibs on reviewing the first audiobook copy we receive of Random House Audio’s Blade Runner! nyah nyah!