HARD SF novelette from Asimov’s as a Podcast

Online Audio

Under The Graying Sea is a HARD SF novelette which appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine in February, 2006. Here’s the teaser:

Tessa and her partner Loránd are on a maintenance mission: Enter a man-made wormhole. Fortuitously, the two pilots’ bodies have been reinforced to withstand up to 24 gravities each. But a malfunction causes life-threatening injuries to Loránd. Stranded over two light years from Earth and forced to wait for their return window, Tessa keeps herself busy by checking the wormhole anchor, only to discover that multiple and unexpected course adjustments have been made.

Science Fiction podcast, audiobook, podiobook - Under The Graying Sea by Jonathan SherwoodUnder The Graying Sea
By Jonathan Sherwood; Read by Mur Lafferty
3 MP3s – Approx. 72 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Jonathan Sherwood’s Gramophiction
Podcast: January 2007

Download the complete novelette directly, PART 1 |MP3| PART 2 |MP3| PART 3 |MP3|, or if you’d prefer to get the podcast, plug this feed into your podcatcher:


If you like the story, you can vote for it on Asimov’s 2006 survey which runs until February 1st 2007.

Review of The Stonehenge Gate by Jack Williamson

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - The Stonehenge Gate by Jack Williamson, read by Harlan EllisonThe Stonehenge Gate
By Jack Williamson; Read by Harlan Ellison
7 CDs – 8.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2006
ISBN: 9780786146550 (Cassette), 9780786174119 (MP3-CD), 9780786167784 (CD)
Themes: / Science Fiction / Stargate / Journey / Slavery / Evolution / Aliens /

Click here for audio sample.

This is Jack Williamson’s last book, at least it’s the last book published in his lifetime. The man has had a long career, a very long career. Jack’s first story was published in the fairly new Amazing Stories in 1928. Jack has been able to adapt his fiction to the changing and maturing literature that we call Science Fiction, again and again.

One admirable quality of Jack’s work that remained consistent over the nine decades in which he wrote, was his ability to tell a good yarn. His stories can always hold your attention, and he never forgot to have a beginning, middle and an end. This may sound like a trait that all writers should have, but it is really not the case. This always kept Jack’s works above the average SF writer.

In The Stonehenge Gate, we have four poker buddies that find a gateway into other worlds. The four characters are academics who are excavating a site under the sands of the Sahara. Will is an English Professor who narrates the story. Ram is an African professor who has a strange birthmark that mimics the shape of the Stonehenge Gate that they find. Stranger still is that the birthmark seems to be hereditary.

They soon pass into many new worlds throughout this novel. The majority of the novel takes place in a world inhabited by a preindustrial society with institutionalized black slavery. The characters have to grapple with functioning in this world while supporting abolishinest causes. There’s a dark quality to this part of the journey that has more than a passing nod to Joseph Conrad’s Heart Of Darkness.

Harlan Ellison’s narration is spectacular. This is likely the only audiobook that is written by one SF Grand Master and read by another. Of course, there aren’t any SF Grandmaster’s that have also won an Audie award like Harlan has. Harlan throws himself into his acting. He’s energized and seems to be convincingly living the parts he’s portraying to a greater degree than can be said of most voice actors.

How does this book stack up against the rest of the Williamson cannon? I don’t believe this is one of Jack’s best books nor one of his lesser efforts. Placing it somewhere in the middle. But in the case of Jack, that’s a pretty damn good book.

Radio station KFAI axes Modern Audio Drama

SFFaudio News

KFAI Community Radio, Minneapolis and St. Paul, MNRoy, our U.K. correspondent writes in to lament the imminent cancellation of Jerry Stearns’ Sound Affects: A Radio Playground from Minneapolis/St. Paul station KFAI‘s schedule.

I couldn’t believe it so I went and checked myself. HORROR of horrors Roy is right, there is a small note on Jerry Stearns’ website noting that Sound Affects is set to be terminated in March 2007.

It seems that KFAI has decided that “there is no audience for audio theatre”!!!

Programs aired on Sound Affects just in the past year have included:

Anne Manx On Amazonia which we called “…funny, action-packed, and touching.”

The Red Panda Adventures which we said was “…a super-fun diversion delivered in delicious half-hour doses. “

The Adventures Of Red Cloud which we described as “very entertaining.”

-The Parsec Award nominated Falcon Banner series.

The Last Harbinger which we said was “setting the highest of standards for fantastic audio drama.”

Roy writes “This is rather sad and alarming. I keep a close eye on this website as it is one of the best sources for ‘New Time’ SF/Fantasy productions and often comes up with things that I have not found elsewhere. It will be greatly missed.”

If you too are Sound Affects listener, and think that they are making a mistake, send the station’s Program Director, Dan Richmond, an email and let him know your feelings on the subject! He can be reached at: [email protected]

BBC Radio 4: Brian Aldiss chooses his Desert Island music / Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde RADIO DRAMA

Online Audio

Online AudioRoy, our UK correspondent, has written int to remind me of a repeat broadcast of Desert Island Discs (a show in which celebrities list and discuss their favorite music) that will be airing on Friday (Feb. 2nd @ 9:00am) with guest of Science Fiction author Brian Aldiss. Guests of the show are asked to choose the eight records they would take with them to a desert island. Due to music rights issues this show is NOT AVAILABLE through the ‘Listen Again’ service, so one has to ‘tune in’ or listen via live stream RealAudio.

In more straightforward listening, Roy also tells us that a new production of a new adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s proto-Science Fiction story The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde that will be upcoming on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Saturday Play‘ slot…

Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson; Performed by a FULL CAST
Radio Broadcast – Approx. 60 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: Saturday February 3rd 2007 @ 14:30 (U.K. Time)

And, you can look for this one on the ‘Listen Again‘ feature the day after it airs.

New Hampshire Public Radio on Speculative Fiction with James Patrick Kelly

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio New Hampshire Public RadioLiz Bulkley of New Hampshire Public Radio‘s The Front Porch show recently ran a profile of “Speculative Fiction.” Guests include New Hampshire residents and writers James Patrick Kelly and Maren Tirabassi. Download the 30 minute|MP3|!

“Science Fiction writers and readers often make big distinctions between the subgenres within their craft. We’re going to explore part of that world tonight with authors James Patrick Kelly and Maren Tirabassi. Kelly’s newest book Burn has been nominated for a Nebula Award by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Maren Tirabassi is a former poet laureate of Portsmouth, a pastor in the United Church of Christ, and the author or editor of eleven books. She presents programs as part of the New Hampshire Humanities Council on ‘Faith and Fantastic Fiction.'”

[via SF Signal]

7th Son Book 2 Deceit set to conclude in March

SFFaudio News

7th Son Book II: Deceit, the second book in J.C. Hutchins‘ popular podcast novel series is set to conclude in March. To get you juiced about subscribing there will be celebrity cameos for each installment culled from the realms of Science Fiction publishing and television. Each episode a guest reader will recap the novel’s previous events, bringing listeners up to date on the story so far. Guest recappers will include authors Nick Sagan, Kevin J. Anderson, Alan Dean Foster, Cory Doctorow, Helen Keier and actress Gigi Edgley!

Subscribe by plopping this link into your podcatcher:
